Hi all,
Back in April, I created some wrapper scripts around git-cherry(1) and
git-notes(1), which can help when you have more than a trivial number
of commits to upstream or backport from one branch to another. Since
then I've improved these tools, and also written a higher-level CLI
which shoul
[cross-posting to openstack-dev and pacemaker user lists; please
consider trimming the recipients list if your reply is not relevant to
both communities]
Hi all,
Back in June I proposed moving the well-used but no longer maintained
https://github.com/madkiss/openstack-resource-agents/ repository
[cross-posting to several lists; please trim the recipients list
before replying!]
Hi all,
After discussion with members of the openstack-infra team, I
registered new FreeNode IRC channel #openstack-ha. Discussion on all
aspects of OpenStack High Availability is welcome in this channel.
Sorry! It would have helped if I'd used the right address for the
openstack list in the To: and Reply-To: headers :-/
Hopefully second time lucky ...
Adam Spiers wrote:
> [cross-posting to several lists; please trim the recipients list
> before replying!]
> Hi all,
Hi all,
After some discussion in Tokyo by stakeholders in OpenStack High
Availability, I'm pleased to announce that from next Monday we're
starting a series of weekly meetings on IRC. Details are here:
Hi Sergii,
Thanks a lot for the feedback!
Sergii Golovatiuk wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> It's great we are moving forward with HA community. Thank you so much for
> brining HA to next level. However, I have couple of comments
> [1] contains agenda. I guess we should move it to
> https://etherpad.op
Hi all,
As you may know, Mailman allows server-side filtering of mailing list
traffic by topic categories:
(N.B. needs authentication)
Thierry has kindly added "[HA]" as a new topic category in the mailman
configuration for this
Sergii Golovatiuk wrote:
> > > [2] declares meetings at 9am UTC which might be tough for US based
> > folks. I
> > > might be wrong here as I don't know the location of HA experts.
> > >
> > > [2] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#High_Availability_Meeting
> >
> > Yes, I was aware of this :-/ The
[Cc'ing product-wg@ - when replying, first please consider whether
cross-posting is appropriate]
Hi all,
Currently the OpenStack HA community is putting a lot of effort into
converging on a single upstream solution for high availability of VMs
and hypervisors[0], and we had a lot of very producti
Sam P wrote:
> Hi All,
> In today's ( 9th May 2016) meeting we agree to skip the next IRC
> meeting (which is 16th May 2016) in favour of a gotomeeting VoIP on
> 18th May 2016 (Wednesday).
> Today's meeting logs and summary can be found here.
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ha/201
[cross-posting to openstack-dev and pacemaker lists; please consider
trimming the recipients list if your reply is not relevant to both
Hi all,
https://github.com/madkiss/openstack-resource-agents/ is a nice
repository of Pacemaker High Availability resource agents (RAs) for
Digimer wrote:
Thanks, I only realised that after getting a deprecation warning :-(
> On 23/06/15 06:27 AM, Adam Spiers wrote:
> > [cross-posting to openstack-dev and pacemaker lists; please consider
> > trimming the recipients list if your reply is not relevant to bo
Anil Venkata wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 12:10 AM, Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo
> wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Adam Spiers wrote:
> >> With help from others, I have started an analysis of some of the
> >> different approaches
Wei Hui wrote:
Liyuenan (Maxwell Li) wrote:
Hi, all
I have some questions about OSA project.
2. Could OSA support compute node high available? If my compute node
down, could the instance on this node move to other nodes?
2. As far as I know, OSA don't support compute nod
Hi all,
Sam P wrote:
This is a quick reminder for HA Forum session at Boston Summit.
Thank you all for your comments and effort to make this happen in Boston Summit.
Time: Thu 11 , 11:00am-11:40am
Location: Hynes Convention Center - Level One - MR 103
Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p
Afek, Ifat (Nokia - IL/Kfar Sava) wrote:
On 16/05/2017, 4:36, "Sam P" wrote:
Hi Greg,
In Masakari [0] for VMHA, we have already implemented some what
similar function in masakri-monitors.
Masakari-monitors runs on nova-compute node, and monitors the host,
process or instance
Waines, Greg wrote:
thanks for the pointers Sam.
I took a quick look.
I agree that the VM Heartbeat / Health-check looks like a good fit into
Currently your instance monitoring looks like it is strictly black-box type
monitoring thru libvirt events.
Is that correct ?
i.e. you do no
Waines, Greg wrote:
Two other more higher-level points I wanted to discuss with you about Masaraki.
so I notice that you are doing both monitoring, auto-recovery and even host
type functionality as part of the Masaraki architecture.
are you open to some configurabili
about host-monitoring, you were looking at having alternative
backends for reporting e.g. to masakari-api or to mistral or ... to Vitrage :)
From: Adam Spiers
Reply-To: "openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org"
Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 7:42 PM
To: "openstack-dev@lists.opensta
- (StateChange) - Nova - ... - VNF Manager
From: Adam Spiers
Reply-To: "openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org"
Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 7:29 PM
To: "openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org"
er story in the scope of what
masakari would be looking at ?
From: Adam Spiers
Reply-To: "openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org"
Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 10:08 AM
To: "openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org"
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] [nova] [HA] VM
Hi all,
I recently discovered a bug where barbican-worker would hang on
shutdown if queue.asynchronous_workers was changed from 1 to 2:
resulting in a warning like this:
WARNING oslo_messaging.server [-] Possible hang: stop is waiting for
Ken Giusti wrote:
On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 10:01 AM, Adam Spiers wrote:
I recently discovered a bug where barbican-worker would hang on
shutdown if queue.asynchronous_workers was changed from 1 to 2:
resulting in a warning like this
threads to the same TaskServer instance:
> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/dyPq~lr26sQZtMzHn5w~Vg
> Is that expected?
Unfortunately in the interim, your pastes seem to have vanished - any
chance you could repaste them?
> On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 9:32
- Forwarded message from Adam Spiers -
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 23:35:02 +0100
From: Adam Spiers
To: OpenStack SIGs list
Subject: [Openstack-sigs] [meta] Proposal for self-healing SIG
Hi all,
[TL;DR: we want to set up a "self-healing infrastructure" SIG.]
Michał Jastrzębski wrote:
Hello my dearest of communities,
During deployment tools session on PTG we discussed need for deep
health checking and metering of running services. It's very relevant
in context of containers (especially k8s) and HA. Things like
watchdog, heartbeats or exposing relati
As per below, I'm happy to announce that the Self-healing SIG is now
officially formed. For now, all discussions will happen on
, so please subscribe to that list
if you are interested in this topic!
- Forwarded message from Adam Spiers -
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 14:
Hi everyone,
I have proposed moving the weekly High Availability IRC meetings one
hour later, back to the original time of 0900 UTC every Monday.
Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings, so if you think you are
likely to regularly attend, feel free
Hi all,
I doubt anyone would dispute that High Availability is a really
important topic within OpenStack, yet none of the OpenStack
conferences or Design Summits so far have provided an "official" track
or similar dedicated space for discussion on HA topics.
This is becoming increasingly problema
Hi Thierry,
Thierry Carrez wrote:
> Adam Spiers wrote:
> > I doubt anyone would dispute that High Availability is a really
> > important topic within OpenStack, yet none of the OpenStack
> > conferences or Design Summits so far have provided an "official" track
Hi Hossein,
hossein zabolzadeh wrote:
> Hi there.
> I am dealing with large amount of legacy application(MediaWiki, Joomla,
> ...) running on openstack. I am looking for the best way to improve high
> availability of my instances. All applications are not designed for
> fail(Non-Cloud-Ready Apps)
Thank you Shawn for enriching our lives with your great contributions
to the FLOSS community.
- Forwarded message from Adam Spiers -
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 15:12:35 +
From: Adam Spiers
To: Luca Milanesio
Subject: Re: Fwd: Rememb
Furukawa, Yushiro wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am seeing Self-healing scheduled on Tuesday afternoon[1], but the etherpad
for it is not listed in [2].
I made following etherpad by some chance.
Thanks! You beat me to it ;-)
Would it be possible to update Etherpads wiki page?
Hi all,
Yushiro kindly created an etherpad for the self-healing SIG session at
the Dublin PTG on Tuesday afternoon next week, and I've fleshed it out
a bit:
Anyone with an interest in self-healing is of course very welcome to
attend (or
My claim to being a masakari person is pretty weak, but still I'd like
to say hello too :-) Please ping me (aspiers on IRC) if you guys are
meeting up!
Bhor, Dinesh wrote:
Hi Greg,
We below are present:
Tushar Patil(tpatil)
Yukinori Sagara(sagara)
Abhishek Kekane(abhishekk)
Dinesh Bhor(
Hi Raoul and all,
Sorry for joining this discussion late!
Raoul Scarazzini wrote:
TL;DR: we would like to change the way HA is tested upstream to avoid
being hitten by evitable bugs that the CI process should discover.
Long version:
Today HA testing in upstream consist only in verifying that
Raoul Scarazzini wrote:
On 06/03/2018 13:27, Adam Spiers wrote:
Hi Raoul and all,
Sorry for joining this discussion late!
I do not work on TripleO, but I'm part of the wider OpenStack
sub-communities which focus on HA[0] and more recently,
self-healing[1]. With that hat on, I
Paul Bourke wrote:
Hi all,
Here's my summary of the various topics we discussed during the PTG.
There were one or two I had to step out for but hopefully this serves
as an overall recap. Please refer to the main etherpad[0] for more
details and links to the session specific pads.
Georg Kunz wrote:
Hi Adam,
Raoul Scarazzini wrote:
In the meantime, I'll check yardstick to see which kind of bridge we
can build to avoid reinventing the wheel.
Great, thanks! I wish I could immediately help with this, but I haven't had the
chance to learn yardstick myself yet. We sho
Raoul Scarazzini wrote:
On 08/03/2018 17:03, Adam Spiers wrote:
Yes agreed again, this is a strong case for collaboration between the
self-healing and QA SIGs. In Dublin we also discussed the idea of the
self-healing and API SIGs collaborating on the related topic of health
check APIs
Hi all,
I just posted a summary of the Self-healing SIG session at the Dublin
If you are interested in the topic of self-healing within OpenStack,
you are warmly invited to subscribe to the openstack-sigs mailing
Raoul Scarazzini wrote:
On 15/03/2018 01:57, Ghanshyam Mann wrote:
Thanks all for starting the collaboration on this which is long pending
things and we all want to have some start on this.
Myself and SamP talked about it during OPS meetup in Tokyo and we talked
about below draft plan-
- Update
[BTW I hope it's not considered off-bounds for those of us who aren't
TC election candidates to reply within these campaign question threads
to responses from the candidates - but if so, let me know and I'll
shut up ;-) ]
Zhipeng Huang wrote:
Culture wise, being too IRC-centric is definitely no
Doug Hellmann wrote:
Excerpts from Adam Spiers's message of 2018-04-25 18:15:42 +0100:
[BTW I hope it's not considered off-bounds for those of us who aren't
TC election candidates to reply within these campaign question threads
to responses from the candidates - but if so, let me know and I'll
Timur Nurlygayanov wrote:
> Hi OpenStack developers and operators,
> we are going to create the test suite for destructive testing of
> OpenStack clouds. We want to hear your feedback and ideas
> about possible destructive and failover scenarios which we need
> to check.
> Which scenarios we
Kosnik, Lubosz wrote:
> About success of RDO we need to remember that this deployment utilizes
> Peacemaker and when I was working on this feature and even I spoke with Assaf
> this external application was doing everything to make this solution working.
> Peacemaker was responsible for checkin
Thierry Carrez wrote:
Thierry Carrez wrote:
Hi everyone,
Last month we published the tentative schedule layout for the 5 days
of PTG. There was no major complaint, so that was confirmed as the
PTG event schedule and published on the PTG website:
else works, we could probably offer you half-day of Monasca slot on Monday or Tuesday afternoon. I'm afraid though that our room might be too small for you.
-Original Message-
From: Thierry Carrez
Sent: Freitag, 20. Juli 2018 18:46
To: Adam Spiers
Cc: openst
Thierry Carrez wrote:
Hi! Quick heads-up:
Following a request[1] from Adam Spiers (SIG lead), we modified the
PTG schedule to move the Self-Healing SIG meeting from Friday (all
day) to Thursday morning (only morning). You can see the resulting
schedule at:
[Adding openstack-sigs list too; apologies for the extreme
cross-posting, but I think in this case the discussion deserves wide
visibility. Happy to be corrected if there's a better way to handle
Hi James,
James Page wrote:
Hi All
tl;dr we (the original founders) have not managed to i
Matthew Thode wrote:
On 18-08-07 23:18:26, David Medberry wrote:
Requests have finally been made (today, August 7, 2018) to end the horns on
the train from Denver to Denver International airport (within the city
limits of Denver.) Prior approval had been given to remove the FLAGGERS
that were s
Hi Rico,
Firstly sorry for the slow reply! I am finally catching up on my
Rico Lin wrote:
Dear all
Back to Vancouver Summit, Ifat brings out the idea of integrating Heat,
Vitrage, and Mistral to bring better self-healing scenario.
For previous works, There already works cross Heat,
Hi all,
The next forthcoming Gerrit User Summit 2018 will be Nov 15th-16th in
Palo Alto, hosted by Cloudera.
See the Gerrit User Summit page at:
and the event registration at:
Hopefully some me
[cross-posting to openstack-dev]
Oyvind Albrigtsen wrote:
ClusterLabs is happy to announce resource-agents v4.2.0.
Source code is available at:
The most significant enhancements in this release are:
- new resource agents:
Hi Tim,
Tim Bell wrote:
Personally, I would prefer the approach where the OpenStack resource agents are part of the repository in which they are used.
Thanks for chipping in.
Just checking - by this you mean the resource-agents rather than
openstack-resource-agents, right? Obviou
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