Hi Anders, Oh sorry to hear that. I never had issues with mine. But you're right that such a device should contain up-up to date hardware, and downloading books is a pain too.
Brian -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Anders Holmberg Sendt: 9. november 2017 23:15 Til: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> Emne: Re: Humanwear Victor Reader Stream Trek Hi! Yes you’re right Brian but they should have put better hardware into the stream. I have had my for repair once and i think it needs to go on repair again. /A > 9 nov. 2017 kl. 22:14 skrev Brian Olesen <br...@blindkom.dk>: > > Hey Mary, > You are so perfectly right, and to tell you the truth it's not only > blind people who feels this way. > But fascion is playing many of it's tricks on people you know. > Also a dedicated device for special needs is wonderful. > For example with a Victor you don't really need to care about power > loss or battery drainage. > Charge it once every second day, and you can read on and on as long as > you like. > Also manipulating the audio is a time consuming process. Lets say you > need to go to a certain page in a daisy book with touch, or find a special > fraze. > This is technically speaking possible, but will always and I mean > always take much longer with touch then with regular keys. > If you're a student and is planning to study for 5 years these seconds > becoming minutes becoming hours, becoming days, actually counts > against the biological human clock, and would be a great unnecessary > waist of precious time. > Yes off course I do own the app Voice Dream Reader, and loves it, but > believe me. I use my Stream 95 % of the time instead. > I could use my nice Hims U2, and honestly don't know why I don't. > Maybe because of it's size. But this little handy pocket device feels > more like reading a real book then using apps for all purposes in > life. :-) > > Best regards > Brian > > -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- > Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Mary > Otten > Sendt: 9. november 2017 21:58 > Til: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> > Emne: Re: Humanwear Victor Reader Stream Trekagainst the biological > human clock. > > More to go wrong or more to enable more people to use the device. I > don't own one, but I still know plenty of blind folks who do much > better with buttons than with touch; were thaIf you're a student and > is planning to study for 5 years these seconds being minutes becoming > hours becoming days actually count t not true, HumanWare wouldn't make this > stuff. > > Mary > > > >