Hello to all.
I'm not new to Openmeetings, having originally installed and tried it at least
couple of years ago. Thanks to Sabastian Wgner for having created it, and to
Apache for taking the project forward.
I've installed version 2.0.0 on a CentOS 6.2 server. All of the prerequisites
it is under com.sun, so the problem may be in the
> old OpenOffice version
> 30.07.2012 21:54 пользователь "Dimitri Yioulos"
> написал:
> > Hello to all.
> >
> > I'm not new to Openmeetings, having originally installed and tried it at
> > least
> -cp /usr/local/jodconverter/lib/jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4.jar
> -jar /usr/local/jodconverter/lib/jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4.jar
> /usr/local/openmeetings/webapps/openmeetings/upload/files/5b494e18e94e7b178
> can you ensure you have writer/calc/impress installed (by opening your doc
> for example)
> were you install your libreoffice via yum groupinstall?
> I would recommend you to have Oracle java as default one
> There are some weird issued with OpenJDK.
gt; alternatives --config java
> Should show you all java's installed and allow you to change the default.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 30 Jul 2012, at 19:58, "Dimitri Yioulos" wrote:
> > Maxim,
> >
> > I'm not quite sure how to proceed. F
configure it
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 2:13 AM, Dimitri Yioulos
> > Thanks, Stephen. Here's what I get:
> >
> > [root@openmeetings ~]# alternatives --config java
> >
> > There is 1 program that provides 'java'.
> >
> > Select
quot;*Office* Suite and Productivity"
> yum install openoffice.org-headless
> what is the output of (to ensure it is not file/permission problem)
> tail "FAX COVER SHEET.doc"
> can you check there is no office processes running?
> ps -ef|grep office
Name: process
Value: generateSwf
ImageMagick is installed properly, afaik. Is this a bug, or a misconfiguration
on my part?
On Tuesday 31 July 2012 7:24:20 am Dimitri
Tuesday 31 July 2012 8:50:01 am Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> I ran yum groupinstall "Office Suite and Productivity", feeling there was
> nothing to lose. Still no joy. When I try to upload a file, I get the
> following errors:
> Name: error
> Value: convert: unable to
I sent some updated information yesterday regarding this issue. Does anyone
have any more ideas on how I can resolve this? Your continued help would be
Many thanks.
On Tuesday 31 July 2012 9:00:53 am Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> Apologies for the drips-and-drabs
I'm moving along very nicely with my OM 2.0 installation. But, I was wondering
if I can do this:
I initially set up OM to use the internal database. I'd like to move to MySQL.
Can it be done now that OM is already installed and, if so, how (is there a
how-to, or some-such, available?)
db-user root --db-pass
> --drop
> please check the admin syntax by running ./admin.sh with no params
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I'm moving along very nicely with my OM 2.0 installation. But, I was
> > won
You may have specified an invalid URL.
What am I missing?
On Thursday 02 August 2012 7:49:41 am Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> Thanks, Maxim. I'll give that a try in a while. I owe y
d place it into:
> $red5/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/lib/
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> > Ran the below steps. The last step produced the following error:
> >
> > [ERROR] [main] org.openmeetings.cli.Admin - Install failed A connection
> >
, it does not come with the openmeetings file, due to licensing
> issues.
> You should then edit the file persistence.xml and change the information
> regarding the database and connections:
> , Username=openmeetings
> , Password=xx"/>
> I hope this helps,
> mysql -u -p openmeetings
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 8:24 PM, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> > Thanks, Rubens.
> >
> > Ran netstat to confirm that MySQL is listening on port 3306. After
> > moving the
> > original persistence.xml to persistence.xml.orig, I then copied
sql installation on local host
> and connect as root with password?
> so lets simplify things:
> ./admin.sh -v -i -file backup.zip --db-user "root" --db-type "mysql"
> --db-pass "your_password" --drop
> any useful stacktrace as a result?
uld be shut down while running command line admin.
> You can
> grep mysql persistence.xml
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 12:08 AM, Dimitri Yioulos
> > Huh, this last go-round worked:
> >
> > mysql> show t
Once again, thank you very much for all your help!
On Thursday 02 August 2012 1:31:25 pm Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
> to have more options in this list you need to configure LDAP and maybe
> something else.
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Dimitri Yioulos
I think that this is where the use of the "alternatives" program would prove
useful. In debian or ubuntu, I believe the command
is "update-alternatives --config java"
On Thursday 02 August 2012 6:15:57 pm George Kirkham wrote:
> Hi,
> I had problems when I “5) install openo
Good morning (or afternoon, as the case may be), all.
Just a brief aside: after setting up OM 2.0, with the help of Maxim, Alexei,
others, I completely blew up the VM it was loaded on. It was my non-OM mistake
(yup, I make 'em), and was unrecoverable (hadn't backed up the VM, either.
verted to a
> FLV, the FLV is either broken or was never successfully created from the
> given file.
> Sebastian
> 2012/8/9 Dimitri Yioulos
> > Good morning (or afternoon, as the case may be), all.
> >
> > Just a brief aside: after setting up OM 2.0, wit
n't think so. Did you scroll or do "ctrl-a" before you copied the
> content?
> The error message in the UI should be sufficient. No need to search for
> anything in the logs at this point.
> Sebastian
> 2012/8/9 Dimitri Yioulos
> > Hi, Sebastia
> webapps/openmeetings/streams/hibernate/UPLOADFLV_6.flv
> exist?
> Can you download and watch it using VLC-Player or any other Video player?
> Sebastian
> 2012/8/9 Dimitri Yioulos
> > Sebastian,
> >
> > This is all the output from
l.com wrote:
> > Does the file:
> > /usr/local/openmeetings/
> > webapps/openmeetings/streams/hibernate/UPLOADFLV_6.flv
> > exist?
> > Can you download and watch it using VLC-Player or any other Video player?
> >
> > Sebastian
> >
> >
e just the checkbox on the
> bottom of the upload window is not working correctly for video files. You
> might have to goto the file explorer and load it from there to the
> whiteboard.
> Sebastian
> 2012/8/9 Dimitri Yioulos
> > Spoke too soon (will I never learn
ag your video to the whiteboard
> On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> > "You might have to goto the file explorer and load it from there to the
> > whiteboard."
> >
> > Er, how do I do that?
> >
> > Dimitri
> >
> > On
Ah, I just noticed the Files tab, careless fool that I am. When I clicked on
that, ll of my uploads were listed there. Double-clicking my avi worked.
Thanks for suffering me.
On Thursday 09 August 2012 10:18:21 am Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> Maxim,
> In the OM files tab,
m private or public files and drop it to the whiteboard
> just tested it on 2.1 works for me
> On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 9:18 PM, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> > Maxim,
> >
> > In the OM files tab, the only option is "File upload". If I use that, do
> > a &q
Clicking on the video didn't work, but that could just be me.
On Thursday 09 August 2012 10:37:15 am seba.wag...@gmail.com wrote:
> I think you can pause if you simply click on the video.
> Seek is not implemented however.
> Sebastian
> 2
Will do. Thanks.
On Thursday 09 August 2012 10:44:34 am Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
> I believe pause/seek is not implemented
> Please file the issue
> On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 9:41 PM, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> > Sebastian,
> >
> > Clicking on the video didn
I have it working on CentOS 6.3 perfectly well.
On Monday 17 September 2012 2:37:04 pm kmn wrote:
> Ubuntu it is then.
> Thanks
> On 2012-09-17 12:32, Alexei Fedotov wrote:
> > We use Ubuntu or Debian
> > 17.09.2012 22:20 пользователь "kmn"
> >
> > написал:
> >> Im sure this is a FA
On Wednesday 26 September 2012 1:28:48 pm David Takle wrote:
> OK, I finally have OM up and running! Yea!
> Love the way it works with the whiteboard(s), converts ppt's, etc.
> Great job, guys!
> But I cannot figure out how anyone can join my session.
> What do they use for a URL?
> Everything I
on, no email ever gets sent.
> Thanks for your help.
> ~David
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Dimitri Yioulos
> > On Wednesday 26 September 2012 1:28:48 pm David Takle wrote:
> > > OK, I finally have OM up and running! Yea!
> > > Love the
I should clarify 2. As I understand it, you create users so that they can
create meetings. Invitees are, obviously, those people who join your meeting.
Users, then, differ from invitees, but users can be invitees. Get it?
On Wednesday 26 September 2012 2:48:10 pm Dimitri Yioulos
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1
>110) [na:1.7.0_07]
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:
>603) [na:1.7.0_07]
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722) [na:1.7.0_07]
> >
> > org.openmeetings.utils.mail.MailThread$MailSenderTask.run(MailThread.java
> >:6
> >
> > >9) [openmeetings.jar:na]
> > > at
> >
> > java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java
> >:1
> >
> > >110) [na:1.
I've found that you need to log into OM with the FQDN of your OM server (e.g.
http://openmeetings.mydomain.tld:5080/openmeetings). At first, I was using the
internal address of the OM server, so my invitees were instructed to go to the
meeting at http://192.168.x.x. Clearly, that didn't work.
Your second question: you need to forward port 5080 to your PC, if your
router has port forwarding capability (it should).
On Friday 28 September 2012 2:56:08 pm David Takle wrote:
> The Derby DB went nutso on me, so I started over with MySQL.
> Things are working nicely
d to use? Thanks!
> ~David
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Dimitri Yioulos
> wrote:
> I've found that you need to log into OM with the FQDN of your OM server
> (e.g. http://openmeetings.mydomain.tld:5080/openmeetings). At first, I was
> using the int
> firewall settings as well as firmware MAY also factor in.
> I can run through a test later tonight if needed for confirmation, unless
> someone else is able to confirm that this indeed does fix your issue.
> -Jake
> -Original Message-
> >>
> >> *From:* David Takle
> >> *Sent:* Friday, September 28, 2012 3:13 PM
> >> *To:* openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
> >> *Subject:* Re: Sending IP Address in Emails
> >>
> >> Dimitri,
> >
em? Would that address not work for the rest of the world to use?
> Thanks!
> ~David
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Dimitri Yioulos
> > I've found that you need to log into OM with the FQDN of your OM server
> > (e.g.
> > http://openmeetings.mydomain
I like the logo, but would re-order the text to be "Open Source", then "Web
Conferencing" (don't think the hyphens are necessary). I personally don't like
the Web cam anywhere in the logo.
My 2 cents.
On Thursday 18 October 2012 1:20:17 pm greenes wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> For motiv
Greetz, all.
Over the past couple of days, I've tried to make openmeetings over ssl work
using the directions found on the Web, but have failed. I don't see any
obvious errors when starting red5, but get the dreaded "Error Missing [204] -->
Error Missing [556] --> Error Missing [642]" when I g
liability for any consequential damage
> resulting from this email containing computer viruses.
> Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules
> http://www.codetwo.com
> -Original Message-
> From: Dimitri Yioulos [mailto:dyiou...@onpointfc.com]
> Sent: 25 October 2012 14:18
ility to check any attachments for viruses
> or defects before opening or sending them on. None of the sender or its
> related entities accepts any liability for any consequential damage
> resulting from this email containing computer viruses.
> Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exch
dows client?)
> -Original Message-
> From: Stephen Cottham [mailto:stephen.cott...@robertbird.com.au]
> Sent: 25 October 2012 15:13
> To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Struggling with SSL
> Looks fine, id just import the cert as a
check any attachments for viruses
> or defects before opening or sending them on. None of the sender or its
> related entities accepts any liability for any consequential damage
> resulting from this email containing computer viruses.
> Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules
Here's another issue I'm having today - I can upload any files. I can select a
file just fine, but when I click "Start upload", absolutely nothing happens (no
errors, etc.). That's really aggravating, as I did have it working fine. I
also notice that files that I'd upped previously are no lon
be sent in clear-txt when logging into the Openmeetings
> service then don't worry about SSL, personally, IMO any sites that are
> published to the public WAN that requires a log on should be secure.
> Is this just a test server or a service you are supplying to "custome
is your responsibility to check any attachments for viruses
> or defects before opening or sending them on. None of the sender or its
> related entities accepts any liability for any consequential damage
> resulting from this email containing computer viruses.
> Disclaim
> From: Stephen Cottham [mailto:stephen.cott...@robertbird.com.au]
> Sent: 25 October 2012 17:31
> To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Uploading files
> cd /usr/lib/red5/
> then
> ./red5-debug.sh
> The trace it the standard outp
I am the dumbest ass in the world! Seems like I left just a bit of cruft in
on my files from my SSL adventure. Once I fixed that, all's well. Sincere
apologies for wasting your time. Hope I'm still welcome here :-) .
On Thursday 25 October 2012 12:48:12 pm Dimit
rwise. It is your responsibility to check any attachments for viruses
> or defects before opening or sending them on. None of the sender or its
> related entities accepts any liability for any consequential damage
> resulting from this email containing computer viruses.
> Disclai
Hi, Nicklas.
I can't answer any of your technical questions, but can say
that I've installed OM on a VMware virtual machine running
CentOS 6.3. It works a treat. Others have installed it on
machines running Ubuntu. I guess that's a matter of
personal choice depending on, for example, the di
> > Thanks Dimitri,
> >
> > That's helpful nonetheless. I may try both CentOS and
> > Ubuntu then.
> >
> > I also found something which I think answers my
> > somewhat ill articulated question regarding upstream
> > relay servers:
> > https:
Unfortunately, that didn't improve
> > anything. I didn't compile flvtools from source,
> > because the package maintainer's version was 0.9.1.
> >
> > Which version of flvtools and ffmpeg are you using if I
> > may ask? What other packages could cause me re
ok closer into that
> sometime soon when I can find the time. In particular, I
> have jre 7, so I'll try to fix my java properly. And just
> as Solomax pointed out, I meant swftools, not flvtools.
> But nevermind, I'll try all the versions suggested by
> Stephen.
That's great news! This can only mean even greater things
for OpenMeetings.
You and the other developers are to be commended.
On Wednesday 16 January 2013 4:49:57 pm
seba.wag...@gmail.com wrote:
> The Board of Directors at the Apache Software Foundation
> has accepted our
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