Well, I wouldn't say more, I also have family concerns ;-)

I will prepare the meeting by checking all individual actions, so I will only raise the left ones. Hooks clarification can be postponed to the next meeting or discussed directly on chan.

I saw you made a first pass on triaging blueprints for 0.1. Some are good, some need to be discussed, IMHO. For example, not having policies in Climate sounds a showstopper to me.


Le 09/12/2013 10:38, Dina Belova a écrit :
I think it's ok, but not more than a half of hour....

On Monday, December 9, 2013, Sylvain Bauza wrote:

    Hi Dina,
    Forwarding your request to openstack-dev@ as everyone needs to be
    aware of that.

    Which time do you propose for meeting us today ? On my side, I'll
    be travelling tomorrow and the day after, I'll be out of office
    with limited access, so we need to sync up today.
    I can propose 2000 UTC today, but that's very late for you :/


    Le 09/12/2013 07:10, Dina Belova a écrit :

    Sergey and I have no opportunity to be today on meeting.

    What do you think about moving it to the evening (in #climate
    channel) to have a full quorum?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

    Dina Belova

    Software Engineer

    Mirantis Inc.


Best regards,

Dina Belova

Software Engineer

Mirantis Inc.

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