There is need for a mininal change in the source code and you need to
compile a binary.
The neccessary source code change is:
You change in ~400
replace "getUserByLogin"
with "getUserByLoginOrEmail"
This will have the desired effect.
then you need to compile a binary us
Hi Sebastian,
So in our case I think there is no solution am I wrong?
We use one LDAP server and use it on both Moodle and OM.
In my case it can work for me that if the OM plugin on Moodle does
not create the same user on OM. If it is possible how can I implement
this? No problem for u
*"Module Key". What should it be?*
=> any random string, it is for integrating multiple Moodle (or whatever)
systems with a single instance of OpenMeetings. The module key is called
internally "type" and must be unique per Moodle instance.
The moduleKey/type-param is used in the setUser method to c
I have found it yes there is a place called "Module Key". What
should it be?, it is "Moodle" right now. Is there any documentation you
can provide?
Thank you very much,
Best Regards,
07.02.2012 15:37, yazmış:
There is one, it is called "Module
There is one, it is called "Module Key" and its the second param from the
bottom in the module configuration
2012/2/7 Mahmut TEKER
> Hi Sebastian,
>If I am not wrong, there is no API_KEY place in the Moodle plug-in
> site. Can you explain it more.
>Thank you very much,
Hi Sebastian,
If I am not wrong, there is no API_KEY place in the Moodle plug-in
site. Can you explain it more.
Thank you very much,
07.02.2012 15:25, yazm?s,:
Have you configured the API_KEY in the moodle plugin configuration ?
Have you configured the API_KEY in the moodle plugin configuration ?
2012/2/7 Mahmut TEKER
> Hi,
> In our system we faced with two important problems, we also want to ask
> you;
> 1) We have enabled LDAP login in our system (with no problem), but we
> want to make the LDAP dom