> Rather than overload delete_on_termination, could another flag like
> delete_on_rebuild be added?
Isn't delete_on_termination already the field we want? To me, that field
means "nova owns this". If that is true, then we should be able to
re-image the volume (in-place is ideal, IMHO) and if not,
> Deleting all snapshots would seem dangerous though...
> 1. I want to reset my instance to how it was before
> 2. I'll just do a snapshot in case I need any data in the future
> 3. rebuild
> 4. oops
Yep, for sure. I think if there are snapshots, we have to refuse to do
te thing. My comment was
> Can you be more specific about what is limiting you when you use
> volume-backed instances?
Presumably it's because you're taking a trip over iscsi instead of using
the native attachment mechanism for the technology that you're using? If
so, that's a valid argument, but it's hard to see the trad
>> And I, for one, wouldn't be offended if we could "officially start
>> development" (i.e. focus on patches, start runways, etc.) before the
>> mystical but arbitrary spec freeze date.
Yeah, I agree. I see runways as an attempt to add pressure to the
earlier part of the cycle, where we're igno
> Does Cell v2 support for multi-cell deployment in pike? Is there any
> good document about the deployment?
In the release notes of Pike:
is this under 16.0.0 Prelude:
Nova now supports a Cells v2 multi-cell deployment. The default
> To the existing core team members, please respond with your comments,
> +1s, or objections within one week.
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> ==> Fully dynamic: You can program one region with one function, and
> then still program a different region with a different function, etc.
Note that this is also the case if you don't have virtualized multi-slot
devices. Like, if you had one that only has one region. Consuming it
consumes the
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/527658 is a z/VM patch which
> introduces their support for config drive. They do this by attaching a
> tarball to the instance, having pretended in the nova code that it is
> an iso9660. This worries me.
> In the past we've been concerned about adding new files
> for the run_validation=False issue, you are right, because z/VM driver
> only support config drive and don't support metadata service ,we made
> bad assumption and took wrong action to disabled the whole ssh check,
> actually according to [1] , we should only disable
> CONF.compute_feature_enable
>> global ironic
>> if ironic is None:
>> ironic = importutils.import_module('ironicclient')
I believe ironic was an early example of a client library we hot-loaded,
and I believe at the time we said this was a pattern we were going to
follow. Personally, I think this m
> I propose that we remove the z/VM driver blueprint from the runway at
> this time and place it back into the queue while work on the driver
> continues. At a minimum, we need to see z/VM CI running with
> [validation]run_validation = True in tempest.conf before we add the
> z/VM driver blueprint
> Thanks for the concern and fully under it , the major reason is
> cloud-init doesn't have a hook or plugin before it start to read
> config drive (ISO disk) z/VM is an old hypervisor and no way to do
> something like libvirt to define a ISO format disk in xml definition,
> instead, it can define
> Maybe it wasn't clear but I'm not advocating that we block the change
> until volume-backed instances are supported with trusted certs. I'm
> suggesting we add a policy rule which allows deployers to at least
> disable it via policy if it's not supported for their cloud.
That's fine with me, and
> Having briefly read the cloud-init snippet which was linked earlier in
> this thread, the requirement seems to be that the guest exposes the
> device as /dev/srX or /dev/cdX. So I guess in order to make this work:
> * You need to tell z/VM to expose the virtual disk as an optical disk
> * The z
> According to requirements and comments, now we opened the CI runs with
> run_validation = True And according to [1] below, for example, [2]
> need the ssh validation passed the test
> And there are a couple of comments need some enhancement on the logs
> of CI such as format and legacy incorrec
> I'm late to this thread but I finally went through the replies and my
> thought is, we should do a pre-flight check to verify with placement
> whether the image traits requested are 1) supported by the compute
> host the instance is residing on and 2) coincide with the
> already-existing allocati
> The oslo UUIDField emits a warning if the string used as a field value
> does not pass the validation of the uuid.UUID(str(value)) call
> [3]. All the offending places are fixed in nova except the nova-manage
> cell_v2 map_instances call [1][2]. That call uses markers in the DB
> that are not val
Takashi Natsume writes:
> In some compute REST APIs, it returns the 'marker' parameter
> in their pagination.
> Then users can specify the 'marker' parameter in the next request.
How is this possible? The only way we would get the marker is if we
either (a) listed the mappings by project_id, usi
> Takashi Natsume writes:
>> In some compute REST APIs, it returns the 'marker' parameter
>> in their pagination.
>> Then users can specify the 'marker' parameter in the next request.
I read this as you saying there was some way that the in-band marker
mapping could be leaked to the user via th
> For example, I look at your nova fork and it has a "don't allow this
> call during an upgrade" decorator on many API calls. Why wasn't that
> done upstream? It doesn't seem overly controversial, so it would be
> useful to understand the reasoning for that change.
Interesting. We have internal ac
> can I know a use case for this 'live copy metadata or ' the 'only way
> to access device tags when hot-attach? my thought is this is one time
> thing in cloud-init side either through metatdata service or config
> drive and won't be used later? then why I need a live copy?
If I do something lik
> My feeling is that we should not attempt to "migrate" any allocations
> or inventories between root or child providers within a compute node,
> period.
While I agree this is the simplest approach, it does put a lot of
responsibility on the operators to do work to sidestep this issue, which
> So, you're saying the normal process is to try upgrading the Linux
> kernel and associated low-level libs, wait the requisite amount of
> time that takes (can be a long time) and just hope that everything
> comes back OK? That doesn't sound like any upgrade I've ever seen.
I'm saying I think it'
> Dan, you are leaving out the parts of my response where I am agreeing
> with you and saying that your "Option #2" is probably the things we
> should go with.
No, what you said was:
>> I would vote for Option #2 if it comes down to it.
Implying (to me at least) that you still weren't in favor o
> FWIW, I don't have a problem with the virt driver "knowing about
> allocations". What I have a problem with is the virt driver *claiming
> resources for an instance*.
> That's what the whole placement claims resources things was all about,
> and I'm not interested in stepping back to the
> Some ideas that have been discussed so far include:
FYI, these are already in my order of preference.
> A) Selecting a new, higher maximum that still yields reasonable
> performance on a single compute host (64 or 128, for example). Pros:
> helps prevent the potential for poor performance on a
Hi all,
Given the upcoming holidays, there will not be nova cells meetings for
the remainder of the year. That puts the next one at January 4, 2017.
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>> NotImplementedError: Cannot load 'nullable_string' in the base class
>> Is this the correct behavior?
> Yes, that's the expected behaviour.
>> Then what is the expected behavior if the field is also defaulted to
>> None?
>> fields = {
>> 'nullable_string': fields.Stri
Hi all,
There will be no cells meeting next week, Jan 18 2017. I'll be in the
wilderness and nobody else was brave enough to run it in my absence.
Yeah, something like that.
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not f
> No. Have administrators set the allocation ratios for the resources they
> do not care about exceeding capacity to a very high number.
> If someone previously removed a filter, that doesn't mean that the
> resources were not consumed on a host. It merely means the admin was
> willing to accept
> Update on that agreement : I made the necessary modification in the
> proposal [1] for not verifying the filters. We now send a request to the
> Placement API by introspecting the flavor and we get a list of potential
> destinations.
> When I began doing that modification, I know there
Hi all,
Today's cells meeting is canceled. We're still working on getting ocata
out the door, a bunch of normal participants are out today, and not much
has transpired for pike just yet.
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> We have a fix here:
Actual link to fix is left as an exercise for the reader?
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Hi all,
In an epic collision of cosmic coincidences, four of the primary cells
meeting attendees have a conflict tomorrow. Since there won't really be
anyone around to run (or attend) the meeting, we'll have to cancel again.
Next week we will be at the PTG so any meeting will be done there.
> The problem is there's no way to update an existing cell's transport_url
> via nova-manage.
There is:
> It appears the only way to get around this is manually deleting the old
> cell1 record from the db.
No, don't do that :)
> I'd like to hear more op
> While I have tried to review a few of the runway-slotted efforts, I
> have gotten burned out on a number of them. Other runway-slotted
> efforts, I simply don't care enough about or once I've seen some of
> the code, simply can't bring myself to review it (sorry, just being
> honest).
I have the
> I thought we were leaning toward the option where nova itself doesn't
> impose a limit, but lets the virt driver decide.
> I would really like NOT to see logic like this in any nova code:
>> if kvm|qemu:
>> return 256
>> elif POWER:
>> return 4000
>> elif:
> yes, the DB query was in serial, after some investigation, it seems that we
> are unable to perform eventlet.mockey_patch in uWSGI mode, so
> Yikun made this fix:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/592285/
Cool, good catch :)
> After making this change, we test again, and we got this k
> We have tried out the patch:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/592698/
> we also applied https://review.openstack.org/#/c/592285/
> it turns out that we are able to half the overall time consumption, we
> did try with different sort key and dirs, the results are similar, we
> didn't try out pa
> The subject of using placement in Cinder has come up, and since then I've had
> a
> few conversations with people in and outside of that team. I really think
> until
> placement is its own project outside of the nova team, there will be
> resistance
> from some to adopt it.
I know politics wi
>> So my hope is that (in no particular order) Jay Pipes, Eric Fried,
>> Takashi Natsume, Tetsuro Nakamura, Matt Riedemann, Andrey Volkov,
>> Alex Xu, Balazs Gibizer, Ed Leafe, and any other contributor to
>> placement whom I'm forgetting [1] would express their preference on
>> what they'd like to
> I think Nova should never have to rely on Cinder's hosts/backends
> information to do migrations or any other operation.
> In this case even if Nova had that info, it wouldn't be the solution.
> Cinder would reject migrations if there's an incompatibility on the
> Volume Type (AZ, Referenced ba
> Do you mean an actual fixture, that would be used like:
> class MyTestCase(testtools.TestCase):
> def setUp(self):
> self.uuids = self.useFixture(oslofx.UUIDSentinelFixture()).uuids
> def test_foo(self):
> do_a_thing_with(self.uuids.foo)
> ?
> That's... okay I
> The compromise, using the patch as currently written [1], would entail
> adding one line at the top of each test file:
> uuids = uuidsentinel.UUIDSentinels()
> ...as seen (more or less) at [2]. The subtle difference being that this
> `uuids` wouldn't share a namespace across the whole proces
>> 2. We have a stack of changes to zuul jobs that show nova working but
>> deploying placement in devstack from the new repo instead of nova's
>> repo. This includes the grenade job, ensuring that upgrade works.
> I'm guessing there would need to be changes to Devstack itself, outside
> of the
> Grenade uses devstack so once we have devstack on master installing
> (and configuring) placement from the new repo and disable installing
> and configuring it from the nova repo, that's the majority of the
> change I'd think.
> Grenade will likely need a from-rocky script to move any config th
> Grenade already has it's own "resources db" right? So we can shove
> things in there before we upgrade and then verify they are still there
> after the upgrade?
Yep, I'm working on something right now. We create an instance that
survives the upgrade and validate it on the other side. I'll just d
> If we're going to do the extraction in Stien, which we said we'd do in
> Dublin, we need to start that as early as possible to iron out any
> deployment bugs in the switch. We can't wait until the 2nd or 3rd
> milestone, it would be too risky.
I agree that the current extraction plan is highly r
>> Yes, we should definitely trim the placement DB migrations to only
>> things relevant to placement. And we can use this opportunity to get
>> rid of cruft too and squash all of the placement migrations together
>> to start at migration 1 for the placement repo. If anyone can think
>> of a proble
> I think there was a period in time where the nova_api database was created
> where entires would try to get pulled out from the original nova database and
> then checking nova_api if it doesn't exist afterwards (or vice versa). One
> of the cases that this was done to deal with was for things li
> The other obvious thing is the database. The placement repo code as-is
> today still has the check for whether or not it should use the
> placement database but falls back to using the nova_api database
> [5]. So technically you could point the extracted placement at the
> same nova_api database
> How do people feel about this? It seems pretty straight-forward to
> me. If people are generally in favor of this, then the question is
> what would be sane defaults - or should we not assume a default and
> force operators to opt into this?
I dunno, adding something to nova.conf that is only us
> I'm just a bit worried to limit that role to the elected TC members. If
> we say "it's the role of the TC to do cross-project PM in OpenStack"
> then we artificially limit the number of people who would sign up to do
> that kind of work. You mention Ildiko and Lance: they did that line of
> work
I was out when much of this conversation happened, so I'm going to
summarize my opinion here.
> So from a code perspective _placement_ is completely agnostic to
> whether a trait is "PCI_ADDRESS_01_AB_23_CD", "STORAGE_DISK_SSD", or
> However, things which are using t
> It sounds like you might be saying, "I would rather not see encoded
> trait names OR a new key/value primitive; but if the alternative is
> ending up with 'a much larger mess', I would accept..." ...which?
> Or is it, "We should not implement a key/value primitive, nor should we
> implement res
>> I still want to use something like "Is capable of RAID5" and/or "Has
>> RAID5 already configured" as part of a scheduling and placement
>> decision. Being able to have the GET /a_c response filtered down to
>> providers with those, ahem, traits is the exact purpose of that operation.
> And yep
>> I disagree on this. I'd rather just do a simple check for >1
>> provider in the allocations on the source and if True, fail hard.
>> The reverse (going from a non-nested source to a nested destination)
>> will hard fail anyway on the destination because the POST
>> /allocations won't work due
> Of course this is only a problem when instances have a lot of metadata
> records. An instance with 50 records in "instance_metadata" and 50
> records in "instance_system_metadata" will fetch 50 x 50 = 2,500 rows
> from the database. It's not difficult to see how this can escalate
> quickly. This
> We haven't been doing this (intentionally) for quite some time, as we
> query and fill metadata linearly:
> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py#L2244
> and have since 2013 (Havana):
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/26136/
> So unless there has been a
> Do you guys see an easy fix here?
> Should I open a bug report?
Definitely open a bug. IMHO, we should just make the single-instance
load work like the multi ones, where we load the metadata separately if
requested. We might be able to get away without sysmeta these days, but
we needed it for
> I tested a code change that essentially reverts
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/276861/1/nova/api/metadata/base.py
> In other words, with this change metadata tables are not fetched by
> default in API requests. If I understand correctly, metadata is
> fetched in separate queries as the inst
> I guess our architecture is pretty unique in a way but I wonder if
> other people are also a little scared about the whole all DB servers
> need to up to serve API requests?
When we started down this path, we acknowledged that this would create a
different access pattern which would require ops
> The current DB online data upgrade model feels *very opaque* to
> ops. They didn't realize the current model Nova was using, and didn't
> feel like it was documented anywhere.
> ACTION: document the DB data lifecycle better for operators
This is on me, so I'll take it. I've just thrown together
> Having said that, I think Dan Smith came across a fairly large
> production DB dataset recently which he was using for testing some
> archive changes, maybe Dan will become our new Johannes, but grumpier of
> course. :)
That's quite an insult to Johannes :)
While working on
> Is there a particular reason we're only retrospecting on placement?
I think that we need to have a concrete topic that applied to newton and
will apply to ocata in order to be productive. I think there will be
specific things we can change in ocata that will have an actual impact
on major work f
> Basically the issue is seen in the following three lines of nova compute
> log. For that port even though it received the vif plugging event 2 mins
> before it waits for it and blocks and times out
> Is there a race condition in the code that basically gets the events to
> wait for and the one wh
Hi all,
A bunch of the usual participants cannot attend the CellsV2 meeting
today, and the ones that can just discussed it last week face-to-face in
Barcelona. So, I'm going to declare it canceled for today for lack of
critical mass.
> I do imagine, however, that most folks who have been working
> on nova for long enough have a list of domain experts in their heads
> already. Would actually putting that on paper really hurt?
You mean like this?
Those are pretty much the
> I just wanted to say thanks to everyone reviewing specs this week. I've
> seen a lot of non-core newer people to the specs review process chipping
> in and helping to review a lot of the specs we're trying to get approved
> for Ocata. It can be hard to grind through several specs reviews in a
> d
Hi all,
Since this week's cells meeting falls on food-coma-day-eve, we're
canceling it. Anyone that wants to help move things along could review
the following patches:
> It has been a true pleasure working with you all these past few years
> and I'm thankful to have had the opportunity. As I've told people many
> times when they ask me what it's like to work on an open source project
> like this: working on proprietary software exposes you to smart people
> but y
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