Well now, I don't think its the MIDI player itself that is the
quality issue as the MIDI player as far as I'm aware only directs the
MIDI data to the sound device or MIDI synthesizer of your
pre-determined choice, the output device to which your MIDI play is set to etc.
Its been a while since I
Well, I got it to work, you first need to register and then you need
to search for the book you wish to subscribe to. Once you've found
the book you want, click on the subscribe link and its added to your
subscribed book list, you can then copy your personal subscriptions
link into Juice and i
>Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 16:24:00 +
>From: Gordon Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>* PGP Signed: 01/20/2006 at 04:24:04 PM
>Hello all. I thought you might be interested to know that Small
>World Radio just moved a step closer to becoming a not so small
>reality. The domain 'small-world-radi
I guess you could add all the tracks from your source to the Winamp
library and search for them that way.
At 17:08 17/12/2005 -0600, julie dawson said:
>Does anyone know if winamp has any type of search feature? I'm having a
>study guide for an examination scanned onto a data cd which will be pla
I use juice here, can't see any reason why it wouldn't work with what
you're using or you could even try Getright Pro.
At 23:14 16/12/2005 -0500, Will Smith said:
>Could someone tell me of any good software to receive podcasts on an older
>win98 machine using a dial-up connection?
>Not even su
r own of course.
At 02:12 16/12/2005 +1100, Brent Harding said:
>Real just takes over the system too much, it will yank the volume of speech
>way down, and wants to play everything and start up with the system.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ian Wells" <[
>Your Source for Discounted Ideas
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ian Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "PC audio discussion list. "
>Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:35 PM
Have you checked where your temp directory is pointing to in Sound Forge?
At 12:27 14/12/2005 -0800, Curtis Delzer said:
>Hi everyone. For some reason, sound forge (5.0) is telling me,
>"stopped recording because temporary disk is full," when, in fact
>there are over 6 gigabytes free. I defragged,
N A, NOT Donna, D O N N A
>D. S. Leslie, née C. R. Guttman
>Skype: dsleslie
>Your Source for Discounted Ideas
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ian Wells" <
>Skype: dsleslie
>Your Source for Discounted Ideas
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ian Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "PC audio discussion list. "
I haven't tried changing the output yet so I cannot comment on your post.
Allot of people are convinced (rightly or
wrongly), that Real Player is full of spy ware so
perhaps Real Alternative isn't.
At 14:21 14/12/2005 -0500, Dana S. Leslie said:
>I tried RealAlternative, mainly because, Unlike
I saw it in the PC-Audio archives.
At 16:48 13/12/2005 -0800, Donald L. Roberts said:
>In a recent post, Ian Wells mentioned that there was a review somewhere
>of the Panasonic RX29 boom box. As it sounded potentially interesting,
>I searched for this unit and found it s
at's Dayna, D A N A, NOT Donna, D O N N A
>D. S. Leslie, née C. R. Guttman
>Skype: dsleslie
>Your Source for Discounted Ideas
>- Original Message -
>From: &qu
Shame realy as their are some very very nice sounding Real streams out there.
To experience fully what I mean and you'll only appreciate this if
you have a broad-band connection, visit
have a listen to the stream there with Real Audio, I'm yet to hear
anything like it.
ible, and I urge others to do the same.
>Blessed Be,
>that's Dayna, D A N A, NOT Donna, D O N N A
>D. S. Leslie, née C. R. Guttman
>Skype: dsleslie
>Your Source for Discounted Ideas
Anyone know if this can be done? I've looked around in Real Player
for an option to change the output sound device but cannot seem to
find such a thing.
"Most accidents happen within the home so please don't drive your car
in the house."
hmmm, I didn't think that Cooledit existed any longer, as far as I
know its been replaced with Adobe Audition which I'm using here.
At 21:02 12/12/2005 -0500, Ted Phillips said:
>Hi listers. I can see from the archives that this subject has been
>here before, but I can't seem to find the jaws s
Heaps of software around to do what you want and at very reasonable
prices though ow accessible it all is I can't say.
Our local newspaper had a run-down and review of ten such products a
few weeks ag.
At 00:06 12/12/2005 -0800, Jardata_Mail_Services said:
>I recently purchased a prog
Just looking on the Windows XP Update page, I se their is a Windows
Media Connect update available, I'm wondering whether this patch may
solve the problems mentioned here regarding Windows Media Player.
PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Arch
Just wondered whether anyone had played with this unit on offer from
Panasonic. I notice from the archives that a list member reviewed
the Panasonic RXd29 boom-box that played MP3's from CD and the RXED50
Boom-Box that didn't, this looks to be a cross between the both machines.
the det
I realised that I can't as I'd have to give you my serial number
At 13:44 10/12/2005 +, Samuel Wilkins said:
>could you send me those plug-ins?
>Samuel Wilkins
>Skype cleverclogs572
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ian We
Also does well with music if you use the Limit at 6DB and maximise
preset, that one is particularly great for broadcasting, have used it here.
At 03:38 10/12/2005 -0500, Steve Matzura said:
>I think the wav hammer is a great pre-master compression tool. I like
>its default settings for most thing
Well, fiddle with the presets and you can hear some of the functions
the Wave Hammer is capable of and here's how you can achieve this.
First, open an audio file.
Next go into Wave Hammer and press the Preview button, you'll hear
your file being played in real time, now go up and down the pres
of visit:
>and then click on Second-hand Zone.
>You don't want to miss out on a bargain!
>-Original Message-
>On Behalf Of Ian Wells
>Sent: 09 December 2005 22:44
>To: PC audio di
7243 0500 of visit:
>and then click on Second-hand Zone.
>You don't want to miss out on a bargain!
>-Original Message-
>On Behalf Of Ian Wells
>Sent: 09 December 2005 18:53
>To: PC aud
rick to do that or it is simply
>unaccessible for screen readers?
>Thanks very much!
>----- Original Message -
>From: Ian Wells
>To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
>Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 3:06 PM
>Okay, for so
uld like to know how I can download them to see how they
>work with Window Eyes. Also, I would like to know how I can make my voice
>sound like it is in a monotone, meaning a robotic like voice.
>Samuel Wilkins
>Skype cleverclogs572
>- Original Mes
Okay, for some take a look here.
You'll find flangers, frequency shifters, pitch shifters, pass
filters, bass boosters, echo chambers, reverb units the works. I
know they're accessible through my PC, I use them with Sound Forge
and Adobe Audition. When i find accessi
That this device is exactly but it can be interfaced with your
computer as well.
At 01:37 5/12/2005 -0500, Gary Wood said:
>Yes! But I was thinking about a DVD recorder that you might have hooked to
>your television in the living room!
>- Original Message -
>From: "I
sage -----
>From: "Ian Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "PC audio discussion list. "
>Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 4:55 PM
> > That's correct.
> >
> >
That's correct.
At 16:48 4/12/2005 -0500, Gary Wood said:
>Hi Ian! Is that how much this thing costs?
>- Original Message -----
>From: "Ian Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 12:05 PM
Okay, well I've just started playing with this beast and I'll write
what I've found thus far.
Now it appears that one can only access the hard drive through the
Ethernet port meaning that one can only manipulate files, change
titles, change playlists, change chapter titles etc and it would
Firstly, CDEX doesn't use CDDB any longer, it uses FREEDB which
requires an email address, yo ucan use anything here if you like say
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if you so desire.
Winamp uses CDDB which is now called Gracenote, this service licences
itself out to software developers and company's and is m
005 2:26:52 AM >>>
>Yes, but, how about if I want to choose the songs to be transfer? How
>I customize the software for transfering the songs?
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ian Wells"
ng the songs?
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ian Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "PC audio discussion list. "
>Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 8:08 AM
>Subject: Re: Sonic Stag
>----- Original Message -
>From: "Ian Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "PC audio discussion list. "
>Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 5:13 AM
>Subject: Re: Sonic Stage
> > Okay,
Okay, well if anyone wishes to ask me any questions about the unit in
the meantime then perhaps it may be a good idea to write to me
privately as I notice a number of you have done to save cluttering up
the list, when I've finished researching and evaluating then I'll
email my findings.
At 10:
Oh okay, thanks for pointing that out.
At 08:47 2/12/2005 -0600, Robert Carter said:
>Hi List,
>Ian, I am using Window-Eyes version 5.5. The reading of the contacts
>list in the released version of Skype works fine. Window-Eyes 5.5
>does not read the contacts list in the beta at all.
What version of Window-Eyes are you using? Apparently in WE 5.5, some
changes have been made to fix a list box issue in Skype.
At 17:48 3/12/2005 +1100, Robert Carter said:
>Hi All,
>I just tried the new Skype beta. The reading of the contact list does
>not work with Window-Eyes. This works gr
I also found that the most recent version of
Skype I found, they'd turned the AGC off and the
audio levels used to fluctuate quite a bit, I
wonder if they've fixed that problem or made it worse in this version.
At 09:10 2/12/2005 -0500, TJ Olsen said:
>the most recent public skype totally kill
Okay, well my Minidisc came with thos software and all i can say is
that unless things have radically changed, then forget the Windows
version of Sonic Stage though the LINUX version works just fine.
At 18:26 3/12/2005 +1100, Roden said:
>Hi all!
>Does anybody knows how to use this software?
Certainly, it can function as a standard video recorder.
At 01:56 2/12/2005 -0500, Gary Wood said:
>Hi Ian. With it hooked up to your television, would you use something like
>this for something like Tevo, so that you can record shows?
>- Original Message -
>From: "I
That's right about Total Recorder, it will optimize the level
according to the sauce playing at hte time, calibrate perhaps would
be a better word.
At 00:52 2/12/2005 -0500, Gary Petraccaro said:
>You can't except with Sound Forge, although Total Recorder does have
>something like an automatic
h? I guess if
>they're saved on the hard drive as mpg files, winamp will do it over the
>network if the device is a drive in my network places. Hopefully the files
>are named something recognizable to tell what show it is, but one can tell
>soon enough by playing.
>----- Orig
Well, if you're using Total Recorder, you can have Total Recorder set
the level automatically to match the source you're using, that's what I do.
At 17:13 1/12/2005 -0800, Tyler Spivey said:
>Hello. This question has probably been asked to death on here, but how
>can I check the level of my audi
17:16 1/12/2005 -0500, Allison Mervis said:
>I would definitely be interested in knowing how it works for you.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ian Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 11:31 AM
Well, I can't answer the question about that particular model but
have you looked at say the Ipod shuffle? I have one here and I have
no trouble using it and you can get it in two sizes, 512 meg and 1 GB.
At 22:40 1/12/2005 +0100, Marijan Janev said:
>I'm in the market for blind friendl
t we're talking about a Rolls Royce in domestic hard drive
recorder here.
At 16:10 2/12/2005 +1100, Joy Tilton said:
>heck yeah!
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ian Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 16:31
I don't know about the latest version which I think is 5.09 but 5.08
shouldn't have any trouble.
At 12:23 2/12/2005 +1100, Andre Van Deventer said:
>Hi all
>I am attempting to play some of the copy protected wma music files I bought
>over the net with winamp. When I enter on the file in my co
Hello all!
A friend of mine has just told me about a new Panasonic video hard
drive recorder that's just come out, it has an Ethernet connection
which allows it to be networked to a computer or other video
recorder, a 400 gig hard drive and can record multi formats such as
MP3 etc, the built-i
Right! well you could try the Windows Sound Recorder and I think its
found in the Entertainment options under Accessaries in the
Programmes group, sorry I cannot be more specific as its been a while
since I've used that tool.
At 08:56 30/11/2005 -0800, Paul Hutson said:
>Hi all.
>I am sorry
Thanks Muchly.
At 16:08 28/11/2005 -0500, Will Smith said:
>I recommend the Griffin Imic usb audio interface. You can get one for
>just $29 at Amazon, including free shipping.
>On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, Ian Wells wrote:
> > Hello all!
Hello all!
Just wondering if anyone knows of some good sound devices to use with
a Mac Mini computer.
The Mini has a built-in sound device which is fine for most
situations but this device doesn't have a line-in socket so I'm going
to have to use either a USB or Firewire type, any suggestions?
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