[opnfv-tech-discuss] [dovetail] weekly meeting agenda 7/21

2017-07-19 Thread Wenjing Chu
Hi Dovetailers I am proposing we continue on the same topics for this week, 1) Update on the most recent Dovetail release 0.3 2) Another round of review on the addendum document 3) Continue to look through the open task list, including docs that still remain in drafts Anything else to add? Rega

[opnfv-tech-discuss] [Bottlenecks] Minutes of Bottlenecks Discussion on July 20, 2017

2017-07-19 Thread Yuyang (Gabriel)
Minutes of Bottlenecks Discussion on July 20, 2017 * Date and Time * Thursday at 0100-0200 UTC, July 20, 2017 * Thursday at 0900-1000 Beijing, July 20, 2017 * Wednesday at 1800-1900 PDT, July 20, 2

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [releng][opnfvdocs]document verify rtd job failed

2017-07-19 Thread Trevor Bramwell
Hi Matthew, Sofia, Mark, et. al. I've uploaded a patch for this[1]. This appears to be a bug introduced by docutils > 0.12 related to parsing remote image links in docs. Got it to fix locally for me, though I had to remove the tox virtualenv after introducing the fix, so we may need to do the sam

[opnfv-tech-discuss] [StorPerf] Weekly meeting notes

2017-07-19 Thread Beierl, Mark
Hello, You can find the weekly meeting notes in the wiki here [1]. Shrenik and I went over the process for manually starting the new StorPerf docker-compose containers as a developer using the local git repo. [1] https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/StorPerf+2017-07-19+Meeting+Notes Regard

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [releng][opnfvdocs]document verify rtd job failed

2017-07-19 Thread Beierl, Mark
Hello, It looks like since this build job #1582 [1], every rtd-verify job is failing with this error at the end: Exception occurred: File "/home/jenkins-ci/opnfv/slave_root/workspace/docs-verify-rtd-master/.tox/docs/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docutils/writers/_html_base.py", line 671

[opnfv-tech-discuss] [infra] xci-aio How to consume as a user for hands-on investigation and manual testing

2017-07-19 Thread Dave Urschatz
I’m able to run openstack commands from the ansible_ssh_host but I would also like to use the horizon dashboard and console to VMs. Is there an easy way to get the horizon dashboard url in the all-in-one deployment? Is there a default user and password? Any documentation? Best Regards, Dave Da

[opnfv-tech-discuss] Agenda for this week's Technical Discussion call

2017-07-19 Thread Raymond Paik
All, You can find the agenda for tomorrow's call at https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/PROJ/Tc+Agenda+20170720 Thanks, Ray ___ opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org https://lists.opnfv.org/mailman/listinfo/opnfv-tech-discuss

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [infra] xci-aio deployment failed on on an Intel NUC Kit NUC6i7KYK

2017-07-19 Thread Dave Urschatz
Hi Markos. That worked. Thank you. xci: aio has been installed I will also attempt the same on SuperMicro and Kontron hardware in the next several days. Regards, Dave On 2017-07-19, 8:35 AM, "Markos Chandras" wrote: Hello, On 19/07/17 13:30, Dave Urschatz wrote: > Hi Mar

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [mano-wg] [ mano-wg] Next Weekly meeting #39 7/26 Wednesdays 14 UTC/7 PDT and summary of todays meeting #38

2017-07-19 Thread SULLIVAN, BRYAN L
FYI - I keep trying to join this meeting but the GTM link always says invalid. Maybe the invite needs to be updated. From: mano-wg-boun...@lists.opnfv.org [mailto:mano-wg-boun...@lists.opnfv.org] On Behalf Of Prakash Ramchandran Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 9:02 AM To: mano...@lists.opnfv.org C

[opnfv-tech-discuss] [ mano-wg] Next Weekly meeting #39 7/26 Wednesdays 14 UTC/7 PDT and summary of todays meeting #38

2017-07-19 Thread Prakash Ramchandran
Hi all, Here is the link to today's mano-wg #meeting 38 summary. Highlights: 1. We are initiating a two-step mano install process for Release F. / Narinder is leading the efforts on two-step

[opnfv-tech-discuss] [StorPerf] Master instability ahead

2017-07-19 Thread Beierl, Mark
Hello, As part of the container decomposition project, StorPerf is going through a transition period in master where it will not be able to report statistics until the cutover is complete. If you rely on working metrics as part of integration or other testing, please use danube.3.0 until furth

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [BAROMETER] BAROMETER-63 (runtime config)

2017-07-19 Thread Aaron Smith
Hi Rami/Maryam, Thanks for the quick response. We had started looking at RedFish for a different topic. I did a cursory review of the API, but will need to look at it in more detail. If you have any notes to share that would be great as well. As a start, could you give examples of the aspects

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] SFC Project

2017-07-19 Thread Manuel Buil
HI Pavan, Seems like it is not blocking. Can you check that your packets are being classified at all? Look into table=11 of the compute: ovs-ofctl -O Openflow13 dump-flows br-int table=11 Regards, Manuel On Wed, 2017-07-19 at 17:54 +0530, Pavan Gupta wrote: > > > > Hi Andres/Manuel,I could run

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [BAROMETER] BAROMETER-63 (runtime config)

2017-07-19 Thread Bugenhagen, Michael K
Just a FYI.. Some of us providers are looking at staring a project using Redfish to manage “objects” --- specifically as a “UI” (USER INTERFACE) … If you take a step back and consider 1. What will the user API be – we’ll 95% chance that’s REST. 2. Will they want to read, or have exp

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [BAROMETER] BAROMETER-63 (runtime config)

2017-07-19 Thread Rosen, Rami
Hi Aaron, Indeed from initial exploration of the Redfish spec, it seems a very good candidate for a REST API that sits in front of collectd. As said this is a WIP, we are exploring further. Regards, Rami Rosen From: Tahhan, Maryam Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 17:15 To: Aaron Smith ; opnfv-tech

[opnfv-tech-discuss] New project proposal for ONAP-Automated OPNFV (Auto)

2017-07-19 Thread Tina Tsou
Dear all, Hope things going well. We will present a new project proposal ONAP-Automated OPNFV (Auto) at tomorrow's weekly Technical Community Discussion meeting. OPNFV is a SDNFV system integration project for open source components, which so far have been mostly limited to the NFVI+VIM as gen

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [BAROMETER] BAROMETER-63 (runtime config)

2017-07-19 Thread Tahhan, Maryam
Hey Aaron Rami in CC has been looking at this, and we’ve been using the Redfish API definition in DMTF as a reference. It’s very much a WIP but I will add this as a discussion topic to the next barometer call. BR Maryam From: opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org [mailto:opnfv-tech-disc

[opnfv-tech-discuss] [BAROMETER] BAROMETER-63 (runtime config)

2017-07-19 Thread Aaron Smith
Has any work been done on further definition of BAROMETER-63 (https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/BAROMETER-63)? We would like to coordinate with any work that has been done. Aaron Smith -- AARON SMITH SENIOR PRINCIPAL SOFTWARE ENGINEER, NFVPE Red Hat 314 Littleton Rd, We

[opnfv-tech-discuss] [StorPerf] Weekly Meeting

2017-07-19 Thread Beierl, Mark

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] OPNFV Docker builds on Dockerhub account

2017-07-19 Thread Fatih Degirmenci
Hi, It looks nice! Here are some comments. The most important comment I have is the ability to run docker builds for patches as part of verify jobs and post feedback to OPNFV Gerrit. If we go this path, we will have pre-merge builds done on our machines and post-merge builds done on docker hu

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] SFC Project

2017-07-19 Thread Pavan Gupta
Hi Andres/Manuel, I could run the test cases to completion, however, each one passed partially. I am not sure if the error msgs from neutron log point to subset failure of each test case. Let me know if you have any further pointers. Pavan SFC.log 2017-07-19 11:33:49,911 - __main__ - INFO - Resu

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [infra] xci-aio deployment failed on on an Intel NUC Kit NUC6i7KYK

2017-07-19 Thread Markos Chandras
Hello, On 19/07/17 13:30, Dave Urschatz wrote: > Hi Markos. > > Thanks for your reply. > > The distribution is Ubuntu 16.04 as per XCI Wiki. > > Here is the failure: > The real problem is this > self.install_requires:\\nAttributeError: Distribution instance has no > attribute 'install_r

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [infra] xci-aio deployment failed on on an Intel NUC Kit NUC6i7KYK

2017-07-19 Thread Dave Urschatz
Hi Markos. Thanks for your reply. The distribution is Ubuntu 16.04 as per XCI Wiki. Here is the failure: "fatal: [aio1]: FAILED! => {", "\"attempts\": 3, ", "\"changed\": false, ", "\"cmd\": [", "\"python\", ", " \"/opt/get-pip.py\", ", "\"--isolated

[opnfv-tech-discuss] OPNFV Docker builds on Dockerhub account

2017-07-19 Thread Jose Lausuch
Hi, Following up on the discussion about how to build our Docker images, I started a trial with Trevor Bramwell with automated builds on Dockerhub for some of the new Functest Docker images: https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-core/builds/ https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-smoke/buil

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [releng][opnfvdocs]document verify rtd job failed

2017-07-19 Thread Sofia Wallin
Hi Matthew, Thanks for reaching out. If I look here it seems like this patch is the one failing. But I’m not sure how to solve this… Hoping that Aric or Trevor will manage to help

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [SFC] Service Function Chaining in OpenStack using OpenDaylight

2017-07-19 Thread Raúl Álvarez Pinilla
Manuel, Tim, thank you very much for the information of the current status. I will try to finish testing ODL Demos (SFC103 and SFC104) and I will continue with the test case scenario that you mention Manuel. Best regards, [http://www.firmasdecorreo.com/dyndata/images/firmasdecorreo.com-2014-

[opnfv-tech-discuss] [releng][opnfvdocs]document verify rtd job failed

2017-07-19 Thread Lijun (Matthew)
Hi Since 07/18 the document verify rtd job for all project document failed, such as this one https://build.opnfv.org/ci/job/docs-verify-rtd-master/1590/console so can somebody try to solve this? One assumption is caused of https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/37609/ since it has some .rst not in

[opnfv-tech-discuss] [Bottlenecks] Bottlenecks weekly meeting 7-20 (1:00-2:00 UTC, Thursday, 9:00-10:00 Beijing Time, Thursday, PDT 18:00-19:00 Wednesday )

2017-07-19 Thread Yuyang (Gabriel)