So i'm sad to see a project like StoryBoard not arrive to a good end,
but I understand the decisions that lead to that. With the amount of
dedicated resources to StoryBoard, it was very complicated to provide
same features as other open source alternatives, and may be a better
option to collaborate with other open source projects.
Thanks Michael for all of your support, and make it easy to contribute
in StoryBoard. You've been incredibly supportive, and helped me to start
contributing to the project and gain confidence on that. You rock!
Finally, I think these efforts have not been in vain, because as Michael
says, we've setup the basis for a successful development using AngularJS
and best practices there, that can be used as a start point for another
It has been a pleasure to work with you all. Best
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Michael Krotscheck* <krotsch...@gmail.com
Date: 2015-03-24 0:28 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Biting the bullet on issue tracking
To: openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org
Hey everyone!
It's quite rough to realize that the thing you've been advocating,
working on, and desperately trying to recruit contributors for is DoA,
and that's what I've been struggling with for the past few weeks. Even
so, I was part and parcel to coming up with Monty's recommendation, so
this wasn't a surprise.
Don't get me wrong: I love the project. I love the team, I love our
technological vision, I love all these things. There are features that
I feel are unique - Federation, process-agnosticism, clean api/ui
separation, etc. - and given the opportunity (and proper resources) I
would love to continue working on it. However for all the excitement
that I've received over the past year, very little has solidified into
any kind of concrete contribution. It was time to call the bluff.
And yet... StoryBoard has been a fantastic test bed for JavaScript as
a first class citizen in OpenStack, and I'm going to continue moving
that forward. There are some missing parts of our infrastructure, some
of our existing tools need to be refined and documented, and there are
some sticky policy items that need to be proposed to the TC. I see no
reason not to continue supporting StoryBoard as that test bed,
especially since the infrastructure team is still using it. Once a
reasonable sunset has been reached (assuming new contributors don't
magically materialize), my plan is to dive into the other UI
components in OpenStack.
A very special thank you Yolanda Robla-Mota, Mike Heald, Riccardo
Cruz, Nikita Konovalov, Aleksey Ripinien, Tom Pollard, and all the
others who have contributed over the past year. Y'all are awesome.
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 4:03 PM Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com
<mailto:mord...@inaugust.com>> wrote:
Hi everybody,
First, some background:
A year and a half ago, Infra started down the road of of writing a
replacement for the pieces of Launchpad that OpenStack continues
to use.
There were several reasons, but notable amongst them are:
- Desire to use the forthcoming openstackid OpenID/Oauth as an SSO
- Delay in long-standing bugs that affect OpenStack getting fixed
The existing open source offerings that we investigated did not have
adequate feature parity in the key data model areas that made
particularly compelling as a choice for us, and adding what we
needed to
the existing offerings would amount to substantial rewrites ... so we
decided that we had no real choice but to write our own.
Where we're at
We've gotten far enough to get Infra moved on to storyboard, but the
project has never really gotten resourced to the level it needs to
be to
truly responsive to the needs of our community. We're making good
progress towards meeting the initial set of goals we set, but in the
mean time several new requests have come in - such as from the UX team
and the Product Management Working Group - that we cannot meet
today and
which at our current rate I do not believe we would be able to
meet in a
reasonable timeframe.
At the same time, the state of the art around us has improved since we
started. A year and a half ago, I was able to very honestly say
that we
needed to work on this effort because we simply had no other choice.
That is no longer true. Existing Open Source offerings not only can
represent a large portion of our data needs, but additionally can
support the additional features that have been requested by our
community today out of the box.
The combination of the two of those makes the likelihood of us being
able to convince people to pony up more resources seem more and
more far
fetched. I could be wrong, of course - it's possible that in
response to
this someone will start jumping up and down and commit engineers
to the
effort ... but I'm not holding my breath.
Biting the bullet
I think we should get out of the business of writing our own bug
It's not an easy thing to say, and I don't say it lightly. There are
things that storyboard models well that continue to be things that
simply are not modeled elsewhere. However, I think it's important to
know when good enough will do, and I think it's important to be
able to
step up and say that we tried valiantly, and everyone involved did a
great job, and yet the world has moved on and writing a bug tracker is
not, at the end of the day, what we're all here to do.
We're looking at what our options are, and Thierry is examining
them to
see how tolerable their differences would be to our community.
I propose that we have a solid answer and migration plan to put in
of people by Vancouver at the latest.
Finally, I'd like to say thank you to the storyboard team for
a very hard problem with not enough resources.
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Yolanda Robla Mota
Cloud Automation and Distribution Engineer
+34 605641639
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