It works fine here, and off course it must be turned on and active.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af David Bailes
Sendt: 29. november 2017 11:33
Til: pc-audio
Emne: Fwd: Fwd: loop back audio was Re: stereo mix not working
Hi Dane,
What does such beasts cost?
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 26. november 2017 00:38
Til: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Emne: Re: Tecsun PL660
Well you're going to have to make a few decisio
Sounds really good!
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Tom Dimeo
Sendt: 15. november 2017 00:26
Til: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Emne: List Will Continue
OK folks, I got the message. The pc audio list will continue, probably on
Hi Anders,
Oh sorry to hear that. I never had issues with mine. But you're right that such
a device should contain up-up to date hardware, and downloading books is a pain
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af A
Ah let's get this strate.
aptX is a faster protocol especially used by gamers to get lower latency when
playing with Bluetooth headphones.
The aptX audio codec is available for consumer and automotive wireless audio
applications, notably the real-time streaming of lossy stereo audio over the
vice feels more like
reading a real book then using apps for all purposes in life. :-)
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Mary Otten
Sendt: 9. november 2017 21:58
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Humanwear V
AptX is not a format it's a protocol.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Anders Holmberg
Sendt: 9. november 2017 13:47
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Humanwear Victor Reader Stream Trek
Yes but does it su
Wel i'd go for something like Edify
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af The wolf
Sendt: 4. november 2017 20:14
Til: PC Audio Discussion List ; David Goldfield
Emne: Re: Good PC speakers
I think i have a varient of
The iTunes 12.7 version is very accessible when ripping audio CD's, not that I
do it too often these days.
Brian Hartgen
-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Dean
Sent: 02 November 2017 16:53
To: 'PC Audio Discu
Try Pontes Media Downloader, it's really excellent.
Brian Hartgen
Choose Hartgen Consultancy for high quality JAWS Script Writing, training and
our products including J-Say, J-Dictate and Leasey.
Telephone (in the UK) 02920-850298.
Telephone (in the U
Hey David,
This sounds amazing. I wish it soon will be ready in my language too.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af David Bailes
Sendt: 30. september 2017 21:31
Til: pc-audio
Emne: SV: Audacity and Jaws on Windows
An this you have tested yourself?
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af David Bailes
Sendt: 28. september 2017 15:49
Til: pc-audio
Emne: Audacity and Jaws on Windows 10 creators update
Up until very recently, running Audacity
Wow thanks for the tip. I suffer from this every time I try to close Audacity.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af David Bailes
Sendt: 1. august 2017 16:26
Til: pc-audio
Emne: Audacity and Jaws on Windows 10 Creators update
ite is not
accessable for screen readers and they of all people should know better.
Brian Sackrider
Hi Kenny,
Thanks a lot.
We don't get much of that great stuff anymore on the lists, so it's highly
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Kenny
Sendt: 21. maj 2017 00:30
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
n't or won't fix that I'd never ever buy a
unit from Apple again. I off course hope the best. Smile
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Humberto
Sendt: 4. maj 2017 16:08
Til: 'PC Audio Dis
They also have a version without all the scanning jazz for about the same price
as the Stream.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Gary Schindler
Sendt: 3. maj 2017 16:56
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Victor Reader
I don't know, why the Hims Blaze ET has not been menchened as it's a scarrylly
cool unit that also has Bluetooth support.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På veg
Hi Dane,
Agree totally.
It's usable for speech, but hopeless when it comes to music.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 2. maj 2017 08:31
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: SV: Victor Reader S
Wow then you should have heard the first generation. Grin
It was really really bad!
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Tom Kaufman
Sendt: 2. maj 2017 01:29
Til: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Emne: RE: Victor Reader
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Peter Scanlon
Sendt: 1. maj 2017 20:35
Til: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Emne: RE: Victor Reader Stream 2nd Generation
I love my Victor Stream.
The best thing about it is how easy it is to
where all other units shows lots of
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Gary Schindler
Sendt: 1. maj 2017 16:44
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Victor Reader Stream 2nd Generation
In addition to wha
And don't forget the wonderful battery life, when you're on the go.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 1. maj 2017 16:25
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Victor Reader Stream 2nd Generati
Hi, please remove Brian Parker from your lists. He passed away
yesterday. He would tell you he had a great life! love from his daughter Ruth.
At 21:57 22/03/2017, Fred Quick wrote:
I just received mine a few minutes ago. Nice solid metal construction. Could
someone give me a mini startup
Certainly the Soundlink is due for an update, most Bluetooth speakers
have some sort of transport control but the Soundlink III does not.
I appreciate the power of the Soundlink III certainly and the control
layout, simple and logical.
On 23/03/2017 8:32 PM, Brian Olesen wrote:
> Hi,
There is also the Bose SoundLink Bluetooth 3 which is better suited for music.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 23. marts 2017 08:33
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Bose Soundlink Mini II
It's number 3 with the little circle on it.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Andy
Sendt: 3. februar 2017 21:44
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Olympus LS 14
Hi all.
I've just purchased a second hand Ol
Hi all,
Thanks. Oh yes I did know it's the time setting, but really wish someone had
the formular for inputting date and time at hand.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Brian
Sendt: 22. januar 2017 18:40
to do with setting up the time and date, but exactly
how do one do that??
Best regards
Yes I have exactly the same problems as you.
-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Jamie Kelly
Sent: 09 January 2017 06:17
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Sound Forge Query
Thanks Brian that wor
If you use the jaws cursor to click on 20 band, that should allow you then to
get access to the controls.
Brian Hartgen
-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Jamie Kelly
Sent: 08 January 2017 08:22
To: 'PC Audio Discussion
Hi Dane,
What is the cost for those nice beasts?
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 4. januar 2017 03:31
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: The B&W MM1 Computer speaker system
And hello to the other
Hi Dane
It's just AC by the way. Grin
Good luck with your new unit.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane
Sendt: 4. januar 2017 03:03
Til: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Emne: Goodbye to another old and faithful produc
HI Dane,
There are certainly newer versions out now, also with much better technical
specs and features.
I can't answer how it get the stream from, or if it maybe just buffers it.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af
might want to chech the setting that
allows Phonecalls using data I think its called.
Your provider must support this function in order for it to work.
On 15/12/2016 10:46 PM, Brian Olesen wrote:
> Hi dane,
> Wow how do you enable HD voice on an iPhone SE?
> Brian
Hi dane,
Wow how do you enable HD voice on an iPhone SE?
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 15. december 2016 12:38
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: List of smartphones with HD Voice support - Wikipedia
It's not durable.
Well you can use an app called Take a Call pro that reroutes the call by adding
another participant to the conversation, and then records it.
But I believe you can do it with an Android phone.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun.
Well I believe the new ultra will.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 8. november 2016 20:43
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: SV: Streaming DLNA content to a television
Ah, I do
Yeah a crome cast.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 8. november 2016 00:36
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Streaming DLNA content to a television
Does anyone know of a dongle or similar that
Yeah. Dvd audio extracter.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 1. november 2016 11:36
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: SV: The purchase of Any DVD HD
I do have one small complaint about Any DVD
AnyDvd has reasonably changed ownership from SliSoft to Redfox.
Don't believe in lifetime garanties like this.
When they sell a product these garranties often falls a part.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af John Gurd
Yes from the system tray.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Les Gordon
Sendt: 30. oktober 2016 13:11
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Ripping DVD'S usin Windows
hello, do you use anydvdhd? it seems very simp
Yeah. They're called xhc
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Gary
Sendt: 30. oktober 2016 09:27
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Recommendations for a Large Capacity SD Card for my VRS?
These cards are higher capacity than I
Today I believe that anyDvd is the best to use. The hd version will rip
directly to harddisk.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 30. oktober 2016 07:17
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Do you guys kno of any work arounds for getting in to the more advanced
controls of this fine headsetlike the Dolby surround ajustments and so.?
Big Shame on logitec!
Best regards
I guess it's 64 gig, but be aware that you can attach an external USB
harddisk to it via the accompanying usb adapter.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Kenny
Sendt: 26. oktober 2016 12:40
Til: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Emne: Re
bed not covering the
Actually there is both an EZ and an ET model, and I can't tell the
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Kenny
Sendt: 23. oktober 2016 12:23
Til: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
You should certainly also check out the Hims Blaze EZ.
It's a pretty cool device too.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Kenny
Sendt: 23. oktober 2016 04:17
Til: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Emne: Any Pla
You're perfectly right. Grin
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 19. oktober 2016 14:54
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: SV: iPhone 7 disappointing audio...?
Nothing at all wrong with
ve pretty
rapidly in this field, and then give us access to many more cool devices with
interesting audio.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 18. oktober 2016 23:21
Til: PC Audio Discussion Lis
Audacity is a multitrack recorder, so you can simply import the files into
individual tracks. Then you can work on each track till you're satisfied.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Jesse
Hi John,
Remember to disable the Bluetooth radio on your pc if you have one.
Else it will interfear.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Brian
Sendt: 12. oktober 2016 17:38
Til: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Hi, john
As far as I can tell there are 2 editions. A model 40 and a model 50.
Maybe you should just ask for a replacement.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af John Gurd
Sendt: 11. oktober 2016 20:28
Til: 'PC
Yeah I got it very cheep from ebay. Really useful information there.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af John Gurd
Sendt: 10. oktober 2016 09:50
Til: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Emne: RE: SV: Pro
Hi Dane,
Again thank you very much.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane
Sendt: 9. oktober 2016 17:31
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Problems with Bluetooth on a laptop
Right, here's my USB dongle
Hi Dane,
Amazing real good info. Thank you very much.
I'll look forward to hearing about the name of this wonderful thing.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane
Sendt: 9. oktober 2016 17:06
Til: PC Audio Discu
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Midimag-ex mailing list
Winamp is a dinosaur.
VlC Media player is the new kid in town that actually works.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af John Covici
Sendt: 6. oktober 2016 13:57
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: accessible
Speaking of headphones. Yesterday I just got my new Bose Quiet Comford 35.
They're gordious.
When turned off I could hear a grass trimmer running outside, but as soon as
I turned them on zap, and the sound was magical removed.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-
Hi tom, thanks, yes, it works. good luck brian.
Hi list, i am sorry to bothered you. i now have it worked out, and
done the upgrade. btrian.
hi, this message is for anyone who has the machine. when i switch it
on, it informs me there is an update available. it asks me to access
the menu to start the update. i don't know how to access the menu.
can anyone help. brian.
Oh sure there is a lightning connector.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Steve Jacobson
Sendt: 9. september 2016 03:56
Til: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Emne: RE: So the new iPhone 7 has been announc
Yep. 4.2 to be precise.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 8. september 2016 21:16
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: So the new iPhone 7 has been announced
Once upon a time that may have been
There is an adapter included. And there is a pair of lightning ear bots
included as well.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Hamit Campos
Sendt: 8. september 2016 17:04
Til: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Emne: RE:
Apple Music so I’m wondering can it play Music offline
as Spotify can?
> On 25 Aug 2016, at 10:21 AM, Brian Olesen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm happy with Apple Music as well.
> Wish many of those services could be better at guessing what you mean
> when you type.
> Names and
I'm happy with Apple Music as well.
Wish many of those services could be better at guessing what you mean when
you type.
Names and titles can be pretty hard to name correctly.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Anders
To speak the truth. None of those digital services has many really old tunes.
For that you can use Youtube as many entusiasts puts up all kind of need old
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 22
At least they have about the double of paying customers.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Anders Holmberg
Sendt: 22. august 2016 20:07
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: The evolution of Spotify
Well, its not
Hi Dane,
I agree Spotify sound amazing! Really!
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane
Sendt: 22. august 2016 20:00
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: The evolution of Spotify
I like my premium
Yeah me too, but wich one. Smile
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Anders
Sendt: 22. august 2016 19:58
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Speaking of batterys?
I am not sure it could work.
You then
Hi folks,
Well has someone found a cheeper alternative to the battery in a Victor
Reader first generation?
I believe it's some sort of a standard battery as it's quite expensive to
get a such manufactured just for the sake of monopoly. Grin
Best regards
Hi Dane,
Although spotify seam to work nice on Sonos and iOS it's still a very
complicated matter to use with an ordinary pc.
Shame on them.
Therefor I whent appleMusic.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
k. so, i am now using the studio version. i have
tried i and o, and that works well. so, thanks to all of you. brian.
HI list, i have already sent a message about this, but i rather
foolishly forgot the subject line. i am using soundforge audio
studio. can someone tell me how to mark a block for deletion. thanks, brian.
ed it wronly. could someone help. brian.
and innovation still exists out there.
Best regards
as I said. Therre are some real good phones from zoom.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 13. juli 2016 08:12
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: Microphone for IOS iPhone
Will be most interesting
Zoom has some really amazing mics.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Kelby
Sendt: 9. juli 2016 17:14
Til: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Emne: iPhone Microphones
Are there any external mics that can plug
I bet they include an adapter to shot the mouth of the scepticals. Grin
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 23. juni 2016 16:50
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Article: If you kill the headphone
In short.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Peter
Sendt: 7. juni 2016 17:03
Til: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Emne: M-Audio Delta cards
I have a M-Audio Delta 66 and a M-Audio Audio File card.
I cannot locate Windows
The latest works beautifully.
I use the 64 bit version.
In their history they actually talks about accessibility enhancements, so
they're definitely aware of us.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Les Gordon
The best one in my opinion is VLC.
Do a google for VLC and find the right version on theirsight.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af randy
Sendt: 25. maj 2016 03:02
Til: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Emne: what's a
Hi Dane
Kortana will be much more intelligent this year. For example examining your
mails for appointments and being able to notify you about these.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 22. maj 2016 23:17
Thanks for the review. I really enjoy real user expierenc experience.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Anders Holmberg
Sendt: 29. april 2016 20:31
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Audio Technica ATH-M40X
A good way is buying for example a usb headset that has a physical usb sound
card that connects with mini jacks.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af André van
Sendt: 19. april 2016 09:23
Til: pc-audio@pc
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Casey
Sendt: 29. marts 2016 02:31
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: SV: sound blaster xfi
Hi can you recommended a better card to get then the real tech cards that most
It's called xonar
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Hank Smith,
and Seeing-eye dog Iona
Sendt: 29. marts 2016 00:04
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Re: SV: sound blaster xfi
had no idea Asus made sound cards
to a real hifi sound card you can easely tell the difference.
No it's primarily the DA converters that are better suited for audio then the
ones on the mother board.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Hank S
How I agree with that statement about can't having enough headphones. Grin
Best regards
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Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Anders Holmberg
Sendt: 26. marts 2016 13:57
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Foldable headset
then you'd have to check another screen reader out like the free Nvda
or if you even have more demands the quite expensive Jaws for Windows.
Best regards
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Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Devin Prater
Sendt: 22. marts 201
Hi Andy,
Narreator has definately improved over the latest years starting with windows
8, and it's also free.
Best regards
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Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Andy Logue
Sendt: 22. marts 2016 21:14
Til: PC Audio Discussion
Really strange. Sorry I can't come up with any usable explanation and I do like
VLC as well.
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Hank Smith,
and Seeing-eye dog Iona
Sendt: 22. marts 2016 19:37
Til: PC Audio Discussion
This is the real address, and maybe vlc don't support this format? Don't quite
know, but I have the same issue here on windows.
This is the direct stream, and here it sounds ok in mediaplayer.
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lorer as my browser that
it almost drives me nuts. Grin
Right now I'm running my audio through a physical Yamaha mixer over USB on a
windows 7 computer, and it works flawlessly with super good audio quality as a
I believe it also would be the case, if I were a Mac user.
Best rega
Interacting with things in mac OS requires quite a lot of key strokes
On the winning side web browsing is a breeze on Mac.
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Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Robert
Sendt: 21. marts 2016 22:40
Til: 'PC
y curious to
try this one out as all my friends tells me that it's super stable and
extremely fast compared to earlier Windows editions.
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Andy Logue
Sendt: 21. marts 2016 20:46
I've digged a little in to it now.
You have to login under store with your apple ID. Then on for you or what it's
called in English you'd sometimes find something. When I do a search I often
only get some play lists in return. But it should work just fine.
en you're ready to go without
white noise at all. Stay away from cheep Chinese copies. They won't do you any
If you can afort it then buy a Røde nt1A package bondled with a pupphilter then
you'll have a good microphone for many years to come.
Best regards
They're probably not connected right in the xlr plug.
There are microphones that needs phantom power wich probably can be turned on
with a button on the mixer.
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Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Rich De Steno
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