Do we have a report about the major features we are missing from
Storyboard? As an SB user I missing those:
- proper notification system (email and / or in-app messages)
- story-id workflow integration with gerrit
Except this two, I don't have other concerns, I see smaller bugs that can
be fi
Hey Michael
It's a shame we are getting rid of SB, it's an amazing kit of software.
I'm hoping we will be able to continue developing it, maybe not being the
main issue tracker for OpenStack now will allow the project become
what it was envisioned.
You have been a great lead and I am looking forw
So i'm sad to see a project like StoryBoard not arrive to a good end,
but I understand the decisions that lead to that. With the amount of
dedicated resources to StoryBoard, it was very complicated to provide
same features as other open source alternatives, and may be a better
option to col
Monty Taylor wrote:
> [...]
> We're looking at what our options are, and Thierry is examining them to
> see how tolerable their differences would be to our community.
> I propose that we have a solid answer and migration plan to put in front
> of people by Vancouver at the latest.
StoryBoard wa
I believe the its-* plugins for gerrit could handle this for you, recently
someone mentioned on the repo mailing list that you can even exclude
branches from the requirement.
I'd suggest asking there directly if you haven't already.
On 23 Mar 2015 22:17, "Jeremy Stanley" wrote:
> On 201
On 18:20 Mon 23 Mar , Diem Tran wrote:
> Hello Cinder team,
> Oracle ZFSSA CI has been reporting since March 20th. Below is a link
> to the list of results the CI already posted:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:%22Oracle+ZFSSA+CI%22,n,z
> Our CI system will be running and r
Yep, out of the box Gerrit commit hooks cannot block new patches from being
uploaded. An alternative would be to immediately set the vote on the
patchset to Code-Review to -2 if the commit message doesn't match what you
want. The hook script for something like that can be found here:
Hi infra,
I want to update the email address of CI account - "Intel PCI CI".
Please help me to disable the old "Intel PCI CI" account. Thanks a lot!
The old information of that account are below:
Username: intelotccloud
Full Name: Intel PCI CI
Email address: otc_cl...@163.com