hash and array variables vs. references

2001-06-08 Thread Mark J. Reed
old). Thank you for your time. -- Mark J. REED<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Embrace polymorphic builtins, for they are cool.

2001-06-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
ect to do it by setting the read-only attribute on that variable, which I would further expect to do the same way I would set any other attribute at any other time. Orthogonality has its good points, even in Perl; you just shouldn't be afraid to veer off diagonally when it makes sense. I don&

Re: Multiple classifications of an object

2001-06-27 Thread Mark J. Reed
.ISA property, if we toss the > > per-class @ISA > > I certainly like the idea of instance-level inheritance (since > it's the only way to go in prototype-based OO), but I hope we > wouldn't sacrifice class-level inheritance for it. > We could have both, right? We could let classes be first-class > objects, eh? > > -- > John Porter -- Mark J. REED<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Multiple classifications of an object

2001-06-27 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 03:07:36PM -0400, John Porter wrote: > Mark J. Reed wrote: > > ... be sure that "Perl stays Perl". > > Eh, puke. I'm sorry? If you don't like Perl as it is, why do you care what happens to it in the future? But the RFC on Perl remaini

Re: 'We already have a "sub" keyword'

2001-06-27 Thread Mark J. Reed
ap nicely if they were inheritable. Maybe "inheritable" could be a settable property of properties? -- Mark J. REED<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter. -- Blaise Pascal

Re: Per-object inheritance in core a red herring?

2001-07-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
; Dan Sugalski even samurai > [EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even > teddy bears get drunk -- Mark J. REED<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Special variables

2001-07-13 Thread Mark J. Reed
conflation of names in typeglobs, though I find it odd that nobody ever made a special case to disallow them in Perl5. Of course, most global magic variables are going away, anyway, but I think $n for regexes is remaining, right? -- Mark J. REED<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: array/hash manipulation [was :what's with 'with'?]

2001-07-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
ig improvement over the current version: while (my ($key, $val) = each %my_hash) { ... } -- Mark J. REED<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: array/hash manipulation [was :what's with 'with'?]

2001-07-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
Well, other than the fact that the while(each) doesn't do aliasing. Since that would be the whole point, ignore that last message. On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 01:21:57PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote: > On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 11:17:13AM -0600, Sterin, Ilya wrote: > > But this will be f

Dumb doc question...

2006-08-16 Thread Mark J. Reed
...which I would have thought was a faq; maybe I just haven't found the right faq list... Where can I find a pod2html that groks the p6 version of POD? I want to format my fresh-from-svn copies of the doc... -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: === and array-refs

2006-08-17 Thread Mark J. Reed
eferencing as long as the referent is anonymous, and no dereferencing if the referent is a named variable? That doesn't seem like a common enough case to warrant sugar to me; what am I missing? -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Invocant name in S12

2006-08-17 Thread Mark J. Reed
tional; and then later on in the context of attributes it uses "self" as if it's already been talked about, but I can't find an introduction of the term anywhere... -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: multi-line comments, C macros, & Pod abuse

2006-08-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
; it's treated as a single-line comment. You need to put something before the # on the line. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

pugs: rw block parameters

2006-08-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
"haven't gotten around to rw parameters in blocks yet" or a regression? -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pair of lists => list of pairs?

2006-08-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
= @k [=>] @v; -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Pair of lists => list of pairs?

2006-08-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
he "any old" kind.) -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My first functional perl6 program

2006-08-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
friendly strings out of it. This was much more natural. (Speaking of which, pugs apparently doesn't have C as a global function, only the .trans method) It does sadden me somewhat that the say() requires the parens (or an explicit $_ etc). But I'll live. :) (The key above is for today's Order of the Stick, btw.) -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: My first functional perl6 program

2006-08-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 8/23/06, Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: my %trans = ('a'..'z') »=>« ('?' xx 26); Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I should theoretically be able to use xx * there, thus creating a lazily-evaluated infinitely-long list of question marks? -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: My first functional perl6 program

2006-08-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
output. And if I try .trans: $ pugs -e '$_ = "foo"; say .trans(o=>0)' *** No compatible subrountine found: "&trans" at -e line 1, column 13-31 But in any clase I'm glad it's merely an implementation bug rather than specced behavior. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: My first functional perl6 program

2006-08-24 Thread Mark J. Reed
erfectly clear what that means. Fpr example, $foo xx * creates a(n infinite) list which contains $foo at every position no matter how high a position you ask for . . . -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: My first functional perl6 program

2006-08-24 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 8/24/06, Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: e.g. q(a b) >>=><< (1,2,3,4) would return (a=>1, b=>2, undef=>3, undef=>4). or rather, it would if I'd typed qw(a b) as I intended. One other point: while I agree that we should shield the programmer a

Re: Pugs bugs

2006-08-24 Thread Mark J. Reed
o works because parens were the old way of hiding pairs from being named parameters OK, I see those in S06 now. And may I say . . . urk! But I'll say no more, as that is a design topic, and as such fodder for an entirely different mailing list. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: clarifying the spec for 'ref'

2006-08-24 Thread Mark J. Reed
rt matching with ~~ would be the usual way to go, I suppose you could also do an explicit equality check with .^/.META... -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: pugs: rw block parameters

2006-08-24 Thread Mark J. Reed
That may be what you fixed; I haven't built r12675 yet to see. But it's not what I thought the problem was. :) -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pugs bugs

2006-08-24 Thread Mark J. Reed
Is there a repository of current known bugs with pugs, like there is with Parrot? I'm just starting and don't want to point out things that are already known. I just built Pugs fresh from SVN on four different platforms (Win32, Solaris, OS X Panther, and OS X Tiger) and noticed these things cons

Re: pugs: rw block parameters

2006-08-24 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 8/24/06, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 05:01:43PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote: : Sorry if this is a known question, but I didn't see it mentioned in the : recent archive or FAQ. : : for ($a, $b) { $_ = ... } : : gives me a "Can't modif

Re: clarifying the spec for 'ref'

2006-08-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
*. I think the justification for Luke's POV is the number of operations each class provides. But my perspective agrees with Juerd - subclasses can remove functionality as well as adding it, and I definitely view "constant" as an add-on modifier, not a default that has to be overr

Dumb Configure.pl question

2006-08-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
fig, so it's not coming from there... Anyway, the reason C++ isn't linking is that it needs some libraries that aren't included in the Perl5 $libs, and I can't figure out how to get Configure.pl to add to that. I would expect it to honor LDFLAGS or LIBPATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something... -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Dumb Configure.pl question

2006-08-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
ldflags=(flags)Use the given loader flags for shared libraries --lex=(lexer)Use the given lexical analyzer generator --yacc=(parser) Use the given parser generator Hope this helps. On Aug 25, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Mark J. Reed wrote: > I'm trying to build parrot

Re: pugs: rw block parameters

2006-08-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 8/24/06, Audrey Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Mark, can you add a test to t/statements/for.t? A commit bit is on its way to your inbox. :-) Done. Tests 37 (implicit "rw $_") and 38 (explicit "-> $x is rw") add to for.t as of r12968. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: clarifying the spec for 'ref'

2006-08-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
able expectations. You can be paranoid about it if you want, but it's not a very Perlish form of paranoia. (Yes, there are Perlish forms of paranoia. Taintedness checking, for instance...) -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: clarifying the spec for 'ref'

2006-08-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
OK, I admit I wasn't thinking about things from a DBC perspective, and misunderstood "DBC" to be a reference to some database module. I here am new and I didn't have context. My bad. But if we're talking design-by-contract, I don't see how "Array is Array::Const" can work, either, since I consi

Re: clarifying the spec for 'ref'

2006-08-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 8/25/06, Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I here am new and I didn't have context. Well, technically, I here am not new; I've been here since before Apoc 1. But I hadn't been paying close attention for a while until recently. :) Either way, I didn't get

Where to put test for tr///?

2006-08-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
s before diving in. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Same-named arguments

2006-08-27 Thread Mark J. Reed
o support perl5 calling semantics, I'd prefer a mechanism for asking for that explicitly in the signature rather than jumping through hoops to support it by default. Perhaps there could be a rule that, in the absence of a slurpy hash declaration, any trailing Pairs are scanned for matches to named parameters? -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Classes / roles as sets / subsets

2006-08-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
;m American; make that "executable math". ) I think it's certainly closer than Perl6 will be. And yet, for all the talk about "line noise", APL makes even the worst perl3 code look positively legible by comparison. :) -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: #ParrotSketch Meeting 29AUG06

2006-08-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
d Firefox/Mac... and it's not just me... On 8/29/06, Will Coleda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Transcript now available at: http://www.parrotcode.org/misc/parrotsketch-logs/ irclog.parrotsketch-200608/irclog.parrotsketch.20060829 -- Will "Coke" Coleda [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: #ParrotSketch Meeting 29AUG06

2006-08-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
the browser" isn't an option in the resulting dialog. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Proposed patch

2006-08-30 Thread Mark J. Reed
align', has_dynamic_linking => 1, # XXX when built against a dynamic libparrot installable_parrot records -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Proposed patch

2006-08-30 Thread Mark J. Reed
t just break recently?? Not that I see any problem applying this patch, regardless. On Aug 30, 2006, at 4:55 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote: > Currently compilation fails on OS X with gcc/g++, because "-bundle" > as the > first argument gets interpreted as a request to run the "undle&qu

Re: PMC Methods, Inheritance, and User-visible Classes

2006-08-30 Thread Mark J. Reed
question of backward compatibility. I also really hate the HTML-multivalued-input-names-have-[] hack. And I'm not fond of the "arrays are just hashes with numeric keys" philosophy (which it shares with JavaScript). But other than that, I love PHP. ;-) -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Naming the method form of s///

2006-08-31 Thread Mark J. Reed
ot;replace" would be a better name, even though it breaks the mnemonic association with s///? -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Naming the method form of s///

2006-08-31 Thread Mark J. Reed
n't think substitution belongs in a smart match op. Well, that's the reason for the method version in perl6. Which, AFAICT, returns the new string instead of the Match object, which is as it should be. The only thing I don't like is the name. :) -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: C outside of C

2006-09-07 Thread Mark J. Reed
tically at least). So I don't see a need for a specific restriction on the use of "when". -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: renaming "grep" to "where"

2006-09-19 Thread Mark J. Reed
also happens to use map and closures. There's nothing terribly confusing or intimidating about grep itself apart from the name; "find all items in this list matching blah" is pretty straightforward functionality. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: renaming "grep" to "where"

2006-09-19 Thread Mark J. Reed
ot; to do a "grep -v" (cf. "if !" vs "unless"). But I'd accept "filter", too. I definitely vote C, though. No aliases in the core, but no reason not to include modules in the standard set that provide some. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: renaming "grep" to "where"

2006-09-19 Thread Mark J. Reed
ed. Indeed. Ruby also has "select" (an alias for "find_all"); as indicated in my last message, that's my new favorite name for this method (second only to keeping "grep"). -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: renaming "grep" to "where"

2006-09-19 Thread Mark J. Reed
s in to grep can have other side effects, which may not have an "opposite", but that's to me a separate issue). Also, how is grep intended to work in P6? I had just sort of assumed that it took any sort of value as a criterion and smart-matched against it, but pugs currently requires a block... -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dumb list-flattening question.

2006-09-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
TECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]), then what do we call what the \ is doing there, now that references are supposed to be a behind-the-scenes automagical thing? -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Dumb list-flattening question.

2006-09-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
Mark J. Reed wrote: > Ok, I dkimmed through the synopses again and didn't see this offhand. That's what I get for dkimming instead of reading. Or even skimming. OK, so "Capture objects fill the ecological niche of references in Perl 6." Got it. Perhaps we should

Re: Captures: Synopsis update

2006-09-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
you have exactly the same ambiguity there: $o.a%$b $o.a % $b $o.a %$b -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Captures: Synopsis update

2006-09-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
f that particular ambiguity in Perl 6. Thank you, design team. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: RFC: multi assertions/prototypes: a step toward programming by contract

2006-09-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
way around. "package" is Perl 5, because that's the P5 keyword, and seeing a "package" declaration is an indicator to Perl6 that the file it's processing is written in P5. In P6, there are both "module"s and "class"es, but no "package"s other than those inherited from P5 code.. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: RFC: multi assertions/prototypes: a step toward programming by contract

2006-09-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 9/29/06, Jonathan Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: And here I thought you were a responsible, law-abiding citizen... :P And so it begins. I daresay there will be no shortage of jokes among P6ers about "does Hash" ... -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Hash composers and code blocks

2006-10-05 Thread Mark J. Reed
something go awry in the email encoding (possibly on my end)? -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [perl #40543] [NEW] Test for space after curly braces

2006-10-16 Thread Mark J. Reed
ewline? That was exactly my thought when I read Paul's message Death to trailing whitespace! -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [perl #40543] [NEW] Test for space after curly braces

2006-10-16 Thread Mark J. Reed
to get to the next tabstop (whose spacing you can control with the appropriately-named 'tabstop' option). Once expandtab is on, you can issue a ":retab" command to replace any existing hard tabs with spaces. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Coding Standard Questions

2006-10-17 Thread Mark J. Reed
lization on the same line right? INTVAL counter = 0; Sure. Even pre-ANSI C allows that. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: named sub-expressions, n-ary functions, things and stuff

2006-11-13 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 11/13/06, Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: - There are no Undef or NaN etc values or variables. A RDBMS language with no "null" would seem to be problematic.. although i guess you could just use 1-tuples where the empty tuple is treated as null. -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: List assignment question

2006-11-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 11/14/06, Vincent Foley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I was toying around with Pugs and I tried the following Perl 5 list assignment my ($a, undef, $b) = 1..3; Huh. I didn't think that worked in Perl 5, either. What am I misremembering? I distinctly recall having to do things like (my $a,

Re: List assignment question

2006-11-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 11/15/06, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 11/15/06, Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 11/14/06, Vincent Foley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I was toying around with Pugs and I tried the following Perl 5 list assignment > >

Re: List assignment question

2006-11-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
ah! So I'm not crazy! Necessarily, anyway. Just behind the times. Thanks, Dave! -- Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Numeric Semantics

2007-01-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
I believe mod should be defined in the conventional way: x mod y = x - floor(x/y) * y, which does yield 0.8 for 3.2 mod 2.4. However, for 3.2 mod - 2.4 it yields -1.6. To get 0.8 you would have to round toward zero instead of taking the floor, and that complicates any computation that crosses ze

Re: Perl 6 Summary

2002-07-02 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 09:56:46AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Sean O'Rourke [...] presented "a larger [grammar] that appears to > capture much more of the syntax found in Apocalypses and Exegeses > 1 - 4 (5 just scares me)." On that subject, am I correct that there is no Exegesi

Re: Perl 6, The Good Parts Version

2002-07-16 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 05:42:18PM -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote: > I don't know how Java and Python handle Unicode. Java has always been 100% Unicode from the ground up; it's in the spec. The fundamental char type is a 16-bit value, you can use any "letterlike" characters in identifiers, there's

Re: Perl 6, The Good Parts Version

2002-07-17 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 04:17:15PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote: > My understanding was that Unicode has now escaped the base plane (or whatever > it's called) and now has started using code points >65536. How does Java > cope with this? This is getting a little off-topic, I think. But here's a br

Re: Perl 6, The Good Parts Version

2002-07-17 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 12:13:47PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote: > I thought Java used UTF-16. It's a variable-width encoding, so it > should be fine. (Though I bet a lot of folks will be rather surprised > when it happens...) UTF-16 isn't technically a variable-width encoding, since surrogate code

Unicode 3.1, UTF-16, and Java [Re: Perl 6, The Good Parts Version]

2002-07-31 Thread Mark J. Reed
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 12:13:47PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote: > > I thought Java used UTF-16. It's a variable-width encoding, so it > > should be fine. (Though I bet a lot of folks will be rather surprised > > when it happens...) Update: Since Unicode 3.1 (3.2 is the current version), there h

Re: perl6-language@perl.org

2002-08-01 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 08:30:05AM +1000, Damian Conway wrote: > @arr[@arr.length] = $var; > > or maybe just : > > @arr[.length] = $var; > > (if an array were to be made the topic inside its own accessor brackets). I know this idea was just thrown in there, but I find that I really

Re: 'while <> {' in Perl 6

2002-08-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Sat, Aug 10, 2002 at 02:23:07AM +0800, Christian Renz wrote: > Actually, I once found myself wondering why while doesn't set $_ all > the time anyway... It would be nice to do things like Because the logic of the while construct doesn't require any connection between the condition and the topic

Re: Regular and Context-Free languages

2002-08-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 05:23:58PM -0700, Steve Fink wrote: > Wow. Since you went to the trouble of writing all this up, it really > ought to go in a FAQ somewhere. It probably already is in a FAQ somewhere; I just don't know where. :) > On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 12:05:00AM -0400

Re: Multimethod Dispatch

2002-09-04 Thread Mark J. Reed
The specific definitions of these terms vary from language to language. In Java, for instance, a method is said to be "overloaded" and/or "overridden". An "overloaded" method is actually two or more methods with the same name but differing numbers/types of parameters (which Java calls the "signa

Re: regex args and interpolation

2002-09-06 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 02:34:52PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote: > On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 10:46:24PM -0400, Ken Fox wrote: > > What is really needed is something that converts the date syntax > > to normal Perl code: > > > >rule iso_date { () - > >() - > >

Re: Suggestion for perl 6 regex syntax

2002-09-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 05:02:18PM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote: > On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 06:05, David Helgason wrote: > > > > Yeay! Golf... > > > If we are allowed to use all of perl6 in this particular (golf-)course, > > I suggest: > > Clearly I've missed a reference at some point. Presumably "

Re: RFC: [] as the solitary list constructor

2002-10-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-08 at 17:15:06, Larry Wall wrote: > Seriously, () is just a special token. We could easily have used a > special token like NULLLIST instead. What does INTERCAL use? Well, INTERCAL doesn't have lists per se, but it does have arrays, whose size is set by assignment: the lvalue is the n

Re: Draft Proposal: Declaring Classwide Attributes

2002-10-14 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-14 at 19:58:50, Piers Cawley wrote: > I would expect Class to inherit from Object (along with everything > else). It might be worth looking at a Smalltalk image or two at this > point... You might want to look at _Putting_Metaclasses_To_Work_ by Danforth and Forman - or at Ruby, which f

Re: Indeterminate math

2002-10-14 Thread Mark J. Reed
Actually, 1/0 is not NaN; it's +Infinity. You only get NaN out of dividing by 0 if the numerator is either infinite or also 0. The reason most implementations throw an error on division by 0 is that they either don't have a representation for infinity (not a problem in IEEE floating point) or t

Re: Indeterminate math

2002-10-14 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-14 at 19:48:23, Mark J. Reed wrote: > Actually, 1/0 is not NaN; it's +Infinity. You only get NaN out of > dividing by 0 if the numerator is either infinite or also 0. > The reason most implementations throw an error on division by 0 > is that they either don't

Re: Indeterminate math

2002-10-14 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-14 at 20:15:33, Michael G Schwern wrote: > There are several verbal proofs why 1/0 is not +Infinity here: > http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.divideby0.html Yeah, that would be why I sent my followup. I did not mean to imply that 1/0 is positive infinity in "real world math". How

Re: Indeterminate math

2002-10-14 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-14 at 20:49:52, Michael G Schwern wrote: > > It is also, as an example, the behavior required by the ECMAScript > > specification. > > Heh. "Because Javascript does it" is supposed to be an argument for? ;) Heh, indeed. :) But seriously, you could do worse. JavaScript receives a lot

Re: perl6 operator precedence table

2002-10-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-17 at 22:52:49, Smylers wrote: > Larry Wall wrote: > > > $a .| $b# bitwise or > > $a .! $b# bitwise xor > > On glancing down your list I initially misread the bar as an exclamation > mark. I realize that this is a sample size of one, but certainly in > this ter

Re: Radix (was Re: Perl6 Operator List)

2002-10-27 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-26 at 18:10:39, Michael Lazzaro wrote: > > Larry wrote: > > > If one were going to generalize that, one would be tempted to go the Ada > > > route of specifying the radix explicitly: Ada and others . . . ksh uses the # for this (in place of your colon below), and I seem to recall that sy

Re: Perl6 Operator List, TAKE 4

2002-10-28 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-28 at 16:39:10, brian wheeler wrote: > [The below is actually from Larry, not Michael] > > explicit radix specifications for integers: > > 0123- decimal > >2:0110- binary [also b:0110?] > >8:123 - octal [also o:123?] > >16:123

Re: Perl6 Operator List, TAKE 4

2002-10-28 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-28 at 16:54:26, Dan Sugalski wrote: > >The post that started this thread was a complaint about > >leading 0 meaning octal - which is counterintuitive to everyone the > >first time they come across it in C or Perl or Java or wherever. > > That's not entirely true. Granted the set of the

Re: Perl6 Operator List, TAKE 4

2002-10-28 Thread Mark J. Reed
> What about specifying endiannes also, or would that be too low-level > to even consider? Currently I don't have any examples for where it > might even be used... Literals are the wrong place to put that; they represent values, not storage. Endianness should generally not be visible at the lan

Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-30 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-30 at 12:23:53, David Wheeler wrote: > This tells me that Mail.app, for some reason, didn't know that it was > supposed to use UTF-8 when showing Larry's mail. When I pasted his mail > into a UTF-8 document in Emacs, it looked fine. > > Given that it's probably UTF-8 that Perl 6 sourc

Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-30 at 12:47:17, Larry Wall wrote: > (Anybody know of a version of pine that does UTF-8?) Yes - it's called mutt. ☺ Seriously, I do highly recommend switching from pine to mutt. It's not a completely painless transition, since mutt is more ELMlike than PINElike, but I know many who have

Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-31 at 12:45:23, David Wheeler wrote: > Plus, it turns out not to be at all hard to type on Mac OS X. ;-) Well, the angle quotes happen to fall within Latin-1, and so they're easier to get to. On Windows you can either set up special key mappings or just type ALT+171 for « and ALT+187 fo

Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-11-01 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-11-01 at 16:03:51, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote: > I'm not too concerned about unicode since my xterm doesn't support it > anyway =) XFree86 4.2.0 xterm does UTF-8 (when requested to do so via the -u8 flag). If course, you need a Uniciode/ISO-10646 X11 font, but there are plenty of those ar

Re: Primitive Boolean type?

2002-11-01 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 10:36 PM, Michael Lazzaro wrote: > When someone asks "what's the boolean type in Perl?" I'd rather answer > >"bit" than "Perl doesn't have one", if for no other reason than the > >latter answer will completely freak them out. :-) Why? Plenty of languages get a

Re: UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ, demos

2002-11-04 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-11-04 at 12:26:56, Austin Hastings wrote: > 1- ? and ? are really useful in my context. Okay. Now can you get your mailer to send them properly? :)

Re: list comprehensions

2002-11-06 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-11-06 at 11:43:20, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote: > > Will there be some shorter-hand way to say these? > > @a = @grades[grep $_ >= 90, @grades]; > @b = @grades[grep 80 <= $_ < 90, @grades]; > @c = @grades[grep 70 <= $_ < 80, @grades]; I think what you mean here is just

Re: Primitive Vs Object types

2002-11-07 Thread Mark J. Reed
[Recipients list trimmed back to just the list - it was getting ridiculous. So everyone will get only get one copy and it may take a tad longer to get there . . .] On 2002-11-07 at 17:07:46, Dan Sugalski wrote: > Attributes are class-specific for a variable (okay, class instance > specific, if

Re: Primitive Vs Object types

2002-11-07 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-11-07 at 15:28:14, Luke Palmer wrote: > > From: "Mark J. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > Will something like that not be possible in Perl6? > > I'm afraid that statement is false for all values

Re: String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-11-14 at 16:47:15, Michael G Schwern wrote: > "string concatenation operator - please stop" > http://archive.develooper.com/perl6-language@;perl.org/msg06710.html BTW, the first link there - to the bikeshed story - is broken. This is the correct link: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO88

Re: Unifying invocant and topic naming syntax

2002-11-19 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-11-19 at 16:44:49, Me wrote: > Elements of this shared vocabulary might be > called 'locals' or 'yours'. I like the 'yours' idea from the point of view of the callee: my $inherited = your $_; However, I also like the idea of having to mark shareable lexicals explicitly in the call

Re: In defense of zero-indexed arrays.

2002-12-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-12-06 at 17:59:33, Larry Wall wrote: > Now all we have to do is > convince everyone that the year 1 B.C. is the same as year 0 A.D., > and 2 B.C. is the same as -1 A.D., and so on. Well, since that's already true, it hopefully won't take much convincing. :) If you mean to convince the gen

Re: Array Questions

2003-01-07 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2003-01-07 at 11:31:13, Mr. Nobody wrote: > .length is unneeded, since an array gives its length in numeric context, so > you can just say +@a. Unneeded, but harmless. > grep shouldn't be an array method either, it should be > like the perl5 grep, as it is often used on lists, "grep /foo/, key

Re: L2R/R2L syntax (was Re: Everything is an object.)

2003-01-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
Let me just chime in here that I have been reading all the messages via mutt in an xterm font in which the tilde is at the top of the space, and this has in no way affected my appreciation of the new operators. I don't want them to look like arrows, because that's reminiscent of ->, which is misle

Re: L2R/R2L syntax (was Re: Everything is an object.)

2003-01-16 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2003-01-16 at 11:41:56, Dan Sugalski wrote: > And keyboards, don't forget keyboards. These pesky primitive ones we > have now would require a lot of shift-control-alt-meta-cokebottle key > sequences... Unicode may have thousands of characters, but how many of them do you think you'll use often

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