Hi Hamdi,

it is to argue if the layer "Dao/Impl" needs to be added or not.
Dao means Data Access Objects and implements the logical strutucture to
access the data that is stored in the database.
Which layer do you think is missing? I don't think that this kind of
diagram has a fixed layout or number of layers. There could be potentially
even some more layers.


2012/5/6 Hamdi THABET <hamdi.thabe...@gmail.com>

>     Hi all,
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/27844755/Application+Layer+Diagram.png?version=3&modificationDate=1335961536692
> Is there a missing layer in this architecture ? It's not really 5 layers ?
> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_f4sMkQSDNLA/R9et7lp41pI/AAAAAAAAAF8/Be8czF_99rw/s400/5couches.png
> Can someone tell me what's mean: "Daos/Impl" ?
> I searched on it on Google. But what I need is more details: which
> technology is used as Data Access Object (DAO) ?

Sebastian Wagner


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