Not sure if its something seen by others. I hit this when I run
tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps against master:
2015-01-10 17:45:13.227 5350 DEBUG neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin
[req-2ab4b380-cf3a-4663-90c3-a05ef5f4da0f None] Deleting port
super(L3_NAT_db_mixin, self).notify_routers_updated(
-context, list(router_ids), 'disassociate_floatingips', {})
+context, list(router_ids) if router_ids else None,
'disassociate_floatingips', {})
ML2 plugin calls disassociate_floatingips with do_notify set to False so it
should always be at least an empty set coming back.
Which L3 plugin were you using? Perhaps the implementation of
disassociate_floatingips was incorrect.
On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 11:42 PM, Sunil Kumar>> wrote: