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On 20/04/14 08:10, Cotton Tenney wrote:
> I figured it out. I was able to use the Juju GUI to specify a
> different device. I’m just using a local test env, so I simply
> created and mounted a disk image to loop0 and used that.
> On Apr 19, 2014
I figured it out. I was able to use the Juju GUI to specify a different
device. I’m just using a local test env, so I simply created and mounted a
disk image to loop0 and used that.
On Apr 19, 2014, at 8:50 PM, Cotton Tenney wrote:
> James/All,
> I’m trying to install OpenStack via Juju i
I’m trying to install OpenStack via Juju in a fresh 14.04 install, and am
having an error when deploying the cinder charm:
2014-04-20 01:48:59 INFO config-changed OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or
directory: '/dev/sdb’
I have no sdb disk; my /dev/sda and /dev/sdc are in a software
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Hi All
I?m pleased to announce the general availability of OpenStack 2014.1
(Icehouse) in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and in the Ubuntu Cloud Archive (UCA)
for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Users of Ubuntu 14.04 need take no further action other than follow
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