Time is ok for me too.
@Sylvain, IMO policies could not be high prioritized when nothing else
really completed and their support doesn't blocks main functionality. It'll
be great to have them in 0.1, but I think that it's a nice to have for 0.1.
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Dina Belo
Ok, we'll discuss :)
On Monday, December 9, 2013, Sylvain Bauza wrote:
> Well, I wouldn't say more, I also have family concerns ;-)
> I will prepare the meeting by checking all individual actions, so I will
> only raise the left ones.
> Hooks clarification can be postponed to the next meeting
Well, I wouldn't say more, I also have family concerns ;-)
I will prepare the meeting by checking all individual actions, so I will
only raise the left ones.
Hooks clarification can be postponed to the next meeting or discussed
directly on chan.
I saw you made a first pass on triaging bluepri
I think it's ok, but not more than a half of hour
On Monday, December 9, 2013, Sylvain Bauza wrote:
> Hi Dina,
> Forwarding your request to openstack-dev@ as everyone needs to be aware
> of that.
> Which time do you propose for meeting us today ? On my side, I'll be
> travelling tomorrow a