I would delete the cache file, reboot, and then re-import the volume.
rm /etc/zfs/zfs.cache
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 8, 2018, at 5:45 PM, John D Groenveld wrote:
> In message , David
> Koski
> writes:
>> # zpool replace syspool c2t0d0s0 c2t0d0s0
>> invalid vdev specificat
Can someone point me in the direction,or uhm email me, the tamp-2.5
source tarball by tim cook from back in the day?
they say nothing disappears from the internet but i routinely find that
to be false...
openindiana-discuss m
I have read through the notes on
https://github.com/openzfs/openzfs/pull/489 but I have been unable to
gleam any notion of when pull 489 might be ready for prime time.
Can someone closer to the project give me a best guess of when it might
be upstreamed?
On 12/10/18 8:10 AM, Lou Picciano wrote:
Machine does eventually boot, however - takes about 20 mins! Recent Hipster
updates (2018-11-27) have been applied. System otherwise runs quite well. Most
client data is on datapool; they remain oblivious. (To be honest, they were
oblivious before this
This is your offending device:
$ pfexec smartctl -a -d sat,12 /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s0 | grep Raw_Read
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000b 094 094 016Pre-fail Always
- 1376259
Try removing this disk.
The boot manager is in your bios. It currently points to one of your
rpool d
On 12/11/18 10:14 AM, John D Groenveld wrote:
And when its replaced, I believe the OP will need to installboot(1M)
the new drive.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Illumos ZFS doesn't magically put
the boot code with zpool replace.
man installgrub
installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /
*So my 10G/40G network performance sucks. I have a combination of
Chelsio and Intel 10 and 40G NICs. The 10G Intels do a little better. I
have dug deeper into systems with Chelsio cards than Intel cards but
what I found is that the receive buffer on the Chelsio card fills up and
then it start
I had an NVMe drive fail. I put a new drive in, and it assumed "Slot 11"
from the view of cfgadm. The new drive shows up as connected/configured
in cfgadm. However, no block device shows up in iostat. The system is
on joyent_20200910T013122Z.
What additional secret sauce needs to be applie
11 TB is about right. Your 2TB disks will be "smaller" by nature of
reporting differences. Much of that is difference between how drive
manufacturers report a megabyte as 1,000,000 bytes and computers report
a megabyte 1048576 bytes.
In a nutshell, in your raidz2 vdev you have eight drives.
If you are not using the Sun features in their version of ssh you can upgrade
to OpenSSH current.
If you have to run Sun’s ssh then consider running openssh on another port,
for instance.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 16, 2021, at 9:27 AM, david allan finch wrote:
> Hi,
> I
Yes, you can use whatever drives you have but don't expect it to have
consistence performance.
Each mirrored vdev will be as slow as the slowest drive. I would not put
a green drive in the pool. Green drives have this nasty habit of
spinning down to save power and be green like kermit the
> What's the best way to identify that a given system is running
> OpenIndiana? uname -v ?
You have lots of options.
uname -v works
jason@caprica:/data/home/jason$ uname -v
jason@caprica:/data/home/jason$ cat /etc/release
OpenIndiana Development oi_148 X86
The evil tuning guide indicates the ZIL can be turned on/off with:
echo zil_disable/W0t1 | mdb -kw
echo zil_disable/W0t0 | mdb -kw
this does not appear to be valid in OI. Is there a new procedure to disable
OpenIndiana-discuss mai
i am looking for oi friendly disk chassis that support managing the disk fault
lights from fmd.
i need approximately 40 units and while i have found some lsi 620js i havent
found enough for my needs.
excluding over priced sun gear, which shelves meet these requirements and work
i know
i have used osol134b with the adaptec supplied s10 driver as osol didnt have a
working driver in the distribution
i also used oi148b with the bundled driver with great success.
you could try the adaptec driver, it wouldnt hurt, but i dont believe it will
help. seems like your problem is somew
yes my bad. i am looking for SAS chassis.
what is the process for mapping drives?
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Jul 20, 2011, at 5:58 PM, Gary Driggs wrote:
> You didn't say whether you're looking for FC or SAS but the Promise series
> offers both;
> http://www.promise.com/storage/raid_cat
> Hi, I'm configuring a machine with 5 SAS disks dedicated to data.
> I was thinking to make a raidz2 pool on these 5 disks.
> What is the best option?
> What if I want to do it 4 disks + 1 for spare?
It is not clear to me what your requirements are.
if you need speed and redundancy, use mirror
At the risk of beating a dead horse...
Has anyone given the newisys NDS shelves a whirl? The nds-2241 looks awful
lot like the 24 bay 2.5 inch shelves netapp pushes.
It my hope that netapp drives it fault lights in the same fashion to how
solaris does it. Is there anyone on the list with expe
So our friends at DataOn offer a software package, marketed towards Nexenta,
named DSM. It reportedly has a command line toolto identify and flip on
fault lights in SES equipped chassis. They report that the CLI will work
with OI.
Does anyone have an experience with it, either good or bad?
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] nexenta dsm
On Mon, Jul 25, 2011, jason matthews wrote:
> Does anyone have an experience with it, either good or bad?
Curious -- I only see the debian package for Nexentastor or NCP;
Does the old trick of copying the BMC driver from NV134 or Solaris Express
151 work on OI148?
I have tried to load both versions of that driver they both bombed out. Has
anyone tried with OI151? Or am I just beating my head against the wall...
Was there some sort of change in the kernel that bre
Would tuning the kernel to deal with the super slow time-outs of consumer
grade drives help? It is not going to make your consumer drive an enterprise
product, or keep your performance high, but it might keep FMD from failing
out your entire pool and/or corrupting the pool.
These are guestimat
TLER was removed from the consumer drives in one of the rounds of firmware
upgrades. That tunable is now only available in the enterprise versions of
the disk -- at least that is my understanding.
If you have fix it in the OS, it is going to be more expensive. See my last
email on this.
perhaps checking fmd would be a good start but an overloaded ps is possible.
fmdump -eV
for your storage utilization some handy commands to add to your arsenal are:
zpool list
zfs get -r used
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Aug 31, 2011, at 6:43 PM, Daniel Kjar wrote:
> Careful...
what about hw event logs? if you have power flucuations it might show ip there.
you can probably pull those out from your service processor or boot to bios and
read them there.
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Sep 1, 2011, at 8:37 AM, Roman Naumenko wrote:
> Costly troubleshooting you had.
since your bios doesnt reliably detect drives on reboot i would start by
looking for firmware upgrades.
smc likes to say dont upgrade your firmware unless you have a problem, i be you
meet that requirement.
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Sep 29, 2011, at 2:31 AM, Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
I use the LSI sas2ircu util and fmtopo to identify and flip on the
'identify' light on my disk chassis.
I wrote a script, it is very rough and would require some tuning for your
config, but it might solve your problem if your hardware is compatible.
Compatible means, LSI controller and disk she
What did you stumble upon? Maybe its better than mine? ;-)
-Original Message-
From: Jeppe Toustrup [mailto:openindi...@tenzer.dk]
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 12:10 PM
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Best way to map SAS
Are their plans to release the AI for OI151 soon?
I was planning on using OI148 and AI for a production environment. However,
the repo is reportedly broken with no 'will' to fix it. This leaves me in
the lurch if there is not AI for OI151.
Alternately, does someone have a snaphot of the OI148 r
That's helpful thanks. It is funny, I was just looking at your blog when
this email came in
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
> We've generally used only SAS for our ZFS pools, and will continue to
> do so. However, we're looking at adding some SSDs and those are almost
> exclusively SATA. Do folks see issues mixing SATA SSDs as cache and
> log devices in with SAS disk for hybrid storage pools?
I put my SAS drives in
What is the link speed of the SAS drives as reported by the controller?
-Original Message-
From: Hong Wei Liam [mailto:weiliam.h...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 4:59 PM
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Poor relative performance o
would adjusting the driver timeouts to be more aggressive benefit both the
intel and crucial drives?
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Oct 28, 2011, at 12:23 PM, "Jason J. W. Williams"
> Hi Tommy,
>> It caused a total I/O outage for something like 20 minutes before it was
>> final
On 11/27/11 4:11 AM, Matt Connolly wrote:
Hi Jason, I'm just putting together an oi-151 machine running on an intel
server board.
Did you ever manage to get the bmc driver running?
I am sorry to report that I havent had any joy on it yet. It is likely
the mileage will vary based on t
If you bought them with your personal American express card you have ninety
days to retun most items.
Have you tried verifying the link speed and/or locking the speed to 6Gb/s?
-Original Message-
From: Rich [mailto:rerc...@acm.jhu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 2:17 PM
I have four web servers running two ip exclusive zones where nginx is the
primary application. The systems have 16gb of ram, 1 L5630, on Intel S5500UR
motherboards with onboard 82575EB Ethernet controllers.
The load from the internet comes via round robin DNS. The four servers divvy
up a high
> We use DELL, and Sun^H^H^HOracle kit ... I love the Sun
> kit for it's ILOM (able to access the bios remotely,
> via console and browser) and it's impressive use of space
> ... most HP kit is 4U for the same horsepower/storage
> capacity of Sun 2U's ...
I suspect many manufacturers these da
Svavar Örn Eysteinsson wrote:
The actual question about HP, and or some other vender was
> regarding say, if a HD disk would fail, controller and
> or motherboard, I have a pretty good connection(and support)
> regarding replace'ing them after few hours. So hardware
> support would be great,
Vendor: SEAGATE Product: ST1000NM0001 Revision: 0001 Serial No:
Size: 1000.20GB <1000204886016 bytes>
Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 2 Recoverable: 0 Illegal
Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0 c2t5000C50033F5BFBBd0 Soft Errors:
0 Hard Errors: 597 Transpo
I don't like stating the obvious, but at a ten thousand foot view time
slider will do this for you.
Zmanada is fairly cheap. $400-750 for a server including one seat.
Additional seats are $150.
-Original Message-
From: Marcus Dillury [mailto:mar...@dillury.net]
Sent: Monday, Janu
you can adjust the disk timeouts in solaris. there are two schools of thought
1) accomodate the extremely long timeouts of cinsumer drives and let the drive
decide whether to report an error back (fail itself out)
2) set the time outs very narrowly and be aggressive in letting zfs fail o
btw as of november there is likely new firmware for your lsi card. you might
want to take this opportunity to upgrade.
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Jan 10, 2012, at 7:13 AM, Maurilio Longo wrote:
> Geoff,
> I've hit this problem several times in the past, with OpenSolaris and then
James Carlson wrote:
> I don't know what is causing the problem you're seeing, but I do
> have some guesses.
> Assuming it affects all packets, and not just those of a particular
> type, the slow packet delivery sounds a bit like either a driver problem
> or a problem with the (Crossbow-intro
From: Francois Dion [mailto:francois.d...@gmail.com]
> I currently use it to randomly shuffle music and backup the laptop.
> I've never had it burp or error. This is on a Sony vaio Z series
> laptop running OI 151a. Same cannot be said from random 3.5 sata
> drives in no names powered usb enclo
From: Lou Picciano [mailto:loupicci...@comcast.net]
> Yes, Jason, now that James has mentioned the 'Interrupt Storm' matter...
> You've piqued my interest. Any chance you're having all these problems on
> a SandyBridge system? Would love to hear more. In our case, we'd seen
> in
-Original Message-
From: James Carlson [mailto:carls...@workingcode.com]
> It has a lot of tunables. First, there are the ones documented in
> /kernel/drv/igb.conf. Of those, perhaps the most interesting is
> flow_control. It looks like the hardware acceleration ones here are the
you've already offlined the drive. i would simply detach it, replace the disk
sith one that works, and attach to the surviving mirror or assign as spare.
since the drive is sas anx your using mpt the os should discover the new drive
on its own.
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Jan 25, 20
So I have determined the trigger event for the "resets" in the response
times. It appears that there is some sort of memory leak in the kernel. When
memory utilization gets very high, I am not sure how high but it is around a
few hundred bytes on the freelists with zfs data near zero, the reset c
i would start even more conservatively and disable speed step in the bios first
and then more on to the other suggestions. i am not a fan of speedstep in
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Feb 13, 2012, at 9:44 AM, Bryan N Iotti wrote:
> Maybe you could try disabling ACPI in BIOS
e-SATA shares the same electrical specification as SATA. The primary
difference is in the cable shielding specification. I would consider using a
LSI card and an adapter to go from the non/lightly shielded internal SATA
cable to the heavily shielded e-SATA cable. I am not aware of anyone who
> Jason, I appreciate the input, but as I said, I'm already slot limited.
> My mobo only has one pci-e slot, and that is occupied by the 8-port
> m1015 HBA :(
My apologies. I just skimmed the big block of text.
So, the M1015 is a rebadged LSI 9240-8i, likely with the IR firmware.
Sorry I wasn't more helpful.
btw, "log device" implies ZIL, as in intent log.
-Original Message-
From: Dan Swartzendruber [mailto:dswa...@druber.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 12:03 PM
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Cc: Jason Matthews
Subject: Re: [Open
you plugged a consumer sata disk into an enterprise sas controller and it told
you your sata disk doesnt have two data ports connected to the controller. i
suspect you knew this already :-)
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Mar 28, 2012, at 12:35 PM, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
> Cool thanks.
My company is interested in having two driver issues and a software issue
resolved and we are willing to pay a bounty.
Saturday, we were hit by something that looked similar to the mpt/mpt_sas
i/o hang issue https://www.illumos.org/issues/1069. This is a serious bug to
any "enterprise" or "carri
", some 3.5", some SATA, some SAS) and
get the SES/FMD frameworks working for them.
We are willing to pay for the Newisys NDS-2240.
On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Jason Matthews wrote:
> My company is interested in having two driver issues and a software
> My network interface is set up as as a bridged interface to
> my pc's wireless card.
If you are using a bridged interface then you need to match the mac address
in virtualbox to the burned in address on your hardware.
You can get your mac from: ipconfig /all in a command shell in windows
> ifconfig -a shows the aggregated link as well and all indications
> are that it's fine
Ifconfig doesn't do that. Try using the LACP related commands instead. Your
output should look like like the following
root@db031:~# dladm show-aggr -L
> Are you prepared for no-improvement? Ethernet link aggregation often
> disappoints people looking for more performance using IP.
It may a reasonable effect if:
1) you are already saturating the link
2) you have sufficient number of partners and they you doing large block
If you ha
Please verify that your host and switch have compatible activity settings.
Compatible meaning, they are not the same ;-)
I set the switch for active and the hosts for passive. You will receive
inconsistent results like the host being reachable at times and unreachable
at other times if they
-t is temporary. Try rebooting. There is some chance you'll be back to where
you started ;-)
-Original Message-
From: Tim Dunphy [mailto:bluethu...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 12:14 PM
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] can't delete aggr
Let me get this straight...
You installed the OS on the disk with the BIOS set to IDE. Later, you
changed the BIOS to AHCI and the system crashes when booting. Is that about
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
This will get you most of the way there...
pkg install SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs compatibility/packages/SUNWxwplr SUNWlibm
but I don't see SUNWi1of or SUNWxwplr in my copy of the repo. Perhaps you
can think of some interesting ways to obtain those packages you need.
-Original Message-
I don't want to sound insulting, but is X running?
Are you on console or logged in over ssh? If ssh, is xforwarding enabled? If
so, do you have some sort of X client on your side? Do other X clients work
(eg. xload)?
If console, who are youlogged in as? What user are you running the installer
What Alan wrote.
-Original Message-
From: Alan Coopersmith [mailto:alan.coopersm...@oracle.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 3:21 PM
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] installing oracle 11g
On 05/23/12 03:16 PM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
>> I don't want
So, my systems wont quick boot at all. Any quick boot results in the
following message:
NOTICE: unsupported 32-bit IO address on pci-pci bridge [7/0/0]
NOTICE: unsupported 32-bit IO address on pci-pci bridge [7/0/0]
Then system then hangs. Initial boots are always fine, as are full reboots.
I typo'd this.
It should have read:
NOTICE: unsupported 32-bit IO address on pci-pci bridge [7/0/0]
NOTICE: unsupported 32-bit IO address on pci-pci bridge [8/2/0]
-Original Message-
From: Jason Matthews [mailto:ja...@broken.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 5:34
> -Original Message-
> From: Marion Hakanson [mailto:hakan...@ohsu.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 6:19 PM
> To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
> Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] quick boots are a pain in my arse
> svccfg -s "system/boot-config:default" setprop
are you missing a zero to the left of the decimal place?
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Jul 23, 2012, at 8:57 PM, "John T. Bittner" wrote:
> Subject: ZFS and AVS guru
> I am working on setting up 2 SAN's to replicate via AVS.
> The 2 sans I build have 15 drives SAS drives + 2 Cache SS
i have a large number of systems with 9211-8i with IR firmware running in jbod
mode with now problems.
infact 2003, 2008, and 2308 based cards all work for me in either IT mode or IR
running as jbod (until i add a intel 910 but that is a work in progress)
i have havent tried a megaraid card i
har har har! it is a three hump camel for sure.
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Aug 6, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Alan Coopersmith
> Holy water ... check.
> Wooden stakes ... check.
> Silver bullets ... check.
> Chainsaw ... check.
> Okay, all ready here, we'll make sure it can't get back in
welp, build it, package it up, and add it to a repo (or pay some one to do the
i would rather see resources put to work on a hundred different things (or
more, likely) before CDE.
i would pay $ for fmd integration with newisys storage chassis so get in line
behind me. ...
for the gr
many ssds carry 3-year warranties and report useable life via smart. if you are
concerned about wearing them then buy a spare or two and rma them as they
approach burn out.
that is what i do :)
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Aug 8, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Reginald Beardsley wrote:
> Order of mag
i recommend 40Gb infiniband. oi has no support for management so you'll need
switch. used fear is cheap on ebay.
infiniband is generally cheaper than 10Gb ether on a per port basis and from a
latency perspective there is comparison.
stock exchanges dont use 10Gb ether, they use infiniband.
I only have one gripe with the mpt2 based cards (2008, 2308, etc) is that
they cant currently be used as boot devices in the presence of an Intel 910
SSD. I have defect 490258-218190922 logged at LSI but there is seemingly no
movement after several weeks. The status of this can be tracked at
I have several hundred SSDs in use as L2ARC. I have the monitoring system
querying SMART data a number of times per day looking at the percentage of
rated life used in effort to replace disks before we burn out the cells.
Each time this query runs, it dirties the logs with some messages in regard
> Do you have any real-life stats about SSD breakage (lifetime
> expectancy) in L2ARC usage modes - did any of your SSDs
> already reach their end-of-life, and if yes - what percentage
> and how old were they? What model(s) do you use?
The oldest round of gear uses 128GB Crucial M4s. I have seen
> I can say from experience chaining supermicro sas chassis with any type of
> disk can be a recipe for disaster. Lsiutil reported a couple million
> errors in a couple months time which eventually led to some sort of
> contention and corruption on both sides of our mirrors. These were
> also SA
Wow you are ambitious. We don't even have a bmc driver.
Today, you would have to get the values from ipmi over the network or
through SMASH if you have it.
-Original Message-
From: Jim Klimov [mailto:jimkli...@cos.ru]
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 4:20 PM
To: Discussion list for
> there was a chance of porting *BSD BMC drivers as a legal
> solution, or finding and using driver binaries from older
> OpenSolaris as a questionable one.
The bmc driver has been closed source from the start. I have been unable to
get the bmc driver from SXC or even S11 to to work in 151a1, a
I saw the thread about a new mirror in Europe.
Does OI need an US mirrors in San Francisco or NoVA? I may be able to help,
but I would like to get a better understanding of the current bandwidth
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
Reginald Beardsley Wrote:
> This is new territory. I've never had the ability to
> check the disk integrity before. So what is a sensible
> scrub schedule? Monthly?
Well, I do it by the book (I also service my car on the manufacturers
intervals [but not the dealers]). I scrub once per mon
> Not sure I see an effective difference between a scrub that is run
> quickly once a month and a scrub that runs for a month w/ little
> performance impact on other usage.
The problem was, the once a month batch job after running for day reported
it was going to take six weeks. I suspect it wo
Okay, I some how managed to break beadm on one of my systems and I am hoping
for a little help.
The box has three zpools, rpool, data, and archive. If I export data, beadm
works without errors. However, if data is imported then beadm gives me this
lovely descriptive blurb:
root@heimdall:~# bead
Richard Lowe wrote:
> Is there any possibility that you've cloned a zone onto that data pool?
Sorry about the belated response. You are a genius. This was exactly the
I keep getting bitten by zfs send -R. It is convenient as it copies all the
descendent file systems, but by also clon
From: heinrich.vanr...@gmail.com [mailto:heinrich.vanr...@gmail.com]
> My point is most high end storage units has some form of data
> verification process that is active all the time.
As does ZFS. The blocks are checksumed on each read. Assuming you have
mirrors or parity redundancy, the m
> It seems the memory is going to the kernel.
I have this problem on my web proxy tier, but not on my backend systems.
I have checked kernel core dumps for memory leaks, switched the Ethernet
cards/drivers, tested exclusive versus shared interfaces on the zones, and
tweaked everything I could t
> I can't tell you much about continuus use of VirtualBox and
> its stability over long periods of time, I used it with success on
> daily basis for few years now, with OI (and previously OpenSolaris)
> being host. I've seen no problems with stability, however I only run
> it for a day and t
I should also mention that over all network performance degrades over time
and the only fix I have sound so far is to shut down the zones, destroy the
vnics, recreate them, and then reboot the zones.
I do that about every four hours to keep the response times reasonable. It
really sucks.
-Original Message-
From: Cedric Blancher [mailto:cedric.blanc...@googlemail.com]
> IMO you blame the wrong people. You can have the same kind of
> problems with any Illumos-based distribution if you activate a
> zone and let the machine just sit there for a week or so or have
> a lot
-Original Message-
From: Brendan Gregg [mailto:brendan.gr...@joyent.com]
> A full "echo ::kmastat | mdb -k" before reboot may show where the
> memory is or isn't.
I am not a point where I would normally reboot it, but we are pretty well
deep into memory utilization for the size of th
DCE usage continued...
I am guessing this is likely my problem...
root@web006:~# netstat -nd |wc -l
It is really twice as bad as that, as there are two proxy zones per physical
I found this which outlines the fundamental problem.
> OK, sorry then. Same symptoms, different cause, albeit it's so
> bad that it makes the OS virtually unusable for any serious work.
Something does seem wrong. I process billions (and billions to channel Carl
Sagan) of inserts into Postgres per day on the database tier. I consider
that to be se
From: Michael Stapleton [mailto:michael.staple...@techsologic.com]
> You could try to set the crypo algorithm to none if you do not
> need encryption.
> ssh -c none
That wont work with the shipped ssh. You could use netcat
target# nc -l -p 31337 | zfs recv data/path/etc
source# zf
I will take a shot in the dark here. I imagine the request will time out and
be deleted in a few days. Then you could try again -- but I am just
speculating. If Jesus was a web developer, that's how he would do it.
-Original Message-
From: Dan Swartzendruber [mailto:dswa...@druber.co
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Nov 17, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Jim Klimov wrote:
> My box did have uncorrected raidz2 errors and couldn't even point
> to a failed drive - it's as if they all scratched the same region
> at once...
> which may have been caused by power jerks or something,
> with a
> I wonder if CheapBytes is still around
Cheaper bandwidth probably delivered cheap bytes cheaper than CheapBytes.
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list
> BUT, when I try to find the zpools on the old disk with zpool
> import, it says nada. And format only lists one disk besides the boot
> disk. So, ideas?
Which motherboard are you using?
Do you have the drives connected to an HBA or the motherboard? If HBA, which
If they are connected to
> Perhaps some of you all might like to contribute to it, too?
This is an interesting topic.
I am also fond of reproducible processes. I learned from a colleague long
ago to write Makefiles which in turn run other make files to boot strap an
entire software stack -- sort of a lord of the rings
> For most (?) of us, we build a server once or twice a year.
Some of us, build them hundreds at time, multiple times per year -- then
multiply zones on top of that. Some might do it thousands of times per year.
We may not be trying to solve the types of problems.
For what it is worth, Mak
Sent from Jasons' hand held
On Dec 20, 2012, at 7:05 AM, "Edward Ned Harvey (openindiana)"
> But he didn't change the hardware - in the OP he said he replaced one disk
> (the boot disk) and installed openindiana where he was previously running
> opensolaris.
sure. he also didnt say
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