Re: [Openstack] Recruiting - Translation Coordinator

2013-04-30 Thread Masanori ITOH
translation coordinators: Tomoyuki Kato Masanori Itoh Akira Yoshiyama Best regards, Masanori -- JOSUG / Japan OpenStack User Group From: Ying Chun Guo Subject: [Openstack] Recruiting - Translation Coordinator Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 17:36:07 +0800 > > > Hi, all > > Now the

Re: [Openstack] Four compute-node, everytime the 1st and 2nd are choosen

2011-11-09 Thread Masanori ITOH
Hi Razique, Did you synchronize clock of all the servers? I saw similar issue when clock of nova servers were not synchronized well. In this case, compute nodes are recognized as down and up (smiley) in turn repeatedly. Setting up an NTP server is a good idea, and please check using ntpq command

Re: [Openstack] OpenStack + RDMA + Infiniband

2011-10-04 Thread Masanori ITOH
Hi, I was thinking about the exactly the same thing which Catlin pointed out. Also, there is an implementation enabling RDMA handling from python: Thus, I was wondring if I can do something more using the above. BTW, I'm in Boston attending at OpenSta

Re: [Openstack] KVM Block Migration

2011-05-10 Thread Masanori ITOH
> a blueprint. > > Vish > > On May 10, 2011, at 3:35 AM, Mikhail Shcherbakov wrote: > > Hi, > Is there any progress on KVM block migration? > > I'd like to test it and possibly make some changes to nova to support block > devices, > but don't want to reinv

Re: [Openstack] KVM Block Migration

2011-05-10 Thread Masanori ITOH
x27;t want to reinventing the wheel. > > Thanks, > > 2011/4/12 Masanori ITOH>> > > Hi, > > Vish also mentioned that we should support the KVM block migration feature > instead of stability which I mentioned because it's very muc

Re: [Openstack] Nova writing lock files in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6

2011-04-26 Thread Masanori ITOH
cause you run (or anyway nova-* services) by root user. # Or, maybe someone set writable bit in the directory which lock_path points to. Regards, Masanori -- Masanori ITOH From: Thomas Goirand Subject: Re: [Openstack] Nova writing lock files in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6 Date: Wed, 2

Re: [Openstack] ec2 vs. openstack api question

2011-04-25 Thread Masanori ITOH
Hi, From: Jon Slenk Subject: Re: [Openstack] ec2 vs. openstack api question Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 16:48:30 -0700 > On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Joshua McKenty wrote: > > Can you give us the actual command you're running? > > curl localhost:8773/ > works, lists the versions. > > curl loca

Re: [Openstack] KVM Block Migration

2011-04-11 Thread Masanori ITOH
278912 kbytes > total disk: 10485760 kbytes > > Thanks, > > -- > Hisashi Ikari > > > > > > 2011-04-11 (月) の 16:50 +0900 に Masanori ITOH さんは書きました: > > Hi, > > > > We are considering if it's possible to support KVM block migration >

Re: [Openstack] KVM Block Migration

2011-04-11 Thread Masanori ITOH
#x27;m not sure if the feature is enabled or not in the qemu-kvm bundled in Ubuntu/RHEL. Do you have any information about stability? Thanks, Masanori --- Masanori ITOH R&D Headquarters, NTT DATA CORPORATION e-mail: From: igoigo246 Subject: [Openstac

Re: [Openstack] OpenStack Design Summit - Fall 2011 Location Request

2011-03-29 Thread Masanori ITOH
+1 for Europe. BTW, someone mentioned Belgium at the 2nd Design Summit. I would suggest Brussels. :) - Masanori From: Soren Hansen Subject: Re: [Openstack] OpenStack Design Summit - Fall 2011 Location Request Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 05:49:16 +0900 > 2011/3/29 Andy Smith : > > I used to live in

Re: [Openstack] How to assign public IP address to VNIC (instance)

2011-02-01 Thread Masanori ITOH
Hi Funasaki-san, I think the following works. # nova-manage floating create HOST_NAME FLOATING_IP(global/public IP) and # euca-associate-address -i INSTANCE_ID FLOATING_IP Here, please note that Nova does not assign a public IP to an instance on the launch time automatically like the case of

Re: [Openstack] Network Service for L2/L3 Network Infrastructure blueprint

2011-01-31 Thread Masanori ITOH
Hello, We, NTT DATA, also agree with majority of folks. It's realistic shooting for the the Diablo time frame to have the new network service. Here are my suggestions: - I know that there were several documents on the new network service issue that were locally exchanged so far. Why not c

Re: [Openstack] Can ec2-api-tools maintain OpenStack Nova ?

2011-01-20 Thread Masanori ITOH
OpenStack developers are on the list. :) Regards, Masanori --- Masanori ITOH R&D Headquarters, NTT DATA CORPORATION e-mail: From: Kenji Funasaki Subject: [Openstack] Can ec2-api-tools maintain OpenStack Nova ? Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 20:01:14 +0900 > # S

[Openstack] openstack issues from Japan

2010-09-02 Thread Masanori ITOH
Hello, I'm Masanori Itoh of NTT DATA, Japan. I would like to share some issues on openstack from Japanese enterprise system market. I know that the requirements below do not fit for the austin release scheduled in this Octorber, but I believe that still it's useful sharing them with