I need to know what' are advantages of using OpenJPA. Please can someone help me. I didn't find any advantage and I always find that Hibernate is the best. For example in term of speed >> http://www.jpab org/OpenJPA/MySQL/server/Hibernate/H2/embedded.html
Hamdi THABET Élève ingénieur en Téléinformatique (3e année) Maîtrisard en informatique Technicien en Réseau informatique et Télécoms [+216] 52 72 27 25 hamdi.thabe...@gmail.com -------Message original------- De : Hamdi THABET Date : 30/04/2012 03:55:19 A : openmeetings-...@incubator.apache.org Sujet : Reasons of migrating from Hibernate to OpenJPA ? Can someone tell us about the advantages of OpenJPA over Hibernate. I searched for hours in Google about differences and comparisons and I always found that Hibernate is the BEST. For example in term of speed >> http://www.jpab org/OpenJPA/MySQL/server/Hibernate/H2/embedded.html