
I’m trying to install OpenStack via Juju in a fresh 14.04 install, and am 
having an error when deploying the cinder charm:

2014-04-20 01:48:59 INFO config-changed OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or 
directory: '/dev/sdb’

I have no sdb disk; my /dev/sda and /dev/sdc are in a software md0.  

I’m new to Juju, where is the charm code by default where I can take a peek?


On Apr 17, 2014, at 11:29 PM, James Page <james.p...@ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Hi All
> I?m pleased to announce the general availability of OpenStack 2014.1
> (Icehouse) in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and in the Ubuntu Cloud Archive (UCA)
> for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
> Users of Ubuntu 14.04 need take no further action other than follow
> their favourite install guide ? but do take some time to checkout the
> release notes for Ubuntu 14.04 (see [0]).
> Ubuntu 12.04 users can enable the Icehouse pocket of the UCA by running:
>  sudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:icehouse
> The Icehouse pocket of the UCA also includes updates for associated
> packages including Ceph 0.79 (which will be updated to the Ceph 0.80
> Firefly stable release), Open vSwitch 2.0.1, qemu 2.0.0 and libvirt
> 1.2.2 ? you can checkout the full list at [1].
> Thanks goes to all of the people who have contributed to making
> OpenStack rock this release cycle ? both upstream and in Ubuntu!
> Remember that you can report bugs on packages from the UCA for Ubuntu
> 12.04 and from Ubuntu 14.04 using the ubuntu-bug tool ? for example:
>  ubuntu-bug nova
> will report the bug in the right place on launchpad and add some basic
> information about your installation.
> The Juju charms for OpenStack have also been updated to support
> deployment of OpenStack Icehouse on Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 12.04.
> Read the charm release notes (see [2]) for more details on the new
> features that have been enabled during this development cycle.
> Canonical have a more concise install guide in the pipeline for
> deploying OpenStack using Juju and MAAS ? watch this space for more
> information?
> Regards
> James
> [0] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes
> [1]
> http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/icehouse_versions.html
> [2] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/OpenStackCharms
> - -- 
> James Page
> Technical Lead, Ubuntu Server Team
> Ubuntu and Debian Developer
> james.p...@ubuntu.com
> jamesp...@debian.org
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