I was going to do a little testing with dovecot, trying to set it up in its own 
zone, when I discovered that the /home directory in the zone doesn't have write 

root@dovecot.ds2:/usr/dovecot/dovecot-2.1.15# useradd -g vmail -s /bin/false -d 
/home/vmail -m vmail
UX: useradd: ERROR: Unable to create the home directory: No such file or 

root@dovecot.ds2:/usr/dovecot/dovecot-2.1.15# mkdir /home/vmail
mkdir: Failed to make directory "/home/vmail"; Operation not applicable

root@dovecot.ds2:/# ls -al
dr-xr-xr-x   1 root     root           1 Feb 27 22:36 home

root@dovecot.ds2:/# chmod u+w home
chmod: WARNING: can't change home

Is there some reason for this?  You all told me to set up each of my different 
services in their own zones, so I figured I'd do that with my email server, as 
well.  This seems a bit problematic if we can't add user directories to hold 
the mail.  Or am I taking that too far?  

SImilarly, I have apache web server set up in a zone.  I was planning on adding 
users to that zone, too, for them to access via ssh to upload their files.  I 
figured they'd need to do that through the zone so they could change their web 
page file permissions (for scripts, etc.) as necessary.  That seems a bit 
challenging, too, given this new revelation.

Would somebody please tell me where my thinking is skewed?

I'd really appreciate it.

Peter, hieromonk
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