yeah, I love cdjs too, but it would be nice to have the mp3 option,
and with the amount of stuff i have it just isn't practical to have it
all on cds/data discs.

I can't see how to do it manually with zulu. am i being slow? is there
actually a way to do that?
you should try it again mate. all the menues are accesseable.

sure, I'll let this list know if i find anything, but hopefuly someone
has an idea.

On 6/8/14, Aidan <> wrote:
> Well, if there is a mac version, I won't no about that, but the
> windows version, well maybe I can try it again. But if the beat
> matcher is not accessible, con't you match them manually? That is more
> suggested anyway. Otherwise you will not practise your skill enough I
> think. That is why I stil love cdj's. They stil more accessible.
> On 08/06/2014, angel.adorno1 <> wrote:
>> I have wanted to do the same thing, I have 2 cd dj players but want to
>> slim
>> down a little bit have been looking for softwear myself this zu lu dj,
>> how
>> well does it work with voice over, also is it windows based.
>> thanks for the info in advance.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Robert Godridge" <>
>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
>> Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 12:58 PM
>> Subject: Re: blind djs: beatmatching with software, loads of questions
>>> Hi Aidan,
>>> zulu dj seems very accesseable to me with nvda, the beatmatching is
>>> the only part that isn't and it's doing my head in!
>>> if you're going to do discos and parties I couldn't recommend it
>>> highly enough, i did one last month with it with no problems at all.
>>> but yeah, beatmatching just doesn't want to work, and it's really
>>> doing my head in.
>>> any ideas anyone?
>>> On 6/8/14, Aidan <> wrote:
>>>> I don't think Zulu dj is accessible, at least I couldn't manage. Maybe
>>>> someone should make scripts for it. Maybe we should ask NCHSoftware to
>>>> make it keyboard and screenreader friendly.
>>>> On 08/06/2014, Robert Godridge <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> so, I have been a vinyl dj for about 15 years now, sinse I was a kid!
>>>>> and I have no intention of putting the decks away, but with the
>>>>> ammount of great new tracks coming out it's time to get into mp3s I
>>>>> think.
>>>>> so, do any of you blind folk know of a decent, accessable, intuative
>>>>> set up that enables you to beatmatch mp3s as seemlessly as possible?
>>>>> I'm imagining it's possible that for example the up and down arrows
>>>>> could be used to control the pitch or they would on my ideal set up.
>>>>> zulu dj software is the best I've found so far but I can't figure out
>>>>> the beatmatching though it looks easy!
>>>>> I am quite a perfectionist, that's what vinyl djing gets you used to
>>>>> so I can tell off beats a mile off...
>>>>> if any of you guys dj and would be willing to go through your setup
>>>>> that would be really great. I mostly play minimal techno, drum and
>>>>> bass etc so quick fades just won't cut it.
>>>>> cheers,
>>>>> Rob
>>>> --
>>>> Facebook:
>>>> Skype: andries4451
>>>> Twitter: smarttalk7
>>>> Audioboo:
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