Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 16, 2016, at 7:41 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
> Ah sorry about that the link to the App I'm using is FileBrowser - Access
> files on remote computers by Stratospherix Ltd
> Sent from Dane Trethowan's iPad Mini 4
Ah sorry about that the link to the App I'm using is FileBrowser - Access files
on remote computers by Stratospherix Ltd
Sent from Dane Trethowan's iPad Mini 4
> On 17 Apr 2016, at 12:21 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> An app store search of file browser brought up seve
An app store search of file browser brought up several apps with this
name. Who is the developer? Or what other identifying feature can you
provide to help identify the app?
Its just called an Eton Satellite.
> On 17 Apr 2016, at 8:51 AM, Casey wrote:
> Hi what model is it?
> I know tha you said that it was an Eton I believe it is spelled.
> But what model of that brand is it?
> May look for some you tube links on this unit later.
> On 4/16/2016 12:28 PM
Hi what model is it?
I know tha you said that it was an Eton I believe it is spelled.
But what model of that brand is it?
May look for some you tube links on this unit later.
On 4/16/2016 12:28 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
Its been a long wait yes and my nerves have had to endure absolute hell
I know there are people on list who use this App as someone here recommended
the App to me quite some time ago.
Since that time months have elapsed and I've only just recently started to use
IOS devices again on a fairly regular basis so I'm having to teach myself a lot
of what I knew agai
Its been a long wait yes and my nerves have had to endure absolute hell
when it comes to annoyance, suspense and envy as my friend in Orange
Count US proudly boasts about his Eton Satellite radio.
Well now I will have one of these little beauties in my hands hopefully
this time next week.
Been a while since I've found the need to use this software and I still
say the $49 it cost for the full version was well worth it even htough
I've come up against a brick wall jsut now .
So for those who regularly use the App, can you tell me where I can find
the select profiles combo b