In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] a MP4 media player which works on...:

Hello. I've downloaded an mp4 file from the internet and I'm trying to play
it on openindiana. I tried several players,but none of them worked. For
example, Totem says : "MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin is not installed" and it
won't work. VLC is able to open it but it is not able to play it well at
all. Rhythmbox is not able to open it at all. Maybe mplayer,but I don't
know how to install it. Can someone suggest to me what to do ? thanks.

What's included in the main OpenIndiana software repository (repo) is
software that can be installed legally by (almost) anyone.  Not every
last bit is open source, but most people can legally install the
compiled software.

There's a separate repository for software that may have licensing
restrictions that prevents it from being used in certain countries, for
certain purposes, etc.  This repo has more "use at your own risk, be
sure you know the legal ramifications, etc." software.  That happens
to apply to a lot of media encoder/decoder (codecs), including ones
that are needed for formats like mp3, mp4, etc.

I recommend you add that repository (it's a "publisher" in pkg-speak):

 sudo pkg set-publisher \
        -p  \
        --search-after \
        --non-sticky \

From there, you can search and install additional components that may
improve your media experience.

In particular


May have stuff that helps anything using gstreamer.

I have other codec-related packages installed from hipster-encumbered too.


Tim Mooney                                   
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
Division of Information Technology    /                701-231-1076 (Voice)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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