Re: gotta utorrent question

2007-07-30 Thread Richard Claypool
a lot of times, if you lower the max upload rate that will fix the problem. If you're using all of your upload speed, your download speed will be effected. so a good idea is to set your upload speed to about 90 percent of what it can do. that's what I do with my ftp server, soulseek etc. Rick

Re: Winamp vs WMP

2007-10-11 Thread Richard Claypool
another feature that winamp has is that one can add in any plugin that one wants within reason. So you can have more filetypes supported like shn ogg flac etc etc etc. msn [EMAIL PROTECTED] aim rclaypo skype lord_of_beer - Original Message - From: "Morey Worthington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

pitch shifting

2007-10-11 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, what's a good pitch shiftin plugin that will work with goldwave? the regular goldwave pitsh shifting plugin is not all that great. thanks, Rick msn [EMAIL PROTECTED] aim rclaypo skype lord_of_beer Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscrib

Re: Winamp vs WMP

2007-10-12 Thread Richard Claypool
don't foret fuber 2000. msn [EMAIL PROTECTED] aim rclaypo skype lord_of_beer - Original Message - From: "Mike Pietruk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 6:29 AM Subject: Re: Winamp vs WMP > And add RealPlayer to that mix. > Each player ha

Re: Music Downloads

2008-01-07 Thread Richard Claypool
I always recommend soulseek from It's really good for download albums, and for finding a lot of underground electronica. Most of the things I download are out of print or not availible in the u.s. msn [EMAIL PROTECTED] aim rclaypo skype lord_of_beer - Original Message -

Re: soul seek

2008-01-07 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, It is accessable with jaws, but you'll have to use the jaws cursor to clicki on the diferent tabs. Also, the chats read in one big long line unless you use the jaws cursor. don't know why that it. I've been a happy soulseek user for years and years and years now. msn [EMAIL PROTECTED] ai

Re: soul seek

2008-01-07 Thread Richard Claypool
I'd really like to see some scripts that would make the chat auto-read, I really want to get into some of the rooms like industrial and drumbass, but can't do it in a practical manner. msn [EMAIL PROTECTED] aim rclaypo skype lord_of_beer - Original Message - From: "Sarah" <[EMAIL PROTEC

soulseek and routers

2008-01-07 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, You need to tell your router what port soulseek is using, and then tell your router the ip of the machine. there's a button that will tell you if your ports are open and working correctly. msn [EMAIL PROTECTED] aim rclaypo skype lord_of_beer Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and m

Re: Mp3 repairing tools.

2006-04-25 Thread Richard Claypool
my advice, try it and see what happens. If you can, get another copy of the file as loading and then resaving will degrabe quality. Rick - Original Message - From: "Anders Holmberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 4:42 PM Subject: Mp3

Re: VIP Communicator, a new chat client for the blind

2006-05-02 Thread Richard Claypool
I've been using this for several months now, and it works wonderfully. No scam dude. Rick - Original Message - From: "Andrea Sherry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 4:00 PM Subject: Re: VIP Communicator, a new chat client for the blind

Re: VIP Communicator, a new chat client for the blind

2006-05-02 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, on the home page, there are instructions recorded by start button I do believe that wil assist you in setting everything up. Rick - Original Message - From: "Ken Buxton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 6:00 PM Subject: Re: VIP Commu

Re: VIP Communicator, a new chat client for the blind

2006-05-02 Thread Richard Claypool
gt; From: "michael Babcock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " > Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 6:06 PM > Subject: Re: VIP Communicator, a new chat client for the blind > > >> thanks, i'll go get it! >> - Original Messag

Re: Fwd: VIP Communicator, a new chat client for the blind

2006-05-06 Thread Richard Claypool
uhm, why? Rick - Original Message - From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 2:13 AM Subject: Re: Fwd: VIP Communicator, a new chat client for the blind > Well as good as this Communicator's supposed to be, maybe all chats sho

Re: Fwd: VIP Communicator, a new chat client for the blind

2006-05-06 Thread Richard Claypool
ah, I misunderstood the post. I thought that he was saying that every chat program should use this one standard removing compititon. rick - Original Message - From: "Steve Matzura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 3:59 AM Subject: Re:

Re: broadcasting question

2006-05-25 Thread Richard Claypool
I'd be asking for a breakdown. Sounds like a way to get him to give up the idea because they'd not want to be bothered. Honestly, with the climate of radio, who would want to broadcast for a living. Bad wages, no ability to play what one wants, and I hate clear chanle and the other large medi

Re: Winamp Stereo Indicator?

2006-06-09 Thread Richard Claypool
no no no, it's s p o r k spork lol. like the spon fork combo, totally worthless, but totally kool. Rick - Original Message - From: "Dana S. Leslie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 7:08 PM Subject: Re: Winamp Stereo Indicator? I was ju

Re: streaming questions

2006-06-11 Thread Richard Claypool
hey monn, msn me off-list, and I'll go over this stuff with you. - Original Message - From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 2:08 PM Subject: streaming questions > hi all, > I'm getting more into streaming over the net

Re: skype

2006-06-14 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, use your jaws cursor to locate the contact you want, hit right arrow, and choose share contact detales or something like that. It's more draconian than I remember it being of yor. Rick - Original Message - From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. "

Re: winamp fullscreen?

2006-06-23 Thread Richard Claypool
I can't help with the fullscreen, but check out gnod global network of dreams. if you type in a band, it will give you another band and you can say like it don't like it never heard it and it will go from there and learns as people play with it. Rick - Original Message - From: "Brand

Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB

2006-06-30 Thread Richard Claypool
You can't access the efects with the sb24 bit. For most people it won't be an sihue however. Rick - Original Message - From: "Dana S. Leslie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC-Audio" Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 4:47 PM Subject: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB > Just installed it. S

Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB

2006-06-30 Thread Richard Claypool
're talking about, anyway. > > Dana > - Original Message - > From: "Richard Claypool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " > Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 5:34 PM > Subject: Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB >

Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB

2006-06-30 Thread Richard Claypool
NOT Donna, D O N N A > > D. S. Leslie, née C. R. Guttman > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Skype: dsleslie > Web: ÞE OL' PHILOSOPHIE SHOPPE > Your Source for Discounted Ideas > > - Original Message - > From: "Richard Claypool&quo

Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB

2006-06-30 Thread Richard Claypool
I tried to use voice changer, I even had scripts, and it didn't do anything. Rick - Original Message - From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 10:44 PM Subject: Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB > hi all, > just f

Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB

2006-07-01 Thread Richard Claypool
You can install soundforge, and then ghave goldwave import those effects. Rick - Original Message - From: "Kathy Szinnyey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 7:45 AM Subject: Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB > Brandon, I'd like

Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB

2006-07-01 Thread Richard Claypool
how the f did you get it to work? which version? Rick - Original Message - From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 11:07 AM Subject: Re: Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External USB > hi rick > It worked for me. It's quite am

Re: making music CD's

2006-07-01 Thread Richard Claypool
technically, it's legal, but the RIAA is telling the government to tell rusia that if they don't take that site down, they won't be alloud to stay or enter into the I think w t o. Pretty sad when the RIAA can put demands on the government like that. Rick - Original Message - From: "Br

Re: reorganizing files

2006-07-02 Thread Richard Claypool
there has to be a program that will go out to the different database sites and find this stuff. there is a program that will rename id3 tags bassed on the file names. Rick - Original Message - From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Sunday, July

Re: Headphones and sound cards

2006-07-02 Thread Richard Claypool
no, cause when the machine is rebooted all vorks vell, ja. Rick - Original Message - From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 10:11 AM Subject: Re: Headphones and sound cards > hi > a possible problem here might be that the

Re: MP3/WMA CD Creator

2006-07-02 Thread Richard Claypool
I have a cd player that will play mp3s as well as cds. so I burn some bokies, and listen to it on my way to collee or work or when traveling the country. rick - Original Message - From: "Dana S. Leslie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006

Re: Ogg. Was: Re: making music CD's

2006-07-03 Thread Richard Claypool
aac is pretty shweet too. Rick - Original Message - From: "Hayden Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 12:41 PM Subject: Re: Ogg. Was: Re: making music CD's > Oh yeah! Ogg is just the holy jesus of filetypes in my little opinion. I >

Re: Windows Media Audio

2006-07-03 Thread Richard Claypool
no, because a 160k file is larger. Rick - Original Message - From: "Hayden Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 5:50 PM Subject: Re: Windows Media Audio > The day that that happens, the windows media format will be a great > success

Re: Windows Media Audio

2006-07-04 Thread Richard Claypool
When I was younger I could hear the dif between 192 and 360, but after my axident my hearing's shot. I'd give anything to have it back. Rick - Original Message - From: "André van Deventer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 12:46 AM Sub

Re: Windows Media Audio

2006-07-04 Thread Richard Claypool
.wav file to a compressed file (IE. .mp3 .ogg .aac, etc.). As the .wav file is not compressed and is the original audio of everything being at a bitrate of 1403K (this usually being on CD's). - Original Message - From: "Richard Claypool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC

Re: voiceposts on LJ

2006-07-05 Thread Richard Claypool
I think it might be doable I think lj gives ftp access to the journal space. Rick - Original Message - From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 4:48 PM Subject: voiceposts on LJ > hi all, > Lol, I realize I've got a lot

Re: voiceposts on LJ

2006-07-05 Thread Richard Claypool
I thought I read somewhere that lj had some limited ftp access, but I googled and found myelf to be mistaken. - Original Message - From: "Hayden Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 5:33 PM Subject: Re: voiceposts on LJ > You don

Re: voiceposts on LJ

2006-07-05 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, when you make the call goto the dial tab, you can use touctones with skype. Rick - Original Message - From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 7:12 PM Subject: Re: voiceposts on LJ > hi, > I haven't been able to fig

Re: voiceposts on LJ

2006-07-05 Thread Richard Claypool
voice-post > menu system. So, there you go. > - Original Message - > From: "Richard Claypool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " > Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 9:33 AM > Subject: Re: voiceposts on LJ > > >> Hi

Re: A skype out problem

2006-07-06 Thread Richard Claypool
the quality isn't great with skypeout, but then again, you're connecting to a landline, which isn't great quality as is. Your personal bandwitth and net conjestion can have an effect as wel. It's not great quality by any means, but at least over here the calls are stable, and sound a lot better

Re: Playing time of MP3

2006-07-06 Thread Richard Claypool
tehnically 123kbps but it's refering to 128k 12800/36/60/60/8 rick - Original Message - From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 2:38 PM Subject: Re: Playing time of MP3 > Hi, > Speaking of playing time, I'm looking i

Re: Cannot get good microphone volume

2006-07-15 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, This is probally something you did, but did you remember to turn on the 20db gain boost? On my old machine, there was no such option, so I didn't know about it and it took me a little poaking around. You've probally done that, but just thought I'd mention it. rick - Original Message

Re: Cannot get good microphone volume

2006-07-15 Thread Richard Claypool
believe it or not, there are two microphone settings. the one you want is in your volume on the system tray under open volume control. there's settings to show what will show up and there's a microphone control in there and the advanced button next to that will let you activate the 20 db boost.

Re: Cannot get good microphone volume

2006-07-15 Thread Richard Claypool
exactly. Rick - Original Message - From: "Chris Skarstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 5:24 PM Subject: Re: Cannot get good microphone volume > hi > I've sort of been helping Lynn solve this issue and i mentioned the > 20 db boost,

Re: Cannot get good microphone volume

2006-07-15 Thread Richard Claypool
there are two advanced buttons. The one is for moniterng sound and that's in the volume properties. the other is in the playback or, if you goto the volume icon in yoru system it's under open volume controls, the first item in your context menu. that's where the twenty db boos resides. the s

sn to wav

2006-07-18 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, I have 18 albums in shn. What's the easiest to convert them either to mp3 or wav files? Rick ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTEC

Re: Is anyone having probs with

2006-07-20 Thread Richard Claypool
oh yes, they're in trouble with the riaa, but I don't think tht's the reason. Might be though. rick - Original Message - From: "Kevin Doucet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:33 PM Subject: Re: Is anyone having probs with

Re: Is anyone having probs with

2006-07-21 Thread Richard Claypool > With the who and for what? > > Trace > > - Original Message - > From: "Richard Claypool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " > Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 12:41 AM > Subject: Re: Is anyone having

Re: Is anyone having probs with

2006-07-23 Thread Richard Claypool
tty shabbily, so I don't have much sympathy for it. >> Smile. >> >> Peace, >> Kathy >> >> >> Kathy Szinnyey >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> or >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> - Original Message - >> From: "Richard Claypool

Re: Allofmp3 registration

2006-07-24 Thread Richard Claypool
you can send a message to a yahoo group and most of the time get in. Rick - Original Message - From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 2:10 AM Subject: Re: Allofmp3 registration > This damned word verification thing is the rea

Re: animal sounds

2006-07-26 Thread Richard Claypool or maybe it's .net can't remember - Original Message - From: "Michael Lang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:15 PM Subject: Re: animal sounds > > > <*** Michael Lang ***> > > you wrote: > >>

Re: computer volume computer

2006-07-26 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, You want to hit ok, not apply. Rick - Original Message - From: "Michael Amaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:42 PM Subject: computer volume computer > Hello listers, > I have a del computer windows xp and jaws 7.0. I am hav

Re: Winamp Version 5.25.0787 Beta is now Available

2006-07-27 Thread Richard Claypool
I've rairly had any problems that were fixed. I've found winamp to be a very stable piece of software. In any program there are going to be bugs. I personally am happy that aol is fixing these bugs instead of leaving them floating around in the code. I've been using winamp since version 0.9

Re: Real Audio to MP3

2006-07-27 Thread Richard Claypool
goldwave will convert them. however, they show up autimaticly. I had to tel goldwwave to show all filetypes. Rick - Original Message - From: "Gary King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC Audio List" Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:11 PM Subject: Real Audio to MP3 >I need to convert some R

Re: Real Audio to MP3

2006-07-27 Thread Richard Claypool
;Randy Tijerina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:25 PM Subject: Re: Real Audio to MP3 > How do you tell goldWave to show all file tipes? > Randy. > ----- Original Message - > From: "Richard Claypool

Re: Real Audio to MP3

2006-07-27 Thread Richard Claypool
gt; can goldwave convert .ram files? or is that a whole different beast. > Randy. > - Original Message - > From: "Richard Claypool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " > Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:29 PM > Subject: Re: Rea

Re: Real Audio to MP3

2006-07-27 Thread Richard Claypool
gt; OK Cancel Help > > When I say OK to the raw file type it wants to open it as, and hit > space to play it, I get a loud noise rather than any content. Have you > done > anything specific to Goldwave to make it open the file? I'm using Goldwave > version 5.14. > Thank

Re: Real Audio to MP3

2006-07-28 Thread Richard Claypool
What exactly is the diff between ra and rm files? Rick - Original Message - From: "kevin cussick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 4:17 AM Subject: Re: Real Audio to MP3 > Gw does not convert rm files to mp3 if it does it is grabbing some

Re: Real Audio to MP3

2006-07-28 Thread Richard Claypool
wich audio manger? Rick - Original Message - From: "Jim Noseworthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 4:39 PM Subject: Re: Real Audio to MP3 > Hello: > > Let me clear up this mystery: if the Audible manager was previously > installed, Gold

Re: Real Audio to MP3

2006-07-29 Thread Richard Claypool
I never downloaded audible and aam able to convert ral to mp3. Rick - Original Message - From: "Jim Noseworthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 5:14 PM Subject: Re: Real Audio to MP3 > Randy: > > Just go to and download the

Re: gold wave question

2006-07-29 Thread Richard Claypool
I'd advise upgrading to the latest version of goldwave. that would probally make a difference. Rick - Original Message - From: "Michael Amaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 11:08 PM Subject: gold wave question > Hello, listers > I am

Re: Cdex help please

2006-07-29 Thread Richard Claypool
that is such an inificiant way of handleing things. rick - Original Message - From: "Jim Ruby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 7:27 PM Subject: RE: Cdex help please > When you use the play application you have it read the gracenote

Re: Cdex help please

2006-07-29 Thread Richard Claypool
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of Richard Claypool > Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 6:29 PM > To: PC audio discussion list. > Subject: Re: Cdex help please > > that is such an inificiant way of handleing things. > > rick > > - Original Message -

Re: Skype Info

2006-08-14 Thread Richard Claypool
yeah, the beta scripts are the ones that should be used. They're a heading or so below the regular scripts, which is too bad since those scripts are clearly out of date and people get confused by them. Rick - Original Message - From: "André van Deventer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'PC a

Re: create your own natural voices!

2006-08-17 Thread Richard Claypool
I suspect it defaults to your onboard one. I have to test that sometime this evening. but it shouldn't. Doesn't work on my machine either. I also don't know if these can be used with sapi5 programs, so it's use would be no more than say a toy. Rick - Original Message - From: "Matth

streaming titles in shoutcast

2006-08-25 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, I'm using the latest shoutcast plugin, and it won't stream the titles. I saw a plugin that would stream the titles, but only for one stream, and it looks very clugish. any ideas, Rick contact info msn [EMAIL PROTECTED] skype lord_of_beer aim r_claypo __

Re: Sam Encoders VS Shoutcast Plug-In

2006-08-25 Thread Richard Claypool
that would be I think if you're going to broadcast voice and music. It creates a pipeline. Rick - Original Message - From: "Sarah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 3:27 PM Subject: Re: Sam Encoders VS Shoutcast Plug-In > question. wh

Re: Jaws and

2006-08-27 Thread Richard Claypool
I have talked to them, they said that they wre going to make the site more accessable, but as yet they have not. Rick - Original Message - From: "Lynn Schneider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 9:39 PM Subject: Jaws and > I'm wondering if any of yo

Re: Jaws and

2006-08-29 Thread Richard Claypool
I use with no problems on my xp machine. Pandora is awsome but for very different reasons. Rick - Original Message - From: "Brent Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:56 PM Subject: Re: Jaws and > You

Re: If you had to buy a mp3 player today

2006-09-06 Thread Richard Claypool
How much are these devices? Rickarama - Original Message - From: "David Tanner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 5:57 PM Subject: Re: If you had to buy a mp3 player today > What features do you want it to have? Ultimately, I think

making wav files out of .m,idi files

2006-09-06 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, What program should be used to save the sounds of a mid as a wave file? I know you can't convert it, but I'm sure there has to be a way to get the synth tones into a wave file short of turning on the what you hear feature on the soundcard? Also, my friend has an onboard soundcard with rea

Re: using gold wave to convert multiple files

2006-09-22 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, I'm not good at writing out the steps for this, so if all else fails, add lord_of_beer to your skype contacts if you have skype and I'll guide you through it. - Original Message - From: "Scott Blanks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Thursday, September 21

Re: simple to use mp3 tag prog

2006-09-25 Thread Richard Claypool
I only wish it had the option to move files to folders bassed on id3 tag information. If it had that function I'd be a very happy Rickness - Original Message - From: "Steve Matzura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:57 AM Subject:

Re: downloading music from Usenet news groups

2006-09-25 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, You can either use the older version of agent, or you can use binaryboy. I like binaryboy for downloading, and the author is super nice, but if you have the older version of agent, there's really no need to use anything else. like so many things, it's all in what you like. Rick - Ori

Re: Question about Bit Rates in Streaming

2006-09-25 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, Is the station being streamed from your house? If it is, then you probally don't have enough andwidth to handle a server. If, however, it's going through a professional server, don't know what the problem might be? Rick - Original Message - From: "Jardata Mail Services" <[EMAIL P

Re: simple to use mp3 tag prog

2006-09-25 Thread Richard Claypool
, 2006 6:12 PM Subject: RE: simple to use mp3 tag prog > Actually it does. > > > > > David Truong > > E-mail and MS messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Skype: blindboxer1967 > > Home Page: > -Original Message

Re: simple to use mp3 tag prog

2006-09-26 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, That's what I was talking about. I found a program that claimed it would do that, and I gave it a test and it mizerably failed. Rick - Original Message - From: "Steve Matzura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:57 AM Subject:

Re: downloading music from Usenet news groups

2006-09-26 Thread Richard Claypool
ect: Re: downloading music from Usenet news groups > > >> i use power grabber. its not available any more but i have a couple > coppies >> of it. works great. only shows you the completed binary files. you don't > get >> thousands of lines like in agent. >&g

Re: downloading music from Usenet news groups

2006-09-26 Thread Richard Claypool
er 26, 2006 8:47 AM Subject: Re: downloading music from Usenet news groups >i use power grabber. its not available any more but i have a couple coppies > of it. works great. only shows you the completed binary files. you don't > get > thousands of lines like in agent. >

Re: Binary boy

2006-09-26 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, if you want to skype me it's lord_of_beer there are a couple of tweaks. tell the program to grab all headers when you 1st search. By default, it will only grab the last I think 300 or 2 headers or something like that. if you want to talk to me on the phone, gimme your number, and I'll

Re: downloading music from Usenet news groups

2006-09-26 Thread Richard Claypool
al with. I'm not sure what most ISP news servers have as far as > binary groups or how long stuff stays there. > > - Original Message - > From: "Richard Claypool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " > Sent: Tuesday, Sep

using compression

2006-10-05 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, Here's what I'd like to do. I'd like to mix a vocal track overtop of a music track. As I speak, I'd like to have the music drop .. you know .. general compression. I can do a mix in goldwave, but it's a set mix. is there a way to get the desired effect of what i want with goldwae, or wo

Re: Article: US Official: AllofMP3 Must Shut Down

2006-10-06 Thread Richard Claypool
Actually, it's the riaa who's pushing the u s around who's pushing rusa around. What bothers me is tht these factions have enough power to dictate governmentle polacies. I don't use the site namely because there's no evidence that the artists see a dime of the money, so why pay when it won't b

Re: using compression

2006-10-07 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, I thought that compression did both, for example, if the music was louder than the voice, the compresser would even out both. If I'm wrong, then sorry. Rick - Original Message - From: "Steve Matzura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, October 07

Re: ForbiddenCryptsOfHauntedMusic

2006-10-26 Thread Richard Claypool
that site is awsome. I'm going to try to mirror that hole site if I can. Rick - Original Message - From: "Bobcat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:59 AM Subject: ForbiddenCryptsOfHauntedMusic > More Halloween music, songs, sound

Re: Who's succeeding with Pandora

2006-10-27 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, I was able to register but that was awhile back. I couldnt change stations at all, tell the system if I liked or didn't like an artist, etc. When I emailed them, they responded promptly and sid they were working ways to make their platform more accessable. I think it would behoove me to re

u s b guitar

2006-10-27 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, has anyone messed with this new u s b guitar? It's supposed to be around 150 bucks and has several different guitar voices and efx built into it. Sounds pretty shweet, but was wondering if anyone had hands on experience with said item? I'd not give up my custom lesspaul, but it would be n

Re: A Question regarding Bear Share Lite

2006-10-30 Thread Richard Claypool
>From all I've read, they finally got a clue and removed spyware from the latest version. I don't use it, so can't directly comment. Rick - Original Message - From: "Arthur Barney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2006 03:26 PM Subject: Re

Re: Where the heck is that darn website

2006-10-31 Thread Richard Claypool
It's gone. Everyone downloaded wiped out his bandwidth allication. I had started to downlod and collect the mp3s, but didn't get much. Rick - Original Message - From: "Kathy Szinnyey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 06:10 AM Subject

Re: Feeling like an idiot never felt so good!

2006-11-01 Thread Richard Claypool
How does one turn on the 24 bit playback? Rick - Original Message - From: "Dana S. Leslie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 01:15 PM Subject: Re: Feeling like an idiot never felt so good! > Larry, > > What is this MAD encoder plug

Re: query about using bit torrent

2006-11-09 Thread Richard Claypool
one thing that really helps is. if you're using utorrent, and jaws, go into the jaws config and tell it to use msaa to read stuff. it will make things more understandable. Rick - Original Message - From: "leslie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Thursday, N

Re: Learning how to set up an internet stream

2006-11-11 Thread Richard Claypool
I like winamp. compression plugins, cross faiding, and setting up the shoutcast plugin is rather painless. Rick - Original Message - From: "Lino Morales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 03:07 PM Subject: Re: Learning how to set up

Re: query about using bit torrent

2006-11-14 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, I get tthat error because I'm not behind a router at this point in time. If you're not behind a router, then ignore that error. If you are behind a router, then you'll need to open the port on your router that utorrent is set to use. Rick - Original Message - From: "Dancing Quee

Re: .Ogg or MP3?

2006-11-25 Thread Richard Claypool
but if you convert from one format to another, you'll lose quality. I just use mp3 because it plays on standard players. Rick - Original Message - From: "Lino Morales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 04:25 PM Subject: Re: .Ogg or M

Re: Macromedia Flash

2006-11-25 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, that's not true at all. there are later versions of flash, and I just downloaded flash yexterday. I'll try to find the link for you. You should be able to goto macro media's web site, and there should be a download link for flash. Rick but, there's a long w __

Re: Macromedia Flash

2006-11-25 Thread Richard Claypool
hi, try this link see what google can do you you? rick - Original Message - From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 05:25 PM Subject: Macr

Re: Macromedia Flash

2006-11-25 Thread Richard Claypool
ick! I tried it, but it still didn't seem to work. I got a message > that I may need to click the bar at the top of the screen to install the > player, and something about watching something when the player has been > installed. > - Original Message - > From: "R

Re: gold wave

2006-11-25 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, It would help if you told us what steps you were taking, and what the error you were getting was. rick - Original Message - From: "Michael Amaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 07:49 PM Subject: gold wave > Hello listers, >

Re: Macromedia Flash

2006-11-26 Thread Richard Claypool
s and downloaded the update, and I > installed it. Everything is back to normal! Thanks for your help! > - Original Message - > From: "Richard Claypool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " > Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:45

stereo mix and voice overs

2008-06-25 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, I had a sb live 24 bit, but the contacts got screwed in the mic jack, so I'm stuck with the onboard soundcard. I can do stereo mix, but there's no option to moniter incoming sound so I can't do voice overs. is there a hidden config option for this or is it imporible? under both record an

Re: LTB Headset

2008-07-24 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, a lot of times, some apps won't go through, you have to reboot the machine, and it will see the u s b headset, and all apps will work. if you have forced windows to use a sertin soundcard, then plugging in the USB headset won't help. for example, when I plugin a u s b headset, jaws, in mo

Re: reducing recording levels with goldwave

2008-07-30 Thread Richard Claypool
right, but if it's recorded, and there's distortion, reducing the finished volume won't change crap. - Original Message - From: "Maheen Wickramasinghe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 7:49 PM Subject: Re: reducing recording levels with gold

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