Not sure if its something seen by others. I hit this when I run 
tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps against master:

2015-01-10 17:45:13.227 5350 DEBUG neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin 
[req-2ab4b380-cf3a-4663-90c3-a05ef5f4da0f None] Deleting port 
e5deb014-0063-4d55-8ee3-5ba3524fee14 delete_port 
2015-01-10 17:45:13.228 5350 DEBUG neutron.openstack.common.lockutils 
[req-2ab4b380-cf3a-4663-90c3-a05ef5f4da0f ] Created new semaphore "db-access" 
internal_lock /opt/stack/new/neutron/neutron/openstack/common/
2015-01-10 17:45:13.228 5350 DEBUG neutron.openstack.common.lockutils 
[req-2ab4b380-cf3a-4663-90c3-a05ef5f4da0f ] Acquired semaphore "db-access" lock 
2015-01-10 17:45:13.252 5350 DEBUG neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin 
[req-2ab4b380-cf3a-4663-90c3-a05ef5f4da0f None] Calling delete_port for 
e5deb014-0063-4d55-8ee3-5ba3524fee14 owned by network:floatingip delete_port 
2015-01-10 17:45:13.254 5350 DEBUG neutron.openstack.common.lockutils 
[req-2ab4b380-cf3a-4663-90c3-a05ef5f4da0f ] Releasing semaphore "db-access" 
lock /opt/stack/new/neutron/neutron/openstack/common/
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 ERROR neutron.api.v2.resource 
[req-2ab4b380-cf3a-4663-90c3-a05ef5f4da0f None] delete failed
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource Traceback (most 
recent call last):
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource   File 
"/opt/stack/new/neutron/neutron/api/v2/", line 83, in resource
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource     result = 
method(request=request, **args)
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource   File 
"/opt/stack/new/neutron/neutron/api/v2/", line 479, in delete
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource     
obj_deleter(request.context, id, **kwargs)
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource   File 
"/opt/stack/new/neutron/neutron/db/", line 198, in delete_floatingip
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource     
self).delete_floatingip(context, id)
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource   File 
"/opt/stack/new/neutron/neutron/db/", line 1237, in delete_floatingip
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource     router_id = 
self._delete_floatingip(context, id)
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource   File 
"/opt/stack/new/neutron/neutron/db/", line 902, in _delete_floatingip
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource     
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource   File 
"/opt/stack/new/neutron/neutron/plugins/ml2/", line 1050, in 
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource     
l3plugin.notify_routers_updated(context, router_ids)
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource   File 
"/opt/stack/new/neutron/neutron/db/", line 1260, in 
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource     context, 
list(router_ids), 'disassociate_floatingips', {})
2015-01-10 17:45:13.282 5350 TRACE neutron.api.v2.resource TypeError: 
'NoneType' object is not iterable

Looks like the code is assuming that router_ids can never be None, which 
clearly is the case here. Is that a bug?

Looking elsewhere in the, L3RpcNotifierMixin.notify_routers_updated() 
does make a check for router_ids (which means that that function does expect it 
to be empty some times), but the list() is killing it before it reaches that.

This backtrace repeats itself many many times in the neutron logs.

Thanks for your help.
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