"David G. Johnston" writes:
> I did a read through of the patch and I like it; though I suggest changing
> "but non-NULL" to "while non-NULL".
Done that way, thanks.
regards, tom lane
Note that it is in general not necessary for the referencing column to
be NULLABLE. If you defer the constraint checking, you can insert a
cyclic structure. Of course, it's no longer a tree then.
The tutorial-ness of the documentation was already pointed out and I
don't think it needs to be said t
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 10:33 AM Tom Lane wrote:
> I'm inclined to propose adding an example a little further down, as
> per the attached draft patch. This wouldn't help people who stop
> reading after the section's first sentence, but we can't cover
> everything in the first sentence.
PG Doc comments form writes:
> In Section 5.4.5 of the documentation regarding Foreign Key Constraints it
> is stated
> "A foreign key constraint specifies that the values [...] must match the
> values appearing in some row of another table."
> But referencing the same table is allowed and necessa
The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:
Page: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/ddl-constraints.html
In Section 5.4.5 of the documentation regarding Foreign Key Constraints it
is stated
"A foreign key constraint specifies that the values [...] must