Hello all.
I'm sorry if this has been discussed loads of times before, I'm new to
the list and unsure how to search passed messages.
I am totaly blind and am looking for an mp3 player. here are a few points.
i am using a sony nwz model at the moment, this is fine but it's only
16 gb. I have about
On 6/4/14, Dennis wrote:
> can you use a sd card with that player? the reason i ask is if you like
> it that much, you could keep it and just buy a bunch of sd cards if it
> lets you do that.
> On 6/4/2014 10:14 AM, Robert Godridge wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I'm sorry if
st post: best mp3 player for a totaly blind user
> I like Milestone 312, it can use an SD card of up to 32 GB. It has good
> sound.
> Humberto
> -----Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Robert
> Godridge
>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Robert
>> Godridge
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 11:15 AM
>> To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
>> Subject: first post: best mp3 player for a totaly blind user
>> Hello all.
I've got, but
> experiences with others, have had good luck with the larger ones.
> El 04/06/2014 11:43 a.m., Robert Godridge escribió:
>> Hi Gerardo,
>> does the Sansa Zip take the 32 gb sd cards?
>> and the click plus as well?
>> Have you used yours with the l
Hi folks,
so, I have been a vinyl dj for about 15 years now, sinse I was a kid!
and I have no intention of putting the decks away, but with the
ammount of great new tracks coming out it's time to get into mp3s I
so, do any of you blind folk know of a decent, accessable, intuative
set up that
keyboard and screenreader friendly.
> On 08/06/2014, Robert Godridge wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> so, I have been a vinyl dj for about 15 years now, sinse I was a kid!
>> and I have no intention of putting the decks away, but with the
>> ammount of great new tracks coming
to do the same thing, I have 2 cd dj players but want to
>> slim
>> down a little bit have been looking for softwear myself this zu lu dj,
>> how
>> well does it work with voice over, also is it windows based.
>> thanks for the info in advance.
>> - Or
I am a record collector and had one of these bought for me, thinking
it would be an absolute life saver as I have about 10 thousand records
to label.
Not so much, because I always forget to have it on me and you have to
have it to hand to read stuff. Plus I hate the sound of my own voice.
so I've g
I was shown this earlier and I am absolutely amazed.
Please read it, what do you think?
I don't know how much money they need but it must be done by the end
of the month I think.
What do you reckon?
here's a link to much more information on it etc, it really is incredible.
On 12/28/14, Robert Godridge wrote:
> guys,
> I was shown this earlier and I am absolutely amazed.
> Please read it, what do you think?
> ht
;s hope it's not a joke since here in Mexico, today is December 28,
> kind of in the US's equivalent of April Fools?
> El 28/12/2014 09:06 a.m., Robert Godridge escribió:
>> here's a link to much more information on it etc, it really is
>> incredible.
too good to be true! Hope
> soon it's available here in Mexico!
> El 28/12/2014 09:06 a.m., Robert Godridge escribió:
>> here's a link to much more information on it etc, it really is
>> incredible.
>> http://crowdfunding.wcap.tim.it/projects/270/
My girlfriend knows 2 or the 3 developers for it, it has several prises etc.
there is also the youtube video above. It sounds amazing to me anyway.
On 12/28/14, cov...@ccs.covici.com wrote:
> How do you know its real or any good?
> Robert Godridge wrote:
>> here
t mean a thing, it may be just an idea
> they have.
> Robert Godridge wrote:
>> My girlfriend knows 2 or the 3 developers for it, it has several prises
>> etc.
>> there is also the youtube video above. It sounds amazing to me anyway.
>> On 12/28/14,
invisible made audio, please please read and share
> Anyone can do a video, does not mean a thing, it may be just an idea
> they have.
> Robert Godridge wrote:
>> My girlfriend knows 2 or the 3 developers for it, it has several prises
>> etc.
>> there i
Why is it doubtful?
sounds like talking google glasses to me.
am I missing some clame that they make that is improbable?
On 12/28/14, Robert Godridge wrote:
> Well, the folks envite you to email them
> and here are a lot of reviews, most in italian but some in english,
> I'm sure y
audio information we have
> to
> pick up already. I don't think that I'd want another additional information
> channel streaming into my brain.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>> Robert God
d related thing I've ever heard
about, seriously life-changing stuff.
On 12/28/14, Robert Godridge wrote:
> The video is mostly meant for sighted people, but do read the web
> sight it is much more detailed.
> You can save things on it I'm guessing, sinse it mentions being abl
don't those of us with specific questions ask the developers them?
On 12/28/14, Peter Scanlon wrote:
> But if your loved one is close enough for it to recognise, then both of you
> can communicate verbally to let you know who is who.
> P.
> ,
> From: Robert Godridge
How do I share it with them, or would you do it for us?
On 12/29/14, Hamit Campos wrote:
> I'd share this to the NFB right away.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Robert
> Godridge
> Sent: Sunday, Decembe
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>> Robert Godridge
>> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2014 8:36 PM
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: horus: the invisible made audio, please please read and
>> share
>> The
> To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'"
> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2014 4:12 PM
> Subject: RE: horus: the invisible made audio, please please read and share
> There is such a thing as audio description which would be appropriate, I
> think.
expensive as many products for the blind is.
> I hope it wont.
> /A
>> 28 dec 2014 kl. 16:11 skrev Robert Godridge :
>> No, it isn't.
>> There's a video about it on youtube, it just sounds almost too good to
>> be true. Just think of the difference i
I've got them all. I got them from a torrent, you can't buy all of
them as a set.
otrcat.com do sell mp3s but they are not the complete set, I might
actually check that but I don't think they include some of the things
from the torrent I got.
I've been agoon show fan for years :d
On 3/7/15, An
ted Pick of the goons 27.30
> from
> the 70s.
> Jamie
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Robert
> Godridge
> Sent: Sunday, 8 March 2015 1:01 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: The Goons
or flashgot add on if you're using firefox.
I'm a big 20s to 50s fan myself and the 1920s radio network and doo
wop express both come to mind, also radio dismuke for 1920s stuff.
I collect old records and my youtube channel has over a thousand of
them so far. http://www.youtube.com/user/djoutrage1
this would be well worth your time
On 9/6/15, Colin Howard wrote:
> Greetings,
> Here are a few programs you may care to try broadcast on BBC Radio Devon.
> Geoff Barker 2013 03 16 - Second hour theme is trains.mp3
> https://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/loh9bz
> Geoff B
how about
that's an old bookmark of mine
On 9/26/16, randy tijerina wrote:
> may I chime in and ask for them too?
> At 03:38 PM 9/26/2016, you wrote:
>>I would like them my email is
>>On 9/26/2016 3:17 PM, Vicky Vaughan wrote:
>>>Yes, Ple
I spent hours setting up my eac. Perhaps I can send you my profile
file if you're interested and I can work out how. I'm a member of a
very stringent private torrents site so these rips are perfect.
On 11/12/16, Joe Paton wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> ez cd audio converter
> from poikosoft is worth a look
nd one modern
> country album and the results were excellent, at least for my ears.
> So, i think i'm happy for now, but i'll still keep EAC and the other
> programs in mind, you never really know!
> Thanks guys!
> On 11/12/2016 8:22 AM,
these, i just want the pc to be left on, as is. So as
>> nice as the program is, i'm not sure if this program fits my
>> needs, at least not yet! if anyone knows how to fix these 2
>> things it'd help lots.
>> On 11/12/2016 9:25 AM,
I have a cd as an .iso file. I realise this is an image/archive file.
How should I play it, just extract everything from it or is there a
nicer way? I'm on a windows pc.
We just got an ecco dot as a wedding present and will be playing about
with it later in the week. It has been set up. We're in the u.s,
moving to the u.k though.
Let's say I wanted it to play the album blue by Joni Mitchell, what's
the sintax? is it play album blue by Joni Mitchell or what? I assum
Hi all
I'm in the u.s with my now wife Kellie and we're both getting annoyed
at small speakers and whatnot.
I know vlc has an equaliser, please please will someone let me know
how to use it with nvda?
or better still, are there any stand alone equalisers for windows that
are accesseable and decent,
I am a 78rpm record collector and really want to play several records
from the library of congress's national jukebox site, this is one of
I see an embedded object but the buttons are unlabeled, I cannot get
it to play for the
This is indeed odd. I'm running win 7 32 bit and firefox, clicked on
the link, waited what felt like ages, no audio. Firefox is up full
volume etc.
Are these buttons in the embedded object unlabeled for everyone?
I'll try recording it with sound forge which I have.
On 3/9/17, Dane Trethowan wrote
mp suits all my audio playback needs)
> and so it's possible someone has a better idea of how this works with a
> screenreader.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Robert Godridge"
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
> Sent: Thursday, Febr
I'm just curious, what would be the best way to play/stream audio
throughout the house these days?
Does anyone know of any accesseable wireless speakers for example, or
streaming servers that can be used with them?
I'd rather not have to use i-devices but my wife does have an iphone.
I'd like to pl
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Robert
>> Godridge
>> Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 6:43 PM
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>> Subject: best way to play/stream music through a house?
>> I'm just curious, what would be
e best way is using Echo.
> Humberto
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Robert
> Godridge
> Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 6:43 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: best way to play/stream music throug
Wher might I find this jaws guide?
On 9/25/17, Jesse Tregarthen wrote:
> Hello David,
> The way I accomplish this task is by pressing shift-a while the file is
> playing. This stops the file and places the cursor at that place. Then press
> shift-end and that will select to the end of the file.
Exact audio copy does have a database, yes.
There's a program called vuplayer that I use that has simply the best
cd database I've ever seen, often if eac doesn't have a disc I'll load
vuplayer and export it.
I wouldn't be without this. Goes nicely into the context menue.
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avast.com
On 11/3/17, Peter Scanlon wrote:
> Like Adam, I have found this program difficult. I wish there was a
> tutorial.
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avast.com
On 11/3/17, Robert Godridge wrote:
> There's a forum. I've googled all my queeries and I've found
> ex
series of characters such as %artist% - %album% -
> %track% - %title%
> P.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Robert
> Godridge
> Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 5:35 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion
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