improving audio quality using skype

2006-04-28 Thread Tim Cumings
I produce a podcast in which one of the participants is using a cordless phone. Although I have a good phone interface, I'd like to improve the audio quality. I've thought of skype as a possible solution. My question is this. On the skype web site they talk about equipment which you can hook to

ozone isotope and other plug-ins

2006-04-29 Thread Tim Cumings
I recently went toa podcasting conference and one of the software plug-ins for mastering was ozone isotope, which runs under mac and pc. Has anyone tried this sioftware to determine how accessible it is? I'm looking for plug-ins that will work while recording, as just opposed to post-production.

Fw: [gwave] audio demo of goldwave tip

2006-07-07 Thread Tim Cumings
- Original Message - From: Tim Cumings To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 5:24 AM Subject: [gwave] audio demo of goldwave tip I posted a short audio demo of how to preview an edit in goldwave. To listen click on the following link. http

Fw: [gwave] audio chat tommorrow night on goldwave at blind cool tech

2006-07-07 Thread Tim Cumings
- Original Message - From: Tim Cumings To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 5:30 AM Subject: [gwave] audio chat tommorrow night on goldwave at blind cool tech I'm hosting an audio chat tomorrow night at 8 pm eastern time on Goldwave on the blind cool tech site at

contacting don roberts about goldwave

2006-08-15 Thread Tim Cumings
Don Roberts, if you are still on this list, please contact me off-list. I'd like to chat with you about goldwave. My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from

Re: an interesting signal level problem

2013-04-29 Thread tim cumings
Joe if you use the maximize feature you will be able to find out where the highest peak is in the file in terms of time go to that section of the file to find out what is causing that audio spike. What is the average rms level you are getting in the file? - Original Message - From: "J

Re: an interesting signal level problem

2013-04-29 Thread tim cumings
Joe uner the tools menu under the volume submenu you will find two more menus, the match volume option and the maximise volume option. Under the match volume option if you select the entire file you can tab through and find the rms levels for the left and right channels of that file which will

Re: an interesting signal level problem

2013-04-30 Thread tim cumings
h more complicated things. Do I dare wonder if there's anything more for me to do? Joe G. - Original Message - From: tim cumings To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Date: Monday, April 29, 2013 22:14 Subject: Re: an interesting signal level problem Joe uner the tools men

recognizing sound forge markers in goldwave

2013-05-24 Thread tim cumings
I'm editing some files in goldwave that wre originally recorded in sound forge. Here is my question. Will goldwave recognize the place markers created in sound forge. in other words, If i load a file in to goldwave that wsa originally recorded in sound forge, can I jump from one marker to the n

importing markers from sound forge in to goldwave

2013-05-26 Thread tim cumings
Is there a way to import markers from sound forge in to goldwave.If not, can markers from sound forge be expoted to a text file to view them? To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to:

Re: combining music and voice track?

2013-06-09 Thread tim cumings
Gerardo try using the voice-over effect under the effects menu. I think it will be a lot easier. - Original Message - From: "Gerardo Corripio" To: Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2013 12:51 PM Subject: combining music and voice track? HI listers?I'm Gerardo from Mexico; I use Goldwave to r

Re: How to resample? Re: combining music and voice track?

2013-06-09 Thread tim cumings
x27;d resample the voice track with the same specs as the music? Thanks for info. Gera Enviado desde mi iPhone El 09/06/2013, a las 03:09 p.m., "tim cumings" escribió: Gerardo try using the voice-over effect under the effects menu. I think it will be a lot easier. - Or

Re: GoldWave meetering issue.

2013-06-18 Thread tim cumings
How does the audio alert feature work now? - Original Message - From: "Jim Noseworthy" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:44 AM Subject: GoldWave meetering issue. Hi Gang: Has there been a discussion with Chris, the creator of GoldWave to provide an

Re: GW - v5.69 Goldwave and accessible meeters.

2013-06-18 Thread tim cumings
jim will it work while recording or just playing back? - Original Message - From: "Jim Noseworthy" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 12:55 PM Subject: FW: GW - v5.69 Goldwave and accessible meeters. Hi Folks: The following is from Chris at

Re: Re: GW - v5.69 Audible VU metering.

2013-06-21 Thread tim cumings
Jim I'm using window-eyes 8.2 and when I ttry to change those settings the edit boxes for the vu meter show up just as custom controls and I can't insert any njumbers. s - Original Message - From: "Jim Noseworthy" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 5:22 PM Su

Re: review Of The Sangean PDR6 AM/FM Analogue Portable Radio

2013-07-22 Thread tim cumings
Dane where is it available in the u.s. I looked on amazon and they have the 5 and the 7 but not the 6. - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 5:53 PM Subject: Re: review Of The Sangean PDR6 AM/FM Analogue Portable Radio

Re: Sangean PRD6

2013-07-22 Thread tim cumings
thanks dane. - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 9:48 PM Subject: Sangean PRD6 Hi! Just talking to friend who informs me that the PRD6 is available in the U.S. from Universal Radio, in Australia try Radio Parts at

Re: how to activate and deactivate the What You Hear option in Windows

2013-07-23 Thread tim cumings
Mike the availability of the what you hearoption is not based on windows but on what sound card and sound card software yu are running. - Original Message - From: "Mike Bernard" To: Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 6:20 PM Subject: how to activate and deactivate the What You Hear option

Re: best digital recording thats blind friendly

2013-08-20 Thread tim cumings
If you use a condenser mic that has a battery i it with the h-1 you can elimiate a lot of that hiss. - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 5:23 PM Subject: Re: best digital recording thats blind friendly There's n

Re: best digital recording thats blind friendly

2013-08-20 Thread tim cumings
in my opinion 96.1 khz 24 kbps is overkill for most recording since humans can't even hear above about 20 khz. in - Original Message - From: "Hamit Campos" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 6:04 PM Subject: RE: best digital recording thats blind friend

Re: question

2013-09-03 Thread tim cumings
Joe do you have an sd card slot in your desktop or an sd card reader? You could just take the sd card out of your plextalkand hook it up to yourpc. - Original Message - From: "Joe Bollard" To: "pc- audio" Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 6:38 AM Subject: question hello friends, la

Re: question

2013-09-03 Thread tim cumings
JOe if you're recording with the plextalk pocket you're either recording in mp3 or wav which are standard formats which you can edit using either goldwave, sound forge, or whatever hyour editing program of choice is. - Original Message - From: "Joe Bollard" To: "pc- audio" Sent: Tue

Re: Plextalk Pocket firmware upgrade released

2013-09-05 Thread tim cumings
they also mentioned implementing a text search feature but I don't know how that works. To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to:

Re: Plextalk Pocket firmware upgrade released

2013-09-05 Thread tim cumings
yes it seems clearer. To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to:

Re: Plextalk Pocket firmware upgrade released

2013-09-05 Thread tim cumings
I just installed it and it sems to be just a higher quality bit-rate of the same voices, and the tom voice isn't improved that much. To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to:

Re: yeti blue usb microphone

2013-09-06 Thread tim cumings
you shouldn't be getting latency if you're monitoring directly from the headphone jack on the yetti. To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to:

Re: installing a pop filter

2013-09-16 Thread tim cumings
andre attach it either on the lift or right side of the mic stand using the bolt that comes with the yeti.The pp filter should be oriented in front of the logo on the ble yeti. to the - Original Message - From: "André van Deventer" To: Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 1:33 PM Subject

Re: installing a pop filter

2013-09-16 Thread tim cumings
lling a pop filter Tim I have it screwed to the back of the flat stand but it seems not to be very sturdy? -Original Message- From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim cumings Sent: 16 September 2013 08:11 PM To: PC Audio Discussion List Subject: Re: insta

Re: installing a pop filter

2013-09-16 Thread tim cumings
to turn the screw through the bracet into the microphone itself. Am I doing something wrong? -Original Message- From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim cumings Sent: 16 September 2013 09:02 PM To: PC Audio Discussion List Subject: Re: installing a pop fil

Re: blue microphone revisited

2013-09-19 Thread tim cumings
=Ande I liked your yeti samples. I actually record with my windows volume set at abouth 30 percent and even ther I get a nice recording.You are right about the sensitivity of the yeti. - Original Message - From: "André_van_Deventer" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Thursday, Sep

Re: blue microphone revisited

2013-09-22 Thread tim cumings
nly set it to the volume which sounded reasonably good. But I certainly agree it could go even lower and you would still get good quality. Hopefully at least you could follow my Boer accent!! -Original Message- From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim cumings Se

window-eyes, 8.2, winamp 5.63, and speech compression

2013-09-28 Thread tim cumings
i'm wondering if there's a speech compression plug-in that works wiht winamp. I downloaded the pacemaker plug-in but couldn't get it to work with window-eyes. is there another plug-in I can use with winamp to speed up the file without changing the pitch? To unsubscribe from this list, send a bla

Re: which sound editor?

2013-10-15 Thread tim cumings
curtis goldwave will do all those things. - Original Message - From: "Curtis Delzer" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 5:24 PM Subject: which sound editor? Hello. Which editor provides not only equalizer functions but also speed adjustment? I don't mean

Re: playing music files over skype

2013-10-16 Thread tim cumings
try virtual audio cable. - Original Message - From: "André van Deventer" To: Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 1:06 PM Subject: playing music files over skype Hi all I used to have a hardware setup with witch I could play music over skype using two different sound cards and

Re: playing music files over skype

2013-10-16 Thread tim cumings
the program but nothing about it. But I also believe that as from DecemberSkype will not allow any other desktop programs to access it? -Original Message- From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim cumings Sent: 17 October 2013 01:35 AM To: PC Audio Discus

Re: Audio from mic input and Jaws

2013-10-21 Thread tim cumings
what you hear should work. just unmute your microphone in playback and you should be all set. will - Original Message - From: "Joe" To: Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2013 11:37 PM Subject: Audio from mic input and Jaws I'd like to make a recording and have both Jaws and mic a

Re: USB Microphone Question

2013-11-04 Thread tim cumings
Dan check out this link. This might be what you are looking for. - Original Message - From: "dan Kerstetter" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2013 1:51 PM Subject: USB Microphone Qu

Re: Audio File Converters

2013-11-22 Thread tim cumings
dane will prism extract audio files from dvd's? - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 2:47 PM Subject: Audio File Converters Sorry for those who are already in the know regarding to the Switch Sound File Converter

Re: playing audio files with skype using virtual audio cable

2013-11-30 Thread tim cumings
rob how do i set up virtual audio cable to record my skype calls with goldwave? - Original Message - From: "Robert Doc Wright" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2013 12:10 AM Subject: Re: playing audio files with skype using virtual audio cable 1. set you

creating a playlist in winamp

2013-12-15 Thread tim cumings
what are the steps to create a new playlist in winamp?

Re: Buying music

2014-01-05 Thread tim cumings
I stopped buying mp3 musicthrough amazon because i got so frustrated with their cloud player business. Now I buy everything through itunes. - Original Message - From: "Norma A. Boge" To: Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 5:32 PM Subject: Buying music Hi Reed, I buy most of my music, w


2014-01-06 Thread tim cumings
I'm looking for a cassette player with a line-out jack to transfer my cassettes to the pc. I don't want to spend $200 on the aph four-track machine just to get a line-out jack. Does anyone have recommendations for an inexpensive two-track player or recorder with a line-out jack?


2014-01-07 Thread tim cumings
esday, January 07, 2014 2:22 AM Subject: Re: LOOKING FORCASSETTE PLAYER WITH LINE-OUT JACK tim i just remembered and looked and amazon has a usb tape player for $17. I think it will do what you want and in fact it may witgh software record the files at high speed. - Original Message -

audio editing fundamentals course taught by cavi starting in febrary

2014-01-07 Thread tim cumings
I just wanted to let everyone know that the Cisco academy for the visually impaired is going to be teaching their audio editing fundamentals course beginning next month. You can either take the single-track or the multi-track editing course. I took this course when it started and would highly re

Re: War Of The Worlds 50th, October 30 1988

2014-01-22 Thread tim cumings
if you do a right-clickon the file you should be able to save it. - Original Message - From: "Karl Smith" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 7:34 PM Subject: RE: War Of The Worlds 50th, October 30 1988 Could you zip this file up so we can download it

recordingskype calles with gw connect, windows 7, and goldwave

2014-01-29 Thread tim cumings
I'm runnning the latest version of goldwave, windows 7, and the latest version of gw connect. Is there any way for me to record both sides of the skype conversation using goldwave and gw connect? My sound card in windows 7b does not have the steromix or what you hear option.

Re: Sound Forge Pro 11

2014-02-08 Thread tim cumings
Steve why did you decide to switch from goldwave to sound forge? - Original Message - From: "Steve Nutt" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 6:16 PM Subject: RE: Sound Forge Pro 11 Hi, Using it all the time with Window-Eyes here. I love it. All th

Re: update on protools

2014-02-09 Thread tim cumings
the windows version does not work with scrren-reading software. - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2014 8:06 PM Subject: Re: update on protools I do know people who have used the Windows version of Protoos and they'v

Re: Help needed with goldwave before I quit the program.

2014-02-10 Thread tim cumings
the window-eyes ap does not workwith version 5.70 of goldwave. neither do the set files. - Original Message - From: "Steve Nutt" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 5:59 PM Subject: RE: Help needed with goldwave before I quit the program. Hi, Have you

Re: Plantronics Audio 995 Headset

2014-02-12 Thread tim cumings
if you want to hear a sample of this headset, listen to the cooking in the dark podcast at Campbell uses this headset and it works well for us. - Original Message - From: "Geoff Eden" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Wednesday, Feb

total recorder questions

2014-02-12 Thread tim cumings
I'm running total recorder on a windows xp machine with window-eyes 8.4. The problem i'm having is that when I try closing the program it doesn't completely close and sits on the task bar. if i try going to it on the task bar and using a shift plus function key 10 to close it it won't close. any

Re: total recorder questions

2014-02-12 Thread tim cumings
to do with Total Recorder? - Original Message - From: "tim cumings" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 8:47 PM Subject: total recorder questions I'm running total recorder on a windows xp machine with window-eyes 8.4. The problem i&

Re: total recorder questions

2014-02-12 Thread tim cumings
i don't think pamnela works with gw connect. - Original Message - From: "Christopher Wright" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 10:02 PM Subject: Re: total recorder questions Why not use Pamela? - Original Message -

Re: total recorder questions

2014-02-13 Thread tim cumings
THANKS, JOE. THAT WORKED. - Original Message - From: "Joe Paton" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 4:54 AM Subject: Re: total recorder questions Tim, You could end the task in task manager. control-alt-delete should bring up the task manager, use

Re: Podcast Program

2014-02-13 Thread tim cumings
i use qcast. - Original Message - From: "Dean Masters" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 7:48 PM Subject: Re: Podcast Program I use iTunes but just for podcasts. Dean -Original Message- From: Andrea Sherry Sent: Thursday, February 13, 201

Re: need helping with humming on blue yeti pro.

2014-02-14 Thread tim cumings
you can get a boom arm for $50. - Original Message - From: "angel.adorno1" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 6:33 AM Subject: Re: need helping with humming on blue yeti pro. I bought a mount, but I am returning it, I thought the shock mount I would be a

Re: need helping with humming on blue yeti pro.

2014-02-14 Thread tim cumings
I would try not using the mic stand that comes with the mic. Use a boom stand and mount the mic that way so that it's not on the desk at all. - Original Message - From: "angel.adorno1" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 6:30 AM Subject: Re: need helping wi

Re: Audio Editing Workshop Course

2014-02-23 Thread tim cumings
the audio editing course has been cancelled for this semester because there were not enough students. . - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 2:01 AM Subject: Audio Editing Workshop Course Hi! I'm doing a course wi

Re: accessible skype call recording software

2014-02-25 Thread tim cumings
you can also use mx skye recorder if yoou are usign the actual skype program. - Original Message - From: "Sunshine" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 4:06 AM Subject: Re: accessible skype call recording software you can also use replay telecorder. ---

Re: accessible skype call recording software

2014-02-25 Thread tim cumings
total recoarder works with gw connect. - Original Message - From: "Hamid AITOUZNAG" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 8:18 AM Subject: Re: accessible skype call recording software No, it does not! You need the original skype client. Hamid AITOUZNAG "W

Re: accessible skype call recording software

2014-02-25 Thread tim cumings
total recorder works with gw connect. - Original Message - From: "Peter Scanlon" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 8:29 AM Subject: Re: accessible skype call recording software Do any of these work with GW connect? -Original Message- From: H

Re: accessible skype call recording software

2014-02-25 Thread tim cumings
total recorder does av. - Original Message - From: "Hamit Campos" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:00 AM Subject: RE: accessible skype call recording software That's a shame. I'm a PCM guy, so I'll pass on this one then if that's so. -Origin

Re: accessible skype call recording software

2014-02-25 Thread tim cumings
Joe i'd recommend total recorder with gw connect, because the nice thing is you can set it up so that you and the person you are talking to are recorded in separate channels, so if you have to do any level matching later on or editing you can edit the channels separtely. - Original Mess

Re: Another Wireless Headset

2014-02-27 Thread tim cumings
Dane i'll be interested in your comparison between the microphone audo of the 995 and the h-800. I saw a youtube demo fot ehh-800 audio and thought it was a bit restricted and tinny compared to the 995, so i'll be interested in your results. - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan"

Re: Another Wireless Headset

2014-02-27 Thread tim cumings
the Audio 478 which is a USB headset is pretty good or perhaps my hearing is far worse then I ever thought possible . On 28 Feb 2014, at 10:09 am, tim cumings wrote: Dane i'll be interested in your comparison between the microphone audo of the 995 and the h-800. I saw a youtube demo fot

Re: Replacement Recorder for R09HR

2014-03-20 Thread tim cumings
samuel i would check out some of the olympus recorders like the ls7, ls14, or ls 100. - Original Message - From: "Samuel Wilkins" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:02 AM Subject: Replacement Recorder for R09HR Hello everyone, The screen on my Edirol

Re: Demo Of The Logitech UE Boombox

2014-03-20 Thread tim cumings
dane i liked your demo although the bass seemed a bit distorted. I don't know if that was just because the volume may have been a little too high. - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:27 PM Subject: Demo Of The

Re: A review of the Tecsun PL-880 portable shortwave radio | The SWLingPost

2014-03-26 Thread tim cumings
dane are you going to buy this and do a review? - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 7:49 PM Subject: A review of the Tecsun PL-880 portable shortwave radio | The SWLingPost

Re: Tecsun PL880 Radio Arrived Today

2014-04-03 Thread tim cumings
dane have you fouhnd any of the problems noted in gthe earlier reviews regarding ssb reception. - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 7:30 AM Subject: Re: Tecsun PL880 Radio Arrived Today Okay, I can help you with

Re: Blaze EZ Daisy multi-player with OCR

2014-04-24 Thread tim cumings
i think it's going to cost about $700.00 - Original Message - From: "Dennis" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 12:23 PM Subject: Re: Blaze EZ Daisy multi-player with OCR this looks pretty good. i don't know why they don't post the price. if the bookse

Re: Replacement For My Zoom H1 Recorder

2014-05-01 Thread tim cumings
everything is not still as it was. most of the files are gone so you can't download them. I wish larry would just take the site down. On 5/1/2014 8:56 AM, Rich De Steno wrote: What do you mean that BCT is gone? I assume you refer to Blind Cool Tech. I just looked on there and everything i

Re: Bossjock DJ Software For iPhone

2014-05-03 Thread tim cumings
Dane you can also disable the built-in filters in the iphone so if you are using the built-in mic to recordyou can get a recording with much greater frequency response. On 5/2/2014 6:36 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote: Hi! I'm teaching myself how to use this App, its straight forward but there are

getting audio information with jaws

2014-05-11 Thread tim cumings
I'm running the latest version of jaws on my computer with windows 7 home premium. When I use winsows explorerand arrow down through my files list, when I ladn on an audio file such as an mp3 or a wav file, I don't get any data about the file sizeor duration. Is there any setting I can change i

Re: getting audio information with jaws

2014-05-11 Thread tim cumings
re looking for; there are choices like "choose details" and things like that! Hopefully I'm on the right page here! Tom Kaufman -Original Message- From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim cumings Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2014 12:07 PM To: PC Audi

Re: getting audio information with jaws

2014-05-11 Thread tim cumings
yes On 5/11/2014 12:21 PM, Tom Kaufman wrote: after you had checked the details you wanted (just asking the obvious here) you hit "oOK?" Tom Kaufman -Original Message- From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim cumings Sent: Sunday, May 1

Re: Sound card recommendation wanted

2014-06-01 Thread tim cumings
dane do you have to install any special software on the h-1 to do this. Or do you simnply hook it up to a an usb port and it shows up as an input device? On 6/1/2014 5:35 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote: Speaking of Sound Devices and the like I meant to mention my new Zoom H1, I've tested it as a so

Re: Sound card recommendation wanted

2014-06-01 Thread tim cumings
Dane doou have to install special software on the zoom h-1 to do this, or do you just hook it up to an usb port and it shows up as an input device? On 6/1/2014 5:35 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote: Speaking of Sound Devices and the like I meant to mention my new Zoom H1, I've tested it as a sound devi

Re: Sound card recommendation wanted

2014-06-02 Thread tim cumings
dane is it difficult to install this firmware or just copy it in to a folder on the sd card in the unit? On 6/2/2014 12:05 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote: Yep, make sure the latest system firmware is installed. On 2 Jun 2014, at 12:04 pm, tim cumings wrote: dane do you have to install any

Re: recommended USB mixers

2014-06-07 Thread tim cumings
I would record from either you ripad or your mac, not your phone. On 6/6/2014 5:26 PM, Armando Maldonado wrote: Thanks I am confused, which one is the best? I have all new gen of iDevices, from iPhone to iPad and a macbook pro mid 2012 along with a Mac Mini, Thanks. -Original Message- Fr

Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-08 Thread tim cumings
Frank check Amazon. On 6/8/2014 7:58 PM, Frank Ventura wrote: Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my mixer I get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator might help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the direction of w

Re: Goldwave keystroke needed

2014-06-13 Thread tim cumings
Hi, Don. If you are using window-eyes you shouldn't have to use the pass-through key. the correct keystroke is control puls the letter q. On 6/13/2014 3:58 PM, Donald L. Roberts wrote: I am in a bit of a bind. Please tell me the correct Goldwave keystroke to drop a manual cue point. I thought

accessibility of audioease's speakerphone plug-in

2009-05-27 Thread tim cumings
Has anyone had any success using the speakerphone plug-n from audioese. This plug-in emulates different speakers and environments and is available in a vst version for the pc. I'm wondering if it's accessible with screen-reading software. I'm using Window-eyes 7.0 and goldwave for my editing

Re: accessibility of audioease's speakerphone plug-in

2009-05-28 Thread tim cumings
Hi, James. Do you know if it works well with window-eyes? On Thu, 28 May 2009 01:34:49 +0100, James Scholes wrote: >Haven't used it myself, but I know a great number of blind individuals >who have used it successfully with a screenreader > >On Thursday, May 28, 2009 01:16 AM,

Re: JAWS scripts for Skype 4.1 posted

2009-06-04 Thread tim cumings
Hi, Steve. Does skype 4.1 work well with window-eyes? On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:49:01 +1000, Steve Pattison wrote: >Hi Ken, > >Thanks for your message. I don't use JAWS so I can't answer any >questions about the scripts. However JAWS scripts for various versions >of Skype can b downloaded from htt

Re: JAWS scripts for Skype 4.1 posted

2009-06-05 Thread tim cumings
.188. >I hope this helps. > >Regards Steve. > >On Wed, 31 Dec 1969 22:21:12 -0500 >tim cumings wrote: >>Hi, Steve. Does skype 4.1 work well with window-eyes? > >Regards Steve >Email: >MSN Messenger: >Skype: s

matching synthesizer volume to mic volume

2009-07-11 Thread tim cumings
I'm trying to record and have my speech synthesizer come through the recording along with my microphone. I'm using window-eyes 7.1 with the dectalk access 32 software synthesizer, goldwave 5.52, windows xp media edition, and a soundblaster sound card. I'm using the what you hear option in my

Re: matching synthesizer volume to mic volume

2009-07-11 Thread tim cumings
the what you >here option. it would be better if you used a mixer. >- Original Message ----- >From: "tim cumings" >To: >Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 1:27 PM >Subject: matching synthesizer volume to mic volume > > >I'm trying to record and have my spe

Re: Skype Version is now Available

2009-09-04 Thread tim cumings
Steve, have you tested this version of skype with window-eyes in terms of accessibility? I'm still using version 3.8 with window-eyes because it seems the most accessible. On Fri, 04 Sep 2009 17:09:38 +1000, Steve Pattison wrote: >Skype version is now available and one place where y

Re: comparing goldwave with sound forge

2009-09-09 Thread tim cumings
One of the biggest differences is in editing. In goldwave you use the markers to make your editing selections wherez sound forge is more like editing in microsoft word. On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 16:39:24 -0400, Joe wrote: >Hi. I already have Goldwave and love it but I've been thinking about venturin

Re: Road video microphone

2009-09-21 Thread tim cumings
Andre, this is a shotgun microphone, meaning it is very directional. It records best what is in front of it and rejects sounds from the sides and back of the microphone. What type of things will you be recording? You might not want a microphone so directional On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 17:50:19 +0200

RE: Road video microphone

2009-09-22 Thread tim cumings
nment. I know you >need special microphones for both but my budget will only allow me to get >something which can do a reasonable job with everything. > >Andre > > > >-Original Message- >From: [] &g

Re: More About Sound Forge Audio Studio and Goldwave

2009-11-11 Thread tim cumings
Hi, Dane. I'm using goldwave version 5.55 with window-eyes 7.11, and none of the goldwave window-eyes set files work. The window-eyes scripts work but the set files no longer do. Have you had this problem? I contacted Richard Turner, the creator of the set from iles, and he said I would have t

Re: More About Sound Forge Audio Studio and Goldwave

2009-11-12 Thread tim cumings
it works fine with winjow-eyes 7.0. If you upgrade to window-eyes 7.11 that's where you'll have the problem. You can download the trial version of goldwave to test it out. On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 18:45:25 -0500, RicksPlace wrote: >Just great! I run Windoweyes 7.0 and was going to download the mos

Re: Another sound card question

2009-12-12 Thread tim cumings
I think it depends what sound card drivers you have instaled. umOn Fri, 11 Dec 2009 18:20:52 -0800, Dave McElroy WA6BEF wrote: >Ok, I've established that the advanced audio controls for output just aren't >there on the computers in this house. This means that while we can change >volume in the

Re: phone question using skype

2010-01-01 Thread tim cumings
Joe I'd recommend using mx skype recorder available for $15 at It's a great little program and you can even set it up so you can have your voice and the caller's voice in separate channels if you need to do level changing in post production. On Fri, 1 Jan 2010 11:03:

Re: Skype Question

2010-03-05 Thread tim cumings
If you had a preamp and your stueio mic you could use your line in jack. However if your mic needs phantom power you can't get it from your sound card. On Fri, 5 Mar 2010 06:20:18 -0500, DJ DOCTOR P wrote: >Hello all list members, >I am really thinking about joining the family of Skype users

Re: Skype Question

2010-03-05 Thread Tim Cumings
that I will be using, is a studio mixer that has the phantom power supply built in to it. I will be using 2 mikes at the same time to get the stereo affect. Can this be done with Skype? John. - Original Message - From: "tim cumings" To: "PC Audio Discussion List&quo

Re: Quiet computer power supply.

2010-03-09 Thread tim cumings
Jim try On Tue, 09 Mar 2010 20:27:31 -0400, Jim Noseworthy wrote: >Hi >Folks: > >I am looking for a super quiet computer power supply. Any thoughts? > >Thanks all over the place. > > >To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: >

Re: Recording voice podcasts on my PC

2010-03-16 Thread tim cumings
Hi, Frank. I use one of the soundblaster audigy cards on my pc and it works fine. As long as your mixer has relatively quiet preamps and your sound card has a line input you should be fine. On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 23:52:09 -0400, Frank Ventura wrote: >Hi all I am going to be making a few audio tu

Re: Recording voice podcasts on my PC

2010-03-16 Thread tim cumings
Hi, Frank. , check out this article. It's basic but will give you a starting point. Let me know if you have any more questions. On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 23:52:09 -0400, Frank Ventura wrote: >Hi all I am going to be making a few audio tutorials and recording them >on y PC

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