Re: Skype and the Sound Blaster

2011-08-15 Thread Richard Claypool
Hi, Skype only transmits in mono, as I recall. I think the problem may be with their system. When I have spoken to you, you came through both channels. twitter msn skype lord_of_beer ---

Re: putting cds on a hard drive

2011-08-15 Thread Steve Matzura
Jailbreak means to remove restrictions placed usually by a reseller which change or remove capabilities oribinally placed there by the manufacturer. Kind of like unlocking hidden features the reseller turned off because they don't want you to access them for their own reasons. This is very common i

Re: Skype and the Sound Blaster

2011-08-15 Thread Steve Matzura
That's on the playback end. ON the transmit end, it only picks up the left one. On Mon, 15 Aug 2011 07:04:35 -0400, you wrote: >Hi, > >Skype only transmits in mono, as I recall. I think the problem may be with >their system. When I have spoken to you, you came through both channels. >twitter >

Re: NFL Audio Pass Info, (good news)

2011-08-15 Thread Christopher Chaltain
When I checked the NFL's Audio Pass today, I noticed that there's now a link for the home broadcast and a link for the away broadcast. Prior to that, I only saw a listen link. Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to listen to a game, but I think that's a subscription problem right now, and not

Fwd: Re: NFL Audio Pass Info, (good news)

2011-08-15 Thread Christopher Chaltain
In working with to resolve my subscription issue, I did get the following message just now: Also, there will be a text-based menu for screen readers and visually impaired users added later this week in time for week 2 games. Given that I can select the home or away feed from the schedule

RE: NFL Audio Pass Info, (good news)

2011-08-15 Thread Paul Hutson
Well, I just tried it a few minutes ago and I was able to listen to both home and away links so fhope you can get your subscription taken care of so you too can enjoy the NFL season and thanks...Paul -Original Message- From: [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.o

RE: Re: NFL Audio Pass Info, (good news)

2011-08-15 Thread Paul Hutson
I will be very interested to find out that thing myself. I am so GLAD that they are so willing to work with us on this and thanks for your update...Paul -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain Sent: Mo

Re: Re: NFL Audio Pass Info, (good news)

2011-08-15 Thread Mike Mote
I can confirm that this works also. Glad the NFL does care about us blind folks. - Original Message - From: "Paul Hutson" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 3:51 PM Subject: RE: Re: NFL Audio Pass Info, (good news) I will be very interested to find out t

Re: NFL Audio Pass Info, (good news)

2011-08-15 Thread Christopher Chaltain
yep, now that I've got my subscription taken care of, everything is fine! On 15/08/11 15:27, Mike Mote wrote: > I can confirm that this works also. Glad the NFL does care about us > blind folks. > - Original Message - From: "Paul Hutson" > To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" > Sent: Monday

A question about muting input audio

2011-08-15 Thread Mike Mote
Hi listers! I have a question about muting the line-in audio so that I don't hear it, but I can still record and people on Skype calls can still hear me. I used to have sound card that would allow me to mute the input monitor. Not sure if I can do that with all sound cards, or not. I'd reall

Re: A question about muting input audio

2011-08-15 Thread Dave Bahr
I'm a bit confused. You want to be able to mute the audio of your line in recording but play things like skype calls? In windows 7, go to the volume control and then click the mixer button, you'll find trackbars of things that are running at the time and you can unmute and mute at will. hth D

Re: A question about muting input audio

2011-08-15 Thread Mike Mote
Dave, I'm not using Windows 7. I'm using Windows XP. I was able to do this on a Sound Blaster card before. This computer doesn't work that way, or at least not yet. - Original Message - From: "Dave Bahr" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 7:13 PM Subject:

Re: A question about muting input audio

2011-08-15 Thread Dave Bahr
if you want, email me offlist and we could skype to troubleshoot this, it's been awhile since I used xp but I could help you with the card's manual or something. I don't know how techy you are, maybe you've already tried those sorts of things. Dave c. bahr On 8/15/2011 5:19 PM, Mike Mote wro

Re: A question about muting input audio

2011-08-15 Thread Mike Mote
I would like to do that. What's your Skype contact info? - Original Message - From: "Dave Bahr" To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 7:24 PM Subject: Re: A question about muting input audio if you want, email me offlist and we could skype to troubleshoot thi

Re: Re: NFL Audio Pass Info, (good news)

2011-08-15 Thread mark bishop
Hi I need to unsubscribe. What email address do I need for this? thanks Mark Bishop To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: