In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Xerox B215 printer with CUPS, Gary...:
I do have a PPD file, Xerox_B215_Series.ppd, that I downloaded from
the Xerox site. The file does say that it's for linux only, but I
assume it will work with OI.
It should, but it depends somewhat on how the PPD was g
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Printing from Firefox does not work,...:
I have the print queue `xerox' defined in CUPS. PRINTER=xerox is in
the environment in every terminal window and in Firefox. I can
display this queue with `lpq' and print to it with `lpr ...'. It does
appear in /etc/
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] where is gcc, Harry Putnam said (at...:
Running latest oi-hipster in vbox vm
I want a working gcc, I see only gcc-3-runtime and gcc-7-runtime.
Do a 'pkg update' first.
Then do
pkg install build-essential
That gets you far more than just gcc, it g
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] boot problems: KPTI enabled (PCID in...:
OK I've been attempting to install the MATE desktop. I
used pkg install mate_install. Which (seemingly) gave me
everything I required. I created
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-intel.conf with everything
required to get X t
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] boot problems: KPTI enabled (PCID...:
The mate_install bundle should have pulled in
Do you have any other lightdm-related packages installed? It's likely
not important for this issue, but I'm just trying to determ
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] what command is used to start...:
IMHO it is *not* the role of an OS to determine the security policy.
While it should be possible for an admin to set security policy,
the OS should have good, secure defaults. That's all this is.
Tim Mooney
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] distribution constructor for making...:
I would love to have XFCE.
But as I know, the OI devs will not package other DEs. They stay royal to MATE.
You can't found any other DE's packages on the repo.
You might want to review the mailing list archives f
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] distribution constructor for making...:
And one more thing: We share the Sun Solaris ancestry with Oracle
Solaris. Some things have diverted during the last decade but the
repository is a first-class source of information and inspiration.
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana as a server., Jason...:
Thank you.
Why you do it if If there is a desire and why not do it regularly?
Other contributors have their own answers to this question, but my
answer is fairly straightforward.
I have a limited (and worse, unpredict
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Does OI have a mouse daemon?, Chris...:
OK I've managed to get a reasonably speedy console
(long story for another thread).
For those of us that were watching that thread, I hope you do post your
results. That's not something that should just go unresolved.
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Where is ffi.h?, cretin1997 via...:
It's not in /usr/include and pkg said no updates for this image. So
where it actually is?
$ pkg search -r ffi.h
basename file usr/lib/amd64/libffi-3.2.
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] safely cleanup pkg cache?, Andreas...:
Am 21.02.21 um 22:42 schrieb Stephan Althaus:
The "-s" option does the minimal obvious remove of the corresponding
My experience seems to match what Andreas and Toomas are saying: -s isn't
doing w
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] after Installation, no X11?, Rolf...:
yes, got it running. xdm login, twm as window manager. Fast and
As I started up with a text console only, Andreas and Carsten
on this list told me to do a pkg install mate_install and start
the SMF-service
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hipster 2020.10 text installer ISO...:
On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 1:25 PM Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss <> wrote:
The HP BIOS is the screwiest one I've ever come across.
Can confirm via my HP ProBook. Dell'
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] error upgrading to hipster --...:
You are probably right, this server is on its last legs. I was hoping there
was a quick fix to get it upgraded.
I did the conversion from oi151a9 to hipster on my workstation, but that
was years ago. It may not even be
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Updated NVIDIA drivers, Andreas...:
As the next OI Hipster release is scheduled for end of April we don't
provide new boot images yet.
Andreas & others-
If I wanted to start testing the current state of boot images,
pkg update # followed by a
een through the process with
distribution-constructor, I was hoping to avoid a bunch of trial and
I'll update and install distribution-constructor and give it a try.
On 19.03.21 18:08, Tim Mooney via openindiana-discuss wrote:
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Updated NVIDIA drive
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] The kiss of death, Nelson H. F:
There was one nit: at the point that it asks for a domain name, it
cuts it off at 15 characters, which is way too small. See
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] The kiss of death, Reginald...:
The text-install ISO doesn't have a windowing system on it. I don't know
if there is anything analogous to the Solaris 11.4 "solaris-desktop "
It's 'mate-install'. And all it does is force the installation of the
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Smartcards on Openindiana, Carsten...:
Am 16.06.21 11:06 schrieb Stephan Althaus :
On 6/16/21 10:05 AM, Carsten Grzemba via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Is there anyone who uses smartcards on OpenIndiana? There are some
recommendations which reader de
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] down?, Predrag...:
Hi all,
is it only me, or is down since yesterday?
I did a full pkg update (using https) of my OI hipster workstation
maybe 8 or 9 hours ago. I didn't encounter any issues.
I just tried a "sudo pk
Anyone else using GnuPG on OI? I'm seeing some strange/broken behavior
somewhere between gpg2, gpg-agent, and pinentry. I'm wondering if it's
something with my install (or environment), or if others are having issues
Basically, when gpg2 does something that needs a passphrase, it's
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPG2 on OI, said...:
I can confirm I've had for the last months some annoying (blocking!) issues
with GPG2 on OI,
but some issues also happen on other operating systems (pin entry related), so
this may be a GPG2 issue, and not an OI issue
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPG2 on OI, said...:
It is perhaps possible to try out older versions and find a solution,
I'd be interested if you find a solution and are willing to share it !
I reported the issue to the GnuPG bug tracker and have been working with
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPG2 on OI, Andreas Wacknitz said...:
Nice work from you and the GnuPG developer. I propose to either open a
ticket for it on
or post the results from your analysis on #illumos. Maybe some illumos
maintainers f
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPG2 on OI, Andreas Wacknitz said...:
Nice work from you and the GnuPG developer. I propose to either open a
ticket for it on
or post the results from your analysis on #illumos. Maybe some illumos
maintainers f
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPG2 on OI, Andreas Wacknitz said...:
Am 04.10.21 um 20:58 schrieb Tim Mooney via openindiana-discuss:
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPG2 on OI, Andreas Wacknitz
Nice work from you and the GnuPG developer. I propose to either open a
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] a MP4 media player which works on...:
Hello. I've downloaded an mp4 file from the internet and I'm trying to play
it on openindiana. I tried several players,but none of them worked. For
example, Totem says : "MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin is not installed" and it
pkg is reporting that's cert is expired.
I'm not 100% certain if this is the cert itself or the Let's Encrypt root
CA issue, but I tried with openssl 1.1 and s_client is still saying
expired, so I think it's an expired cert.
Tim Mooney
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg install woes, John Gardner via...:
A brand new install from the hipster-20210403 dvd and I can't install packages
at the moment:
root@buildpc:/export/home/johng# pkg install build-essential
Always, always do
pkg update
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] weird network issue, choosing a default...:
I have a weird problem I don't quite know how to fix.
I have an OI server, with two ethernet interfaces, on e1000g0 and on rge0. The 203.6.241 network is a real one, the 192.168, as y
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] weird network issue, choosing a...:
Does that work? Does it change your current "netstat -rn" output?
I didn't do that, I had a look at the GUI network management stuff, and fixed
an errant subnet mask, and removed the default route from the rge0 inter
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] A question about the Mate update, Jason...:
Why are there so many sockets opened in ~/.cache by :
gnome/accessibility/at-spi2-atk 2.24.1-2020.0.1.0 i--
gnome/accessibility/at-spi2-core 2.24.1-2020.0.1.1 i--
drwx-- 2 agrellum staff
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Build essential, hput via...:
How ever I have read threads about a `build essential' pkg available
for oi/hipster I can't seem to find anything pkg search that has a
name like that.
pfexec pkg install build-essential
(if you've set up the ne
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] how to disable caja, hput via...:
I notice the file manager caja in mate desktop pull quite a lot of cpu
at times.
Can you tell what it's doing when that happens? If you're familiar with
'truss', you might be able to use that to attach and get an idea of
It's possible I might be getting a new workstation at my workplace. I'm
lucky in that my employer will allow me to run OI on it, but I'm limited
to purchasing from Dell or HP Enterprise (HPE).
My preference would be to go with AMD Ryzen 5XXX processor, but neither
vendor offer much for A
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] mate-system-monitor crashes,...:
When I web search this error:
unhandled exception (type Glib::Error) in signal handler:
domain: g-io-error-quark
code : 0
what : Unable to find default local file monitor type
I see hits for it for many Linux distros t
In regard to: Re: [oi-dev] libpulsecore error, Gary Mills said (at 10:44am...:
On Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 11:57:36PM -0600, Tim Mooney via oi-dev wrote:
That would be my first guess.
That a faulty theme is the cause now seems unlikely to me. I looked
at some Mate themes on github: all of them
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg update fails, Predrag Zečević...:
But, why suddenly that is required? I never had to do it...
Will that be fixed in near future?
I remember a thread about a very similar issue, and I found it:
Subject: pkg update is failing
Date: Se
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg update removes installed services...:
How am I supposed to proceed to update the OS to the latest available,
while at the same time maintaining all the working services intact ?
Postgresql 10 was end-of-life November 10, 2022.
Newer versions of postgres
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg update removes installed...:
I always create a new BE while updating and I'm back to my previous
working configuration; I was just baffled by the removal of an active
and working service.
Understood, and I'm glad you were able to switch back to a wo
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] pkg update removes installed...:
just FYI freezing postgres-10 packages prevents pkg update from doing
any useful work, it does not update most of the system, just less than
20 packages get updated.
I figured that would be the case. I'm actually a littl
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Deleting empty directories, Michelle...:
Basically, I extract all the flac files out of my main music
collection, to a separate location, (using rsync) and then I have to
delete the empty directories that rsync has created.
You could use '--prune-empty-dirs'
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] no force write by root user?, Rolf M:
if the root user wants to write back a file not writable as set by
permissions a force write back (wq! in vi) does not work. Is that
behavior intended? Other OSes as for instance oracle solaris, FreeBSD,
Solaris 10 and
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] gfxdrm/OpenGL error with latest...:
On 8/2/24 10:39, Till Wegmueller wrote:
This is a known issue since the last Mesa update and seems to come from the
changes Solaris did to it's platform Support by disabling Intel completely
Upstream for Solaris and ha
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] gfxdrm/OpenGL error with latest...:
Simple cost/benefit analysis - the cost of paying engineers to port the
whole framework from Linux and keeping up-to-date with a rapidly changing
upstream was determined to be more than the benefit to our customer base
In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] /etc/localtime, Marcel Telka said...:
On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 06:04:11PM +0100, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
If you are curious why mate (here caja) shows times in UTC instead
of the timezone set in /etc/default/init (TZ): It specifically
looks for the file
In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] No sound in OpenIndiana, Garrett Fuller...:
I am new to the world of OpenIndiana. I've enjoyed it for the most part so
far, but have had a couple problems. The most frustrating of which is the lack
of audio output on my ThinkPad W541. There is no playback fro
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