> > My old command-line from r717:
> >
> > ./openocd -f interface/olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg -f target/sam7x256.cfg -c
> init
> > -c reset
> >
> > This quits. If I leave off the "-c reset", the program stays alive and I
> can
> > telnet to it. This is different than how r717 behaved. I'm not sure why
> I would have kept the sam7s config files since all variants can use this
> base configuration.
On secong thought, I would rename it just sam7 or at91sam7 because all of
the following can share the same config file:
The flash look
> > The sam7x and sam7s configurations are identical except for calling
> > different reset scripts. But the reset scripts are identical except for
> > extra
> > spaces at the end of some lines (violating your style rules.)
> I've deleted the sam7s files from subversion.
This may have been t
> > Comments at the end of lines do not work in telnet, which makes
> > pasting pieces of .cfg files in difficult.
> OpenOCD uses TCL now, but I did add support for # comments
> at the end of openocd commands a while back.
> Which subversion version are you running?
> If you add "; # commen
I'm new to OpenOCD and had it debugging out of RAM beautifully. I've
been getting sporadic errors verifying binary images I write to flash. This
got me interested in OpenOCD and its code. The rest of this email is a
long list of issues I encountered, some of which are probably due to
my own misunde