Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Logical architecture of OM 2.0

2012-05-10 Thread
he BLL (Business Logic Layer) called also "the domain layer". > > > > > *Hamdi THABET > * > *---Message original---* > > *De :* > *Date :* 09/05/2012 12:16:28 > *A :* > *Sujet

Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Logical architecture of OM 2.0

2012-05-09 Thread Hamdi THABET
09/05/2012 12:16:28 A : Sujet : Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Logical architecture of OM 2.0 What layer do you think is missing? -- Sebastian Wagner!/dead_lock http://www.wagner-seb

Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Logical architecture of OM 2.0

2012-05-09 Thread
What layer do you think is missing? 2012/5/9 Hamdi THABET >Hi Sebastian, > > "It is to argue if the layer "Dao/Impl" needs to be added or not." => it's > not that at all > > My stage supervisor ask me : What's technology is used in OM as Data > Access Objects ? > Because DAO is the general n

Réf. : Re: Réf. : Logical architecture of OM 2.0

2012-05-09 Thread Hamdi THABET
Hi Sebastian, "It is to argue if the layer "Dao/Impl" needs to be added or not." => it's not that at all My stage supervisor ask me : What's technology is used in OM as Data Access Objects ? Because DAO is the general name of the layer like presentation layer or service one. I learned about ORM a

Re: Réf. : Logical architecture of OM 2.0

2012-05-09 Thread
Hi Hamdi, it is to argue if the layer "Dao/Impl" needs to be added or not. Dao means Data Access Objects and implements the logical strutucture to access the data that is stored in the database. Which layer do you think is missing? I don't think that this kind of diagram has a fixed layout or numb

Réf. : Logical architecture of OM 2.0

2012-05-06 Thread Hamdi THABET
Hi all, https://cwiki.apache org/confluence/download/attachments/27844755/Application+Layer+Diagram png?version=3&modificationDate=1335961536692 Is there a missing layer in this architecture ? It's not really 5 layers ? http://4.bp.blogspot com/_f4sMkQSDNLA/R9et7lp41pI/AF8/Be8czF_99rw/s