Hi all,
How can I stop my subscription in :
- openmeetings-...@incubator.apache.org
- openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
I found this article : http://flossoft.blogspot
But I still subscribed. <<608-1041a.jpg>>
I think that there is two missing layers:
1) The Business Layer (couche métier in French) called also BOL
(BusinnessObjects Layer).
2) The BLL (Business Logic Layer) called also "the domain layer".
---Message original---
De : seba.wag...@gmail.com
Date :
Hi Sebastian,
"It is to argue if the layer "Dao/Impl" needs to be added or not." => it's
not that at all
My stage supervisor ask me : What's technology is used in OM as Data Access
Objects ?
Because DAO is the general name of the layer like presentation layer or
service one.
I learned about ORM a
Hi all,
Is there a missing layer in this architecture ? It's not really 5 layers ?
You don't have Sox ! Download "sox-14.4.0" -> unzip it -> add it : to your
system path / in OM preference when installing it -> reinstall OM
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
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Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
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[+216] 52 72 27 25
Thanks for response Sebastian.
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
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[+216] 52 72 27 25
---Message original---
De : seba.wag...@gmail.com
Date : 01/05/2012
I searched a lot before asking but I can't find any reason !
In all comparison I found that Hibernate is better than OpenJPA !
Even in your blog, there's always answers about HOW ? But no the answer for
I'm afraid 5 seconds timeout might not be good for every user. ==> It can be
3 seconds like Camtasia
You can set up screen region to share and exclude jnlp dialog. ==> I didn't
find this option. where's please ?
Yes Maxim but maybe there's a solution to open the .jnlp without the
download box of the navigator.
Also it will much practical if the recording begin after a 5 seconds discount
(for example). In this case we can avoid to record the .jnlp box because we
have time to minimize it. <<608-1041a.jpg>>
I need to know what' are advantages of using OpenJPA. Please can someone
help me.
I didn't find any advantage and I always find that Hibernate is the best.
For example in term of speed >> http://www.jpab
It's not downloading it from Internet ! It just make a copy from your local
But you have reason it will be much better if we could open it directly without
the navigator's download box.<<608-1041a.jpg>>
Error = No roomType currently available for roomId 2
Popup error appears when trying to enter a meeting created as "Public". No
errors in other types (1:1 and Private).
In DB room types table has only 1 line (id=1). <<608-1041a.jpg>>
When I create a second meeting for tomorrow (with moderator account) it
appears in MyMeetings section on dashboard.
= Another new bug after the last updating to last revision !
The only difference between us is the timezone, I'm surprised to be the only
one to have this kind of bug.<<608-1041a.jp
<< In case the user uses the invitation to access the room there is only the
email as username given.>>
==> My personal opinion= it will be preferable (for UI causes) to display in
this case only the part of the email before the "@" otherwise it'll be very
long (for example displaying "seba.wagne
" I guess you simply see the popup message because you created a conference
room via SOAP and set "appointment" to true ... But actually it is not one.
You should set this parameter to false."
==> I create a simple meeting with calendar UI and I doesn't change any
system parameter.
"The popup sho
In my series of tests, as moderator I live the meeting and when I re-enter I
find new bugs >> moderator name is also replaced with its email and there is
some graphic trouble.
See = http://s7.postimage.org/g3oox2i6j/2012_04_22_5643.jpg
Also I remark a lot of parasite when talking from two differe
Also a simple user name is not displayed in the "left user section", the
email is displayed instead.
I set the name of the moderator and the user and even the moderator name is
followed by a : "*".
See this picture : http://s7.postimage.org/qh23a832j/2012_04_22_145643.jpg
For the other bug : ht
Thanks Sebastian.
Please verify with me this bug = the popup box (opened when entering a meeting)
which contain normally (in previous OM builds)description of the meeting IS
ALWAYS EMPTY.<<608-1041a.jpg>>
Is it intentionally the fact that the creator of a meeting receives invitation
of that meeting (created by himself) ?<<608-1041a.jpg>>
The problem is solved after deleting the "Build" directory (Red5 retrieve ->
become always from Internet).
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
Maîtrisard en informatique
Technicien en Réseau informatique et Télécoms
[+216] 52 72 27 25
I can't test the changes because the build failed after the update >>
I was unable to prepare a patch replacing "Timezone" column by "statue" one
because I can't find the variable which stock this information.
I searched in the public chat section (chatParticipants.lzx) but I only find
the "connectedSince" attribute. <<608-1041a.jpg>>
I don't know exactly how to produce a patch, here are the minimal the
changes needed to replace "Timezone" column by "email" one :
Okay but this old meeting should be inaccessible when we try to enter it.
In old versions of OM these old meetings disappear from myrooms section.
Also informations about a meeting in the popup box become absent in the last
OM build.
You are doing a good work Sebastian, but there is really a lot
Other bug >>
A meeting is still valid even after his time is exceeded ! It always appears
in the menu "My rooms" on dashboard.
---Message original---
De : Hamdi THABET
Date : 21/04/2012 15:56:23
A : openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
Sujet : No invitation email se
When I create a new meeting with a moderator account >> I select "simple
email" as notification method >> No invitation email was sent to any
participant (invitation email are sent only with the option "iCal email").
Also when testing I remark that the invitation mail with option "simple email"
Ok Sebastian :) But this is not a "wish" this is an improvement which can be
useful for everybody :<<608-1041a.jpg>>
Replacing "Timezone" column in "Users search" interface with a most
important information = "statue" (connected / absent).:
Also I think it's very useful to generate the complete list of users until
entering "User Search" section.
And the tit
Also : When by error we create a meeting for yesterday -> an invitation
email is sent with a non functional link.
1) The firstname and lastname of administrator isn't displayed in
participant li
1) The firstname and lastname of administrator isn't displayed in
participant list and public and private chat box. We have instead a star : *
. First name and last name of admin are displayed only on dashboard.
2) Here we can mark meetings of today with a different background color for
Administration > Configuration with the config key: number.minutes.reminder
Default is 15 minutes. As far as I remember 15 minutes is also the time the
invitation-link that is send by email is valid before a meeting will start.
2012/4/18 Hamdi THABET
When we set a reminder for a
OM need to be restarted after fresh installation to get menu list =
It's not exactly the new problem because also the dashboard isn't displayed
after a fresh installation.
For me the problem persist with OM build #41 <<608-1041a.jpg>>
interface ?
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
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[+216] 52 72 27 25
We can add the role of "Reporter" in the meeting context (or merge it with
moderator role). For example a moderator have the privilege of designating a
participant as a reporter for the meeting and this reporter has the
possibility to generate at the end of the meeting a report automatically
Syntax error in : "EditUserContacts.lzx"
Line 29: if ($debug) Debug.wrote("editUserContacts onvisible",v);
==> if ($debug) Debug.write("editUserContacts onvisible",v);<<608-1041a.jpg>>
Viewing a video on the white board is not supported by OM.
It can be good feature to add but it will take a lot of bandwidth and the
streaming will be very slow like the screen share.
Viewing a simple web page can be easily added as static one because it will be
converted from HTML -> SWF<<608-10
Lazy fetching of what ? The installation of the server takes 7 seconds
(because I commented all unnecessary languages)
This happen only with OM #37 and #38 and I made a lot of tests.
My machine= newest i7 core (8 processors) + 6 Go RAM. <<608-1041a.jpg>>
This problem wasn't in previous builds of OM 2.0 >>
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
Maîtrisard en informatique
Technicien en Réseau informatique et Télécoms
[+216] 52 72 27 25
What's the default timezone exactly ?
In my case I set the timezone "GMT+1" with orderId="1" in the "timezones.XML
The server is installed with the same timezone too.
But in the invitation email I received GMT(+) and there is always
misfunction in time display after creating or updating a me
"To flag records as deleted" is a very good idea ! I'm working on it.<<608-1041a.jpg>>
I'm using Postgresql DB.
I read the Wikipedia article about referential integrity but I still can't
understand why we are obliged to keep deleted users in the "users" table.
Even in the case of referential integrity we can delete all entries related
to the deleted "userId" in all tables. Not ?
Why when I delete a user from administration users panel it's only deleted
from interface but it still exist in DB (users table) ?
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
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Technicien en Réseau informatique et Télécoms
[+216] 52 72
It's done
1) https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-167
2) https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-168<><<608-1041a.jpg>>
There will not be any misconfiguration because some elements will be only
hidden not deleted from interfaces.
I want that the inscription procedure become easier and more convenient for
a company network.
Country setting, language and others are also not necessary in a such
So I will try
Ok Sebastian but you don't understand me well.
I deleted the timezone preference from all interfaces and I will delete all
entries from database except the one that I need. Because I need only to use OM
in intranet context (always the same timezone).<<608-1041a.jpg>>
Hello everybody,
Can I set default timezone for all OM users ?
It's set as the first in the list = GMT+12 (Magadan, Fiji, New Zealand)
Can I set it here in "src/install_step1_EN.vm" ?
#foreach( $key in $allTimeZones.keySet() )
The problem is shown by this video (29 seconds) : http://www.youtube
There's no errors in log files and the problem exist in OM 1.9.1 and 2.0 too
RQ: the bug affect the database (email and phone values are alternated).
Élève ingénie
Thank you Sebastian <><<608-1041a.jpg>>
Please can someone tell me how can I hide this URL :
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
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[+216] 52 72 27 25
Is possible add path in configuration? => YES
Here http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/install
Or in Configuration menu of OM.
What's your laptop name ? try to test re-test your webcam with OM 1.9.1<<608-1041a.jpg>>
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
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[+216] 52 72 27 25
Do you mean LibreOffice 3.3.3 ?
>> http://www.oldapps.com/libreoffice.php?old_libreoffice=6154
it's the oldest version of LO
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
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[+216] 52 72 27 25
I'll be great to include the variable "office_home".
I installed OF.org 3.3, is there a problem with that version ?
and I tried : "jodconverter-2.2.2" and "jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4", is
there a recommended version ?
Élève ingénieur en Tél
For me : "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice.org 3"
it's not working too !
office.home ???
Is it necessary to add "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice.org 3" to the system
path ?<<608-1041a.jpg>>
red5.log = http://pastebin.com/2U8Qm8uH
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
Maîtrisard en informatique
Technicien en Réseau informatique et Télécoms
[+216] 52 72 27 25
---Message original---
De : seb
Maxim can we do an essay with teamviewer ? Are you available now ?
I repeated all the procedure without any rename and with a clean copy but
always the same problem when importing a file (any type and any size)
with OM 1.9.1 precompiled upload work fine even without OpenOffice.org
Why there is a difference between OM 1.9.1 (precompiled) and the OM from
repository apache and compiled with : ant -Ddb=postgres ? for the 1st one
56 tables are created in DB and in 2nd case only 46 tables are created.
I think that the problem is related to the DB because it's still always
empty even after subscription.
I will try the compiled version of OM 1.9.1.
I've to solve this problem too (from log) :
ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet
I think it's necessary to have a file named: "openmeetings_
I still have 0 table in my DB. The problem become more complicated.
The only change that I have made in "postgres_persistence.xml" was :
0102 my password to access to posgresql server. Is it the right place ?
After that I compiled with : "ant -DB=postgres"
and it was successfully done.
I will try now your suggestion.
In the installation I configured all paths :
I changed also the JOD Path, is this a mistake ?
because it was already filled with : ./jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4/lib
AND I changed it to: C:\jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4\lib
Also in my "*dist\red5\webapps\collabmee\config.xml"* I have changed :
*openmeetings* TO*
/*openmeetings*/ TO /*
and I installed with: http://localhost:5080/collabmee/install
My persistence.xml is fine. I have made a mistake in writing: the command
ant with -Ddb option make migration between
openmeetings_persistence.xml -> persistence.xml
I joined my xml file to confirm it.
http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
1) yes.
2) ant -Ddb=openmeetings prepare-eclipse (I restored the original name). ->
this command migrate the config from "postgresql_persistance.xml" to
3) I renamed before step 2) "postgresql_persistance.xml" to
in these two files the
I have some remarks :
1) I have already done all these steps (video conference and recording work
2) I have changed the name of my database to: "collabmee" in postgresql and
in "config.XML" (I tested first with the name "openmeetings").
3) UTF8 is done and 46 are created automatically when
I use swftools 0.9.1).
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
Maîtrisard en informatique
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[+216] 52 72 27 25
---Message original---
De : Maxim Solodovnik
Date : 03/30/12 03:21:37
A : openmee
I'm testing this method: (adding start= auto)
soffice.exe -headless -nofirststartwizard
-accept="socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.Service" start= auto
Greenes, can I do something so that this command line ( soffice.exe
-headless -nofirststartwizard
-accept="socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.Service") will be
executed every windows boot automatically ?
I'm always searching a solution for the HTTP_ERROR:500
stallation and is a 64-bit version.
> If there is the number 8100 then OpenOffice is
> working, if not...please tell it.
> .
> El jue, 29-03-2012 a las 17:25 +0100, Hamdi Thabet escribió:
> > I have done this command line but the problem isn'
I have done this command line but the problem isn't solved yet.
LibreOffice 3 ? I have OpenOffice.org 3.3 ? So do you mean that I have
to uninstall
OpenOffice.org and replace it with LibreOffice ?
I will try your command line.
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Hamdi Thabet
> wrote:
> > all tables in postgresql are automatically created but they still empty
> even
> > after manual inscription and I can't make work an smtp server on
> localhost
> > and also the smtp.googlemail.com:465 too. Is
all tables in postgresql are automatically created but they still empty
even after manual inscription and I can't make work an smtp server on
localhost and also the smtp.googlemail.com:465 too. Is there a relationship
with the HTTP_ERROR:500 ?
I have already tried but always the same error: HTTP_ERROR: 500
It's happens with all files with all sizes. All commands works fine in CMD
(all paths are configured in system path).
Is there a problem with 64 bits architecture ? I installed Ghostscript 64x
and 32x and OpenOffice.org 3.3 32 bits.
I extracted only errors from openmeetings.log :
recording and video conference works perfectly.
How can I solve this problem ? Is there a problem with the SWFTools version
0.9.1 ?
*Hamdi THABET*
Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année)
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