Re: New Open meetings Binaries hang when I try to open public Rooms

2012-07-23 Thread Tom Judge
d. >> >> Thanks, >> >> George Kirkham >> >> >> >> >> -Original Message- >> From: Tom Judge [] >> Sent: Tuesday, 17 July 2012 7:47 AM >> To: >> Subj

Re: New Open meetings Binaries hang when I try to open public Rooms

2012-07-22 Thread
fore testing the new build. > > Thanks, > > George Kirkham > > > > > -Original Message- > From: Tom Judge [] > Sent: Tuesday, 17 July 2012 7:47 AM > To: > Subject: Re: New Open meetings Bin

RE: New Open meetings Binaries hang when I try to open public Rooms

2012-07-16 Thread George Kirkham
s Binaries hang when I try to open public Rooms Do I have to create the new mysql db I thought that the install did that? -- Ubuntu-Head Tom Judge Ubuntu Head Look for us on the web:!/l

Re: New Open meetings Binaries hang when I try to open public Rooms

2012-07-16 Thread Tom Judge
Do I have to create the new mysql db I thought that the install did that? -- Ubuntu-Head Tom Judge Ubuntu Head Look for us on the web:!/learnubuntu S

Re: New Open meetings Binaries hang when I try to open public Rooms

2012-07-16 Thread Tom Judge
specifically apache-openmeetings-incubating-2.1.0.r1361835-15-07-2012_2310.tar.gz was the binary build I am using. IN mysql first i did a drop database openmeetings reastarted mysql Then I unpacked the binaries I moved persistence.xml to then i cp mysql_persistence.xml to

Re: New Open meetings Binaries hang when I try to open public Rooms

2012-07-16 Thread Tom Judge
Let me add this: I noted the email from Steve Cottham where he gave some instructions on how to run the debugger SWF I did and note the warning which occurred just after I clicked on the public room to try to enter it below- maybe this will help ??? No RPC-Sesion Found

Re: New Open meetings Binaries hang when I try to open public Rooms

2012-07-16 Thread Tom Judge
Let me add a few more symptoms and clues I had installed the binary build dated 07-11 but had not blown away the mysql db first. That all worked fine except i noticed that when I went to administration >> Users On the users admin page I had an issue with what appeared to be a missing field. The fi