Dajka, thank you for responding! I actually have been using an IPv6 over an
IPv4 tunnel. Do I need to setup an IPv6 tunnel? or IPv6 addresses over an
IPv4 tunnel should work?



*Aarti Anand, PhD*

*Sr Software Engineer, Advanced Technology Group*

*CableLabs, Inc*

*Email:a.mun...@cablelabs.com <a.mun...@cablelabs.com>*

*Office: +1 303-661-3790*

On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 3:50 PM Dajka Tamás <vi...@vipernet.hu> wrote:

> Hi,
> without knowing your exact configuration it’s pretty hard to answer J My
> first guess would be, that your tunnel is IPv4 only, while facetime and
> hangouts uses IPv6 (and the client has an IPv6 address).
> Cheers,
>                Tom
> *From:* Aarti Anand [mailto:aarti.mun...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 5, 2020 11:40 PM
> *To:* Openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* [Openvpn-users] Facetime bypassing the tunnel
> Hi all, Facetime is bypassing the tunnel setup via openVPN. Is that
> expected? Is there any workaround for it?
> To be precise, I have set up an openVPN client on an iOS device and
> connected to the openVPN server running on an ubuntu machine. I notice that
> the Facetime from the iOS device is bypassing the vpn tunnel.
> Similar behavior with Google hangouts. And wonder if there is a known issue
> and something obvious that I might be missing. thanks for reading and
> taking the time to respond.
> --
> *Aarti Anand, *
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