Hi, Mikael.

I'm a few posts behind, here, but thought I'd respond to 
this one first.

Being a simple type, I tried to make things as easy for 
myself as possible with regard to installing OM.  So, I 
first created the directory /usr/local/openmeetings (in 
retrospect, I might better have created the directory 
in /opt but, whatever.  I also crabbed the install packages 
for all of the OM dependencies, and also put these 
in /usr/local, from which I installed them, as per the 
how-to I mentioned in an earlier post.  At least most of 
those packages were the latest available.  After 
completion, I poined the imagemagic_path, etc. in 
Administration | Configuration in OM to /usr/bin, as this 
is where the executables for these dependencies live 
(again, that's where they were told to live, as per the 
install instructions in the how-to.  The how-to isn't 
completely up-to-date; if I can find the time, perhaps I'll 
do a new OM install, this time taking copious notes on what 
I did :-) , and update the how-to.  For the most part, 
though, the current how-to does work, accept for the very 
last part, which refers to installing an older OM 
version.).  That all seemed to work fine.

BTW, I installed jodconverter in /usr/local/openmeetings, 
and pointed to it in Administration | Configuration, as 

Vis-a-vis Java, as I also mentioned, my install is working 
fine w/ Java 7, so I don't think that downgrading to 6 
should make any difference.  I used the rpm from Oracle.  
Others might say that this is unnecessary (and it may well 
be, AFAIK, but I also add:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_04/bin/java
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_04/bin

in /etc/profile.  It seems to me that doing so has made 
installs of other programs that use Java work.

Also, BTW, the mailing list is archived.  If you look in the 
August, 2012 archive, you'll see several of my posts 
regarding using MySQL with OM, for example.  With other 
posters' help (and grit and determination :-) ), I got that 
working, as well.

As always, HTH.


On Friday 14 December 2012 2:50:16 am Mikael Kurula wrote:
> Hi Dimitri!
> No need to apologize, I'm very grateful for your friendly
> help! :) Thanks for letting me know my server hardware is
> likely enough. I know you never said it just worked for
> you; that was a brain fart on my behalf.
> In Ubuntu I only do ./configure, make, sudo chkinstall,
> or something like that, to make an apt-managed install
> from arbitrary source. In CentOS there was lots of
> opinions where to obtain the source code and I had to
> build some strange folder tree for compilation, and in
> the end it didn't work anyway. Maybe I was just trying to
> follow the wrong guide.
> I looked through Stephen's installation instructions for
> Ubuntu, and I saw many differences from how I installed
> it the spontaneous way, so I'll look closer into that
> sometime soon when I can find the time. In particular, I
> have jre 7, so I'll try to fix my java properly. And just
> as Solomax pointed out, I meant swftools, not flvtools.
> But nevermind, I'll try all the versions suggested by
> Stephen.
> On 2012.13.12, at 15:28, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> > Hi, Mikael.
> >
> > Apologies for the delay in repsonding.  Besides the
> > fact that I'm in timezone GMT -5, I'm also buried in
> > other work. I'm sure you know how that goes :-) .
> >
> > Let's see now:
> >
> > Firstly, Maxim and Stephen are aces re: OM, so you've
> > got some great "go-to" people assisting you.
> >
> > Next, my OM installation is a VMware VM, with 1GB of
> > memory and one dual-core CPU (both virtual, of course).
> >  So, I don't see your hardware being a particular
> > issues.
> >
> > Next, while I tend to agree that an RPM-based (or deb,
> > for that matter) installation should install RPM-based
> > packages, where practicable, as Maxim suggested,
> > compiling needed packages is no sin.  In fact, I
> > compiled all of the packages required by OM, as per the
> > how-to I posted yesterday.  It's no more easy or
> > difficult to compile in CentOS than it is in
> > Debian/Ubuntu, Slackware, FreeBSD, etc. in my
> > experience.
> >
> > I never said that OM "just works".  I did have to tweak
> > my installation (with the assistance of the list, I
> > might add).  But, it is doable, as I have an install
> > that works completely.
> >
> > I'm not sure that symlinking to make Oracle Java your
> > default installation is best practices.  I, at least,
> > always have to export the JRE home path.  But, if you
> > got it to work, hey ... .  I guess you can play around
> > with the Java install some time in the future.
> >
> > I don't seem to have flvtools installed (it wasn't
> > included in the installation instructions, but may be
> > part of another installed package).  FFmpeg is that
> > latest from that package's repo.  I have OM 2.0
> > installed.
> >
> > HTH.
> >
> > Dimitri
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday 12 December 2012 9:28:37 pm Maxim
> > Solodovnik
> >
> > wrote:
> >> Hello Mikael,
> >>
> >> I personally build ffmpeg 10.3 from the sources all
> >> the time IMPORTANT: it should be configured with the
> >> following options before build --enable-libmp3lame
> >> --enable-libxvid --enable-libvorbis --enable-libgsm
> >> --enable-libfaac --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree
> >>
> >> also please ensure flashsv and flashsv2
> >> decoder/encoder are enable after configure
> >>
> >>
> >> According to your recording problem: I wish I have
> >> your machine to fix the recordings :)))
> >> It is really hard to fix without being able to
> >> reproduce
> >>
> >> :(
> >>
> >> I'll try to take a look at this message at the code.
> >>
> >> On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 7:11 AM, Mikael Kurula
> >
> > <alcar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> Dimitri,
> >>>
> >>> Thanks a lot for your friendly and constructive
> >>> message! With your help I now managed to install the
> >>> libreoffice converter, so now I can import almost any
> >>> imaginable file format to the whiteboard, which is
> >>> awesome. :) (The alternative command didn't find
> >>> Oracle's java on my server, but I changed the symlink
> >>> to java in /etc/alternatives by hand.)
> >>>
> >>> Unfortunately, unlike you (and perhaps most users it
> >>> seems?), my situation is not that everything "just
> >>> works"; therefore I ask for help here. I also hope
> >>> that my questions indicate issues which might need to
> >>> be addressed before OpenMeetings can be accessible to
> >>> the wide public; I suppose it is in the interest of
> >>> the developers to at least be aware of my problems.
> >>> I'm very surprised if nobody else has these problems.
> >>> And it says on a page somewhere that the OM project
> >>> is grateful for any feedback; maybe my questions can
> >>> be regarded as feedback from a not-quite-so-technical
> >>> user.
> >>>
> >>> I tried looking at the mailing list archive again,
> >>> but I can't find a way to search per author (or per
> >>> keyword either for that matter), so I cannot find
> >>> your earlier posts. If you happen to know the answer
> >>> to any of my questions in this post, then I'd be most
> >>> grateful:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-op
> >>>en
> >>> meetings-user/201212.mbox/%3C081FEEE9-ACDF-4E35-B8B4-
> >>>CA0 910711F88%40gmail.com%3E
> >>>
> >>> After I wrote that post, I have now found some
> >>> suggestions for server hardware for OM, but it's
> >>> still not clear to me if the fact that my server is a
> >>> single 2 GHz cpu with only 2GB of RAM is connected to
> >>> my problem 3 or not. We have so far only been testing
> >>> with one or two clients at once.
> >>>
> >>> I had a new look at the installation instructions for
> >>> CentOS 6 and I installed all the listed packages
> >>> using yum. I didn't want to follow these instructions
> >>> earlier, because as I have understood, you shouldn't
> >>> install software from source outside of your package
> >>> manager. In Ubuntu it's easy to compile from source
> >>> with the package manager but in CentOS it seems very
> >>> complicated; I have tried without success a few
> >>> times.
> >>>
> >>> Desperate to get the recordings to work, I anyway
> >>> tried installing ffmpeg-0.10.6.tar.bz2 from source (I
> >>> chose version 0.10.6 because it says in the
> >>> OpenMeetings installation instructions that OM is
> >>> tested against ffmpeg 10.3), since my version from
> >>> the package manager was antique. Unfortunately, that
> >>> didn't improve anything. I didn't compile flvtools
> >>> from source, because the package maintainer's version
> >>> was 0.9.1.
> >>>
> >>> Which version of flvtools and ffmpeg are you using if
> >>> I may ask? What other packages could cause me
> >>> recording problems? And what are the CPU/RAM
> >>> specifications of your server? Which version of OM do
> >>> you use and where did you download it if you have a
> >>> newer version than 2.0? I downloaded 2.0 from the
> >>> download page, since I got the impression that is the
> >>> latest stable version, but I'd be happy to test with
> >>> newer versions in case there is hope they'd work
> >>> better for me.
> >>>
> >>> Very grateful for any help as usual,
> >>> Mikael
> >>>
> >>> On 12 December 2012 15:56, Dimitri Yioulos
> >
> > <dyiou...@onpointfc.com> wrote:
> >>>> Mikael,
> >>>>
> >>>> This response is more motivational than technical:
> >>>>
> >>>> I had no problem at all using OM/LibreOffice with
> >>>> Oracle's Java.  Both OpenJDK and Java 7 are
> >>>> installed on my machine, but I've made Java 7 the
> >>>> "active" version using the alternatives command. 
> >>>> Likewise, using MySQL works, as does recording.  I'm
> >>>> sure you're searching the mailing list archive for
> >>>> some guidance (you'll see plenty of shouts for help
> >>>> from me :-) ). Also, I found that this how-to:
> >>>>
> >>>> http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/Installat
> >>>>io nCentOS5
> >>>>
> >>>> is a good starting point for installing OM on CentOS
> >>>> (5 and 6).
> >>>>
> >>>> What I've found (surprise, surprise) is that you do
> >>>> have to tweak and test to get everything working
> >>>> just right.  I suppose these are the "rough edges"
> >>>> of the current OM release.  However, this release
> >>>> has come a long way from earlier ones, which I tried
> >>>> in the way-back.  I'm thinking that future releases
> >>>> will be kick-a**.
> >>>>
> >>>> Keep at it; it's worth the effort!
> >>>>
> >>>> Dimitri
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Wednesday 12 December 2012 8:23:10 am Mikael
> >>>> Kurula
> >>>>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>> Hi!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I'm also in the process of trying out if
> >>>>> OpenMeetings is a possible alternative to Adobe
> >>>>> Connect, with which I'm utterly fed up.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The only problem I had with CentOS is that
> >>>>> LibreOffice for CentOS 6 depends on OpenJDK whereas
> >>>>> OpenMeetings need Oracle's Java. Somebody better
> >>>>> att juggling with with yum probably can probably
> >>>>> solve this easily (in which case I'd be grateful
> >>>>> for help).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Avoiding MySQL sounds like a reasonable idea to me,
> >>>>> since I ran into this problem:
> >>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-
> >>>>>4 88 (From what I understood this is very rare.)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Right now my only showstopper issues are with
> >>>>> recording, so I could suggest you check out if the
> >>>>> recording capabilities are sufficient for your
> >>>>> needs. In addition to the messages I've posted to
> >>>>> the users list, I'm also having this problem:
> >>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-
> >>>>>2 70
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Otherwise OpenMeetings would surely do the job just
> >>>>> fine for me, so I sincerely hope I can make the
> >>>>> recordings work, but I need help from the OM
> >>>>> experts for that. :)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Friendly greetings,
> >>>>> Mikael
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On 2012.12.12, at 15:09, Nicklas af Ekenstam wrote:
> >>>>>> Thanks Dimitri,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> That's helpful nonetheless. I may try both CentOS
> >>>>>> and Ubuntu then.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I also found something which I think answers my
> >>>>>> somewhat ill articulated question regarding
> >>>>>> upstream relay servers:
> >>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENME
> >>>>>> ETING S/Cluster+Master-Slave+overview
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thanks again,
> >>>>>> Nicklas
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Dimitri Yioulos
> >>>>>> <dyiou...@onpointfc.com> wrote: Hi, Nicklas.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I can't answer any of your technical questions,
> >>>>>> but can say that I've installed OM on a VMware
> >>>>>> virtual machine running CentOS 6.3.  It works a
> >>>>>> treat.  Others have installed it on machines
> >>>>>> running Ubuntu.  I guess that's a matter of
> >>>>>> personal choice depending on, for example, the
> >>>>>> distro you're most comfortable with, or run in
> >>>>>> your environment.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> HTH.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Dimitri
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Wednesday 12 December 2012 5:55:41 am Nicklas
> >>>>>> af Ekenstam
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>> Hello,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I am in the process of setting up a proof of
> >>>>>>> concept based on OpenMeetings and would very
> >>>>>>> much appreciate your input on a few questions
> >>>>>>> before I get started. The goal of this proof of
> >>>>>>> concept is to evaluate if OpenMeetings would be
> >>>>>>> a suitable replacement for a current system
> >>>>>>> based on Adobe Connect. (I sure hope so.)
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> What I would like to do is install a fully
> >>>>>>> working OpenMeetings environment that we can
> >>>>>>> play around with. As I would propably have to
> >>>>>>> take this on the road I'm wondering if a VMware
> >>>>>>> based install would work? I see that there are
> >>>>>>> some VMware images available for download but I
> >>>>>>> think I would prefer to do the install from
> >>>>>>> scratch myself in order to assess the
> >>>>>>> installation process as well.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I'm thinking of doing the install in one of our
> >>>>>>> Vsphere clusters and, if I need to take it on
> >>>>>>> the road with me, export it to VMware
> >>>>>>> Workstation images and run locally on one (or
> >>>>>>> more) laptops with my own networking equipment.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> These are my questions:
> >>>>>>> What is a solid choice for the OS/distro? I'm
> >>>>>>> guessing, based on reading the Wiki, that CentOS
> >>>>>>> is a good choice; but what version? Or should I
> >>>>>>> look into one of the other fine distros out
> >>>>>>> there?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I'm looking to try the clustering features as
> >>>>>>> well on this project so, based on that, how many
> >>>>>>> servers - performing what tasks - do you propose
> >>>>>>> I setup? I would like to use PostgreSQL for the
> >>>>>>> DB, but MySQL would also work. Two servers
> >>>>>>> running OpenMeetings and one server running the
> >>>>>>> database?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I would also like to explore SIP connectivity so
> >>>>>>> perhaps one server running Asterisk (or
> >>>>>>> similiar)?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Do I need any more servers for something that
> >>>>>>> would, pretty much, mimic a real live situation?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> And while I'm asking questions:
> >>>>>>> Is there a way to extend OpenMeetings so that
> >>>>>>> video broadcasts could use upstream relaying
> >>>>>>> servers somehow? We have schools in different
> >>>>>>> locations and it would be nice if people in
> >>>>>>> these schools could connect to a locally
> >>>>>>> installed relay server for the video feed
> >>>>>>> instead of each of them having to go the main
> >>>>>>> OpenMeetings server gobbling up unnecessary
> >>>>>>> bandwidth in the process.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
> >>>>>>> Nicklas
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> >>>>>> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> >>>>>> believed to be clean.
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> >>>> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> >>>> believed to be clean.
> >>
> >> --
> >> WBR
> >> Maxim aka solomax
> >
> > --
> > This message has been scanned for viruses and
> > dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> > believed to be clean.

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