Solved - better to say worked around.
I found an old BE with a working VirtualBox 6.0.12,
and in that i made a pkg update to a new be.
Now i'm up to date and everything works just fine.
I will keep the not working be for a week or so, if anoyone likes to
have some input about the error
Thanks Michal fpr your input,
The change of the network adapter did not help.
I did a Test with removed ~/.config/VirtualBox/ and removed
~/VirtualBox\ VMs/
and an new guest VM, the very same error.
Thanks for the link,
BTW it's a shame that 1 error code is thrown by about 20 different
Hi Stephan
If I google the Hex Code on the VirtualBox sites I get a Virtual
Networking related error. The Topic in the Forums at [0] suggest to boot
the VM's without network cards once and then try again with a network
card. In any case this seems network related but maybe somehow different
to the
What i did test so far:
a) Remove ~/.config/VirtualBox, start GUI, create new machine, start -
same Error
b) uninstall virtualbox package, reboot, install package - same error
The user is in the vbpusers group
$ groups
lp sys staff vboxuser family
The tail of the dtrace is
$ sudo dtrac