On Feb 28, 2013, at 6:27 AM, Jim Klimov wrote:
> Hello Peter,
> In Solaris legacy, /home is an FS node controlled by automounter
> (via /etc/auto* files) to mount local and remote home directories
> (with lofs and nfs/cifs as appropriate). Local homes are stored in
> /export/home, and for a pa
Hello Peter,
In Solaris legacy, /home is an FS node controlled by automounter
(via /etc/auto* files) to mount local and remote home directories
(with lofs and nfs/cifs as appropriate). Local homes are stored in
/export/home, and for a particular local zone's cause, you might
be better off speci
I was going to do a little testing with dovecot, trying to set it up in its own
zone, when I discovered that the /home directory in the zone doesn't have write
root@dovecot.ds2:/usr/dovecot/dovecot-2.1.15# useradd -g vmail -s /bin/false -d
/home/vmail -m vmail
UX: useradd: ERROR: Un