[Openvpn-users] Forced disconnect on TCP

2020-08-05 Thread Hans via Openvpn-users
Hi all, I've got a peculiar situation: When setting up a tunnel with http encapsulation, all seems to work OK, However, after starting a Citrix-session and a Skype4Business meeting, the tunnel is aborted, SEEMINGLY by the server. (note: seemingly) I can restart the session, but with minutes (vary

Re: [Openvpn-users] Openvpn en openwrt

2020-08-05 Thread Stefan Monnier
> Buenos días, quisiera montar un servidor openvpn en un router tplink con > openwrt, podrian ayudarme. > Instalo el paquete necesario, en vpn, openvpn configurado los parametros, > creo la interfaz, mediante la interfaz web luci, pero no se si lo realizo > bien ya que no consigo conexión. podrian

[Openvpn-users] Facetime bypassing the tunnel

2020-08-05 Thread Aarti Anand
Hi all, Facetime is bypassing the tunnel setup via openVPN. Is that expected? Is there any workaround for it? To be precise, I have set up an openVPN client on an iOS device and connected to the openVPN server running on an ubuntu machine. I notice that the Facetime from the iOS device is bypassin

Re: [Openvpn-users] Facetime bypassing the tunnel

2020-08-05 Thread Aarti Anand
Dajka, thank you for responding! I actually have been using an IPv6 over an IPv4 tunnel. Do I need to setup an IPv6 tunnel? or IPv6 addresses over an IPv4 tunnel should work? thanks, -- *Aarti Anand, PhD* *Sr Software Engineer, Advanced Technology Group* *CableLabs, Inc* *Email:a.mun...@cable

Re: [Openvpn-users] Facetime bypassing the tunnel

2020-08-05 Thread Selva Nair
Hi, I think it's a known "feature" that some apple services including facetime bypasses the VPN tunnel. See the link below which is for the connect client, but the community version should behave the same in this particular case. https://openvpn.net/vpn-server-resources/faq-regarding-openvpn-conne

Re: [Openvpn-users] Facetime bypassing the tunnel

2020-08-05 Thread Dajka Tamás
Hi, without knowing your exact configuration it’s pretty hard to answer :) My first guess would be, that your tunnel is IPv4 only, while facetime and hangouts uses IPv6 (and the client has an IPv6 address). Cheers, Tom From: Aarti Anand [mailto:aarti.mun...@gmail.co

Re: [Openvpn-users] Facetime bypassing the tunnel

2020-08-05 Thread tincanteksup
That is hard to find even by my severe standards.. On 05/08/2020 23:01, Selva Nair wrote: Hi, I think it's a known "feature" that some apple services including facetime bypasses the VPN tunnel. See the link below which is for the connect client, but the community version should behave the same