[Open Babel] OBForceField in Perl

2012-03-25 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
It might be due to not initializing Forcefield properly, but I've did my best and failed to do so. Can anyone post an example of correct part of perl script with FF? Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikow

Re: [Open Babel] OBForceField in Perl

2012-03-26 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
x27;aaa.out'); #$pFF -> SetLogLevel('OBFF_LOGLVL_NONE'); #$pFF -> SetLogToStdOut(1); $pFF -> SetLogLevel(2); # We pass the constraints as argument for Setup() $pFF -> Setup($mol, $constraints); # Perform the actual minimization, maximum 1000 steps $pFF-&g

Re: [Open Babel] Difficulty appending OBMols in Perl (Was OBForceField in Perl)

2012-03-30 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
;\n"; $mol3 = $mol2; print "Mol3 step one: ".$mol3->NumAtoms()."\n"; ### there you go #$mol3 += $mol1; # doesn't work, throws error $mol3 -> add($mol1); # this does what above should. ### print "Mol3 step two: ".$mol3->NumAtoms()."\n&qu

Re: [Open Babel] PHP binding

2012-04-03 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
If you set that up it would be nice. What kind of test scripts do you need? Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl W dniu 3 kwietnia 2012 02:40 użytkownik Geoff Hutchison < ge...@geoffhutchison.net> napisał: > > On Apr 2, 2012, at 5:34 PM, mwojci

Re: [Open Babel] UCSF Dock mol2 files

2012-04-03 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
into account. Disadvantage of above is that it wouldn't work for other formats. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl W dniu 3 kwietnia 2012 17:23 użytkownik Geoffrey Hutchison < ge...@geoffhutchison.net> napisał: > > I have a thought ab

Re: [Open Babel] UCSF Dock mol2 files

2012-04-03 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
see dock6/src/dock/library_file.cpp it seams fairy simple and always uses ##. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl W dniu 3 kwietnia 2012 21:13 użytkownik Scott Brozell < sbroz...@rci.rutgers.edu> napisał: > Hi, > > This is a good sugg

Re: [Open Babel] [Chimera-users] UCSF Dock mol2 files

2012-04-04 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Maybe @COMMENT would be a better place for them? http://tripos.com/data/support/mol2.pdf Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl W dniu 4 kwietnia 2012 20:08 użytkownik Conrad Huang napisał: > Our approach to file formats in Chimera is to support the &quo

Re: [Open Babel] 2D or 3D

2012-04-23 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Fingerprints are 1D therefore similarity search is 1D. To my knowledge there is no shape similarity search in OB. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl W dniu 23 kwietnia 2012 09:20 użytkownik Jochen Schreiber < joc...@googlemail.com> napisał: > H

Re: [Open Babel] Energy Minimization of complex of two molecules

2012-04-23 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Have you tried "H1 + H2"? Actually this wasn't working for me in perl, but it's supposed to be working in Python. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl W dniu 23 kwietnia 2012 13:52 użytkownik Чугунов Антон napisał: > > Dear Open

[Open Babel] pybel + ouput options

2012-04-26 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello everyone, Is it possible to set conversion options in pybel? I couldn't find any information about it. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl -- Live Security Virtual Confe

[Open Babel] Perl bindings in current SVN

2012-05-31 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
d returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [lib/OpenBabel.so] Błąd 1 make[1]: *** [scripts/CMakeFiles/bindings_perl.dir/all] Błąd 2 To clarify, given cmake command build 2.3.1 version without problem. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl

Re: [Open Babel] Perl bindings in current SVN

2012-05-31 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
-lperl ../lib/libopenbabel.so.4.0.0 -lm -ldl -lz -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64/perl5/CORE:/home/maciek/openbabel/build/lib Adding -lpthread leads to succesful compilation. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2012/5/31 Noel O'Boyle > We changed to compi

Re: [Open Babel] Perl bindings in current SVN

2012-05-31 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
loads successfully 1.x. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2012/5/31 Maciek Wójcikowski > It worked. > > The failing line was: > /usr/bin/c++ -fPIC -O2 -g -O2 -g -Wl,--enable-new-dtags > -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -Wl,--fatal-warnings -Wl,--no-undefine

Re: [Open Babel] Perl bindings in current SVN

2012-05-31 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
I was wrong. something went wrong and SWIG wasnt recognized at all. I'm looking for another problem. Do you have any Idea where first to look? Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2012/5/31 Maciek Wójcikowski > Apparently it seams to be SWIG

Re: [Open Babel] Perl bindings in current SVN

2012-05-31 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
='-lresolv -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc'; Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2012/5/31 Noel O'Boyle > Yes - I doublechecked. The latest SWIG still fails. > > What I can do is add in the output of perl -V:perllibs. This

Re: [Open Babel] Weighted-rotor search

2012-07-13 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello, You should use: ff.GetCoordinates(mol) Where ff is your OBForceField class and mol is OBMol. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2012/7/13 scott_m > That's great, many thanks for the help. One other thing, I mentioned pybel > becaus

[Open Babel] Openbabel in Python in concurrent processes

2012-07-20 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
y thoughts? Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl -- Live Security Virtual Conference Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and threat landscape has changed and

Re: [Open Babel] Openbabel in Python in concurrent processes

2012-07-20 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Xen) for memory intensive computing. I must say that I'm pretty disappointed with those results, although it's quite obvious... Out of curiosity I'm going to rerun the tests on KVM and probably on OpenVZ to see how it goes there. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac

Re: [Open Babel] Openbabel in Python in concurrent processes

2012-07-21 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Oh, I forgot to mention that. I use CentOS and ScientificLinux 6, both HVM. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2012/7/20 Craig James > Did you see this article? You didn't say what Linux you are using, but if > it's Ubuntu, this ma

Re: [Open Babel] PHP binding

2012-07-26 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, Is it possible to set up those PHP bindings in SVN branch? I'm willing to make some testing and write some example/test files. Unfortunately I have little experience with CMake to make it by my own... Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 201

Re: [Open Babel] OpenBabel to split multimol2 file but without changing bond types?

2012-10-04 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Have you tried "copy" output format? -ocopy Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2012/10/4 Juliette Pradon > Hello, > > I am using OpenBabel to split a multimol2 file into separate mol2 files > (i.e. one mol2 file per compound

[Open Babel] Copy format in Pybel

2012-11-08 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Is pybel suppose to support 'copy' format? I try to make it work, but it generates empty string. Proof of concept: >>> mol = pybel.readstring("smi", "c1=CC=CC=c1") >>> mol.write('copy') '' I'm on latest SVN openba

Re: [Open Babel] Copy format in Pybel

2012-11-09 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
That was just a "proof of concept" piece of code. I wanted to process some molecules and try to leave them intact. Thanks for information. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2012/11/8 Geoffrey Hutchison > > Is pybel suppose to support

[Open Babel] OB binginds segfault on EL5

2012-11-29 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
orks fine on the same set of compounds. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl<https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=mac...@wojcikowski.pl> -- Ke

Re: [Open Babel] Problem with --gen3D Open Babel 2.3.1

2013-01-20 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Have you tried it with OB 2.3.2? Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/1/20 David García Aristegui > OK, is an open bug http://sourceforge.net/p/openbabel/bugs/833/ > > > Hello, i'm trying to assign 3D coordinates to this SMILES str

Re: [Open Babel] Problem with --gen3D Open Babel 2.3.1

2013-01-20 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
631 6944641 7044651 1 molecule converted Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/1/20 David García Aristegui > OK, in the News section of the Openbabel main page is announced > "2011-10-17 Open Babel

Re: [Open Babel] Version 2.3.2: --AddPolarH with --gen3D

2013-01-21 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Gen3d is calling addhydrogen before forcefield calculation, So you might want to delete some hydrogens afterwards. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/1/21 David García Aristegui > Hello, i'm unable to generate the 3D coordinates and at

[Open Babel] Residue support in Pybel

2013-02-20 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
think it's a good idea would it be possible to add it to trunk? PS. How is github/git integration going? Github repo seams to be forgotten since initial sync somewhere in October 2012... Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl<https://mail.google.com/mail

Re: [Open Babel] obminimize

2013-02-27 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Try: obminimize -ff MMFF94 -sd source.sdf > target.sdf Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/2/27 Оги Боги > Hi guys, > > I am trying to use obminimize under 64bit windows 7 in order to minimize > geometry of molecules inside multimo

Re: [Open Babel] openbabel + confab

2013-03-12 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
According to current webpage of tree.hh it's released on GPL3 OR 2 [ http://tree.phi-sci.com/] Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/3/12 Geoffrey Hutchison > > For some internal purposes, I wanted a combined openbabel/confab code >

Re: [Open Babel] openbabel + confab

2013-03-19 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Try cherry-picking a commit. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/3/18 Noel O'Boyle > Hi David, > > Can you put all of the Confab-related code on a branch so I can get at > them without pulling the other unrelated co

[Open Babel] PHP bindings

2013-04-12 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
rting data and molecules depiction. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl<https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=mac...@wojcikowski.pl> -- Precog is

[Open Babel] OpenMP in bindings

2013-05-17 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, Does anybody know, if MMFF94 with OpenMP works in any bindings? It works fine in CLI, but bindings ignore that. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl<https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=mac...

Re: [Open Babel] OpenMP in bindings

2013-05-20 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
It turned out they work, as they should. For future reference: using opcode caching in PHP (like APC, xCache, etc) prevents it from using OpenMP. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/5/17 Geoffrey Hutchison > > Does anybody know, if MMFF9

Re: [Open Babel] python api question

2013-06-05 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello, Sure - try atom.atomicnum (pybel) or OBAtom.GetAtomicNum() (openbabel). It returns atomic number of element (fe. C - 6). Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/6/5 Dimitri Maziuk > Hi all, > > I'm after the atom (element) type

Re: [Open Babel] python api question

2013-06-05 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
If you realy need symbol of an element in automated fassion, then there is OBElementTable.GetSymbol( atomicnum ) that you can use. http://openbabel.org/dev-api/classOpenBabel_1_1OBElementTable.shtml#a18907ad1590deb926b43c4f08cac9405 Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac

Re: [Open Babel] python api question

2013-06-05 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Yes. etab = ob.OBElementTable() etab.GetSymbol(6) Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/6/5 Dimitri Maziuk > On 2013-06-05 02:54, Maciek Wójcikowski wrote: > > If you realy need symbol of an element in automated fassion, then the

Re: [Open Babel] Atom numbers again, this time from python

2013-06-05 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
: None should be 'b' : '' if you wish to pass empty value, since None is reserved for options without value. You could look into that in pybel.py file. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/6/5 Dimitri Maziuk > Hi everyon

Re: [Open Babel] SMILES, SMARTS, and PDB

2013-07-06 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Search for performance reasons. For further lecture: http://openbabel.org/wiki/FastSearch Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/7/5 Brett T. Hannigan > I have a database of molecules in pdb files. I'd like to go through each > molecule and see i

Re: [Open Babel] SMILES, SMARTS, and PDB

2013-07-08 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
s name could be (although it's the most error prone). Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/7/8 Brett Hannigan > Unfortunately, I don't think that's quite what I need. The obabel filter > command will look at the given pdb and then outpu

Re: [Open Babel] SMILES, SMARTS, and PDB

2013-07-08 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
You could also look into ProDy, if you use PDB files. http://www.csb.pitt.edu/prody/reference/atomic/flags.html#term-hetero Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/7/8 Maciek Wójcikowski > I think you need custom code. For python, you could use py

Re: [Open Babel] Count Molecules

2013-08-21 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello, For sets that are not extremly big (as it could get quite long), I'd suggest converting to smiles and counting the lines: obabel input.mol2 -o smi | wc -l Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/8/20 Dimitri Maziuk > On 08/20/2013

Re: [Open Babel] create a database with openbabel

2013-08-22 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello, The other choice, if you prefer MySQL, is Mychem http://mychem.sourceforge.net/. But I'd say neither of them is easy to use for unexperienced user (unless you have at least some DB knowledge). Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/8/22 St

[Open Babel] DiSCuS [pre-release] - Database System for Compound Selection

2013-08-24 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
te me an email or comment on G+. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl -- Introducing Performance Central, a new site from SourceForge and AppDynamics. Performance Central is your s

Re: [Open Babel] Can't make it work on a Redhat X64 platform!

2013-10-25 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, Besides PYTHON_PATH please try adding the directory with openbabel.so.4 to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/10/25 Zhengyh > Greetings, > I was compiling the openbabel 2.3.1 version with binding for Python on >

Re: [Open Babel] Which is the function in API doing the same thing as --join

2013-10-25 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, Have you tried mol1 += mol2? I use it for joining proteins with ligands, but should work in any case. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/10/25 Zhengyh > Hello, > > Thank you all who are helping me with this openbabel. > We use --

Re: [Open Babel] Can we just copy the compiled files to another account ?

2013-10-30 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, You also have to copy the bash variables you've set. Have you done that? There is no reason it shouldn't work, unless you've configured it right. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/10/30 Zhengyh > Greetings, > > I

[Open Babel] Openbabel and Lone Pairs

2013-11-08 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
, or at least recognise Lp/*, as in mol2/sdf, atom types and ignore them. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl -- November Webinars for C, C++, Fortran Developers Accelerate application

[Open Babel] baPHPel

2013-11-19 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
There are few things missing which I intend to fix asap (mainly involving forcefields and fingerprints) due to SWIG errors. Any thoughts/ideas? Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl --

[Open Babel] Bindings - first and last molecule option

2013-12-03 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
nt to skip, as in example in Wiki [ http://openbabel.org/docs/current/UseTheLibrary/PythonExamples.html] ---- Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl -- Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affe

Re: [Open Babel] Bindings - first and last molecule option

2013-12-03 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
ecognizing the beginning and the end of the molecule it wouldn't do anything especially kekulization and bonding etc. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/12/3 Dimitri Maziuk > On 2013-12-03 04:28, Maciek Wójcikowski wrote: > > Hello,

Re: [Open Babel] Bindings - first and last molecule option

2013-12-04 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
This only proves, that I really want to use it. Is the proof.py script working correctly for anybody (attached in previous mail)? It should ouptut molecules no. 5-10 out of 100 in proof.sdf Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/12/3 Chris Morley

Re: [Open Babel] Bindings - first and last molecule option

2013-12-12 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
ead or ReadFile, then it should work. Unfortunately I struggle to find the spot. Tried to add it to ReadFile, but it does not work. Any better ideas? Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/12/5 Geoffrey Hutchison > This only proves, that I really want

Re: [Open Babel] Bindings - first and last molecule option

2013-12-13 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello again, I've fixed the issue here: https://github.com/openbabel/openbabel/pull/52 Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2013/12/12 Maciek Wójcikowski > I think, I've pin-pointed the issue in the source - OBConversion class. > Th

Re: [Open Babel] missing obabel executable when compiling by sources on HPC

2014-01-15 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
I think you should build with SHARED = True and append correct directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which probably should look like: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/openbabel/openbabel-2.3.2-install/lib Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2014/1/15

Re: [Open Babel] running Open Babel in parallel / distributed mode

2014-02-03 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
You can also use xargs. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2014-02-03 16:10 GMT+01:00 Igor Filippov : > How is it different from GNU parallel? > http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/GNU-Parallel.html > > Igor > > > On

Re: [Open Babel] running Open Babel in parallel / distributed mode

2014-02-04 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
be: cat commands.sh | parallel -P 8 > log 2> error.log (or 2>&1 if someone prefers joint log) ---- Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2014-02-04 11:58 GMT+01:00 Francois Berenger : > On 2/4/14, 6:28 PM, Noel O'Boyle wrote: > >> It

Re: [Open Babel] Generating a diverse set of conformers

2014-05-07 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, Is the input molecule flexible? It would be much easier to test if you could sent it to the list. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2014-05-07 11:19 GMT+02:00 Fredrik Wallner : > Continue by running > obabel -L formats > and > o

Re: [Open Babel] Generating a diverse set of conformers

2014-05-13 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
s -o smi Above command will output 2 conformets. I can't pin-point the problem with this molecule yet,but still there is a solution. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2014-05-13 13:38 GMT+02:00 Douglas Houston : > Can I just check people rec

Re: [Open Babel] Generating a diverse set of conformers

2014-05-13 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
ds, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2014-05-13 14:06 GMT+02:00 Maciek Wójcikowski : > We've received the input file. Of course there is problem with it, when > you pass it through mol2 file, then your fine. Also obabel reports "-nan" > scores for original

Re: [Open Babel] MACCS key 44

2014-10-20 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello Andrew, I created pull request on github [ https://github.com/openbabel/openbabel/pull/96] Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2014-10-20 15:14 GMT+02:00 Andrew Dalke : > Hi all, > > Open Babel's MACCS definitions derive from RDKit&

Re: [Open Babel] Compressed pybel.Outputfile output

2015-04-25 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
out of the box. Otherwise Stefano's solution is the one you go for. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2015-04-25 0:45 GMT+02:00 Matthew Lardy : > Hi Stefano, > > That worked! Thanks! > Matthew > > On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 3:34 PM,

Re: [Open Babel] access all properties from mol2 file

2015-04-30 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, Currently only UCSF Dock-style data fields are supported in mol2 files, and you have to specify -ac or -xc option to read/write it from/to a file. Can you give example of such mol2? Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2015-04-30 17:16 GMT+02:00 Hitesh

Re: [Open Babel] access all properties from mol2 file

2015-04-30 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Got it. OpenBabel currently does not support @COMMENT, where the data sit from Gold. You can save docked conformations as SDF file and normalize them. There is no other solution, as Gold embeds SDF style variables in @COMMENT. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac

Re: [Open Babel] obabel -L conformer

2015-05-29 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello, What version od OB are you using? I would recommend checking latest master branch on github. Actually it has confab bundled, which was suggested by Pascal, while confab on itself also uses ancient version (2.3.1 as I remember correctly). Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek

Re: [Open Babel] splitting molecule file - the hard case

2015-11-10 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
(): > print m Note that m is an OBMol object, so to get pybel molecule you need to initiate it via Molecule class: for m in mol.OBMol.Separate(): > print pybel.Molecule(m) Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2015-11-10 16:59 GMT+01:00 Fil

Re: [Open Babel] splitting molecule file - the hard case

2015-11-10 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
FYI The obabel -m option you've used separates molecules in multi-mol2 file - the molecules must already be in separate molecule blocks. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2015-11-10 19:54 GMT+01:00 Filip Stefaniak : > Hi Maciek, > > Maci

Re: [Open Babel] azoxy

2016-01-05 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
s for dock method: http://oddt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/rst/oddt.docking.html#module-oddt.docking.AutodockVina Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-01-05 12:14 GMT+01:00 Stefano Forli : > Hi Stefano, > the problem with the PDBQT format is that connectivity is i

Re: [Open Babel] pdf export

2016-01-21 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
ou have to enumerate all the columns you'd like to include. I would also second a CSV output format to write all the properties. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-01-21 22:43 GMT+01:00 Chris Swain : > Hi, > > Is there an output format tha

Re: [Open Babel] pdf export

2016-01-22 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
from oddt.virtualscreening import virtualscreening as vs pipeline = vs() pipeline.load_ligands('sdf', 'ampc/actives_final.sdf.gz') pipeline.write_csv('ampc_docked.csv') Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-01-22 14:17 GMT+0

Re: [Open Babel] PAINS filtering

2016-03-15 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
. (although currently it uses Rajarshi's SMARTS definition). I have to update those to Greg's revised version. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-03-15 18:54 GMT+01:00 Stefano Forli : > About that, a while ago I had compiled an OB-compatible d

Re: [Open Babel] problem with residue detection

2016-04-11 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, Add "-xl" to the command line (which ignores the residues for mol2). Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-04-11 19:08 GMT+02:00 Fredy Quevedo : > Dear all: > > I am having some problem with the conversion of a .smi file to

Re: [Open Babel] set the atom type in python interface

2016-04-13 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
ble.Translate(a.type) for a in lig.atoms] ---- Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-04-13 19:13 GMT+02:00 Yun Ding : > Dear all, > > > I would like to get the SYB type of the atom using the python interface, > however, it always gives the INT t

Re: [Open Babel] generating conformers with open babel

2016-05-03 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello, I think that Confab is available only in current development branch. Check "obabel -L confab" to see if it's there. If not then you'd have to use conda or compile it yourself. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-05-03 12:1

Re: [Open Babel] Question about file conversion

2016-05-09 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
ame", like "c1c1 benzene" Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-05-09 4:35 GMT+02:00 Brendan M. O'Boyle : > Hello, > > I am trying to use OpenBabel and iBabel to convert SMILES strings into sdf > files for manipulation with

Re: [Open Babel] Problem with Pybel installation for Anaconda

2016-10-15 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, Indeed for some reason InCHI is not built on windows. I'll have to fix it, stay tuned for updates. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-10-15 9:30 GMT+02:00 Noel O'Boyle : > I can't comment on the anaconda parts, bu

Re: [Open Babel] MOPAC

2016-11-15 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Babel is deprecated in 2.4, maybe that's messing with your app? Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-11-15 12:45 GMT+01:00 Chris Swain : > Hi, > > Thanks, that works fine. > > Chris > > On 15 Nov 2016, at 11:06, Pascal Muller

Re: [Open Babel] OpenBabel for Python 3?

2016-11-30 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi Sanjan, Since you've already have (Ana)conda, the easiest solution whould be installing it via conda: "conda install -c openbabel openbabel" Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2016-11-30 3:46 GMT+01:00 tpsanjan : > Hi, > > I

Re: [Open Babel] How to Install openbabel for Python 3.6 on macOS Sierra 10.12.3

2017-02-13 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello, Python 3.6 support is not there yet. It should be added soon. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2017-02-13 5:31 GMT+01:00 i4hashmi : > I am using Python for making a script to work with some chemical structures > in my PhD. I want to i

Re: [Open Babel] About pybel module installation

2017-04-09 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hello, What you need is openbabel package not pybel: "pip install openbabel" See https://pypi.python.org/pypi/openbabel Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2017-04-06 1:23 GMT+02:00 Phuong Do : > Hello, > > I intend to use pybel modu

Re: [Open Babel] Error when using compound.draw() in pybel installed by conda - PNG depiction support not found.

2017-05-31 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
this issue and try to support PNG files. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2017-05-31 11:06 GMT+02:00 Hongbin Yang : > Hi, > > I installed openbabel via `conda install -c openbabel openbabel`. > > I wanted to draw the molecule like >

Re: [Open Babel] Error when using compound.draw() in pybel installed by conda - PNG depiction support not found.

2017-05-31 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
I've rebuilt the Python 2.7 packages for Windows (the rest is still compiling), and the PNG should work now. Update openbabel package to 2.4.1 py27_3: `conda install -c openbabel openbabel`. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2017-05-31 13:16 GMT+

[Open Babel] Submolecule from OBMol

2017-06-17 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi all, Quick question: I have OBMol and want to create a sub-molecule from a subset of atoms given by atom/bond indices. Is there a clever way to do it in OpenBabel? I'm aware that I can make a copy and prune the unwanted atoms ;) Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowsk

Re: [Open Babel] Submolecule from OBMol

2017-06-19 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
The last BeginModify should be EndModify. Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2017-06-19 16:39 GMT+02:00 Maciek Wójcikowski : > I'm trying to get back the ECFP environments, most preferably as smiles. > So it's literally a list of connecte

Re: [Open Babel] Submolecule from OBMol

2017-06-19 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
l_clone Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2017-06-19 15:53 GMT+02:00 Noel O'Boyle : > This would be a useful API function. > > If it's a disconnected portion of the molecule, and you wanted to > write a smiles, there is a fragment option

Re: [Open Babel] Submolecule from OBMol

2017-06-19 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
No worries :) I planned to do Chem.FindAtomEnvironmentOfRadiusN() and Chem.PathToSubMol() in RDKit, but the function you've suggested is also feasible. @Geoff - the smiles fragment does not perserve any bond information from what I've tested so far. Pozdrawiam, | Best regar

Re: [Open Babel] Submolecule from OBMol

2017-06-19 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
dxs))}).strip() ---- Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2017-06-19 17:19 GMT+02:00 Maciek Wójcikowski : > No worries :) I planned to do Chem.FindAtomEnvironmentOfRadiusN() and > Chem.PathToSubMol() in RDKit, but the function you've suggested is also

Re: [Open Babel] Define origin for ECFP2 fingerprints

2017-10-16 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
rints-with.html) although OBMolAtomBFSIter is buggy and does not work correctly with disconnected molecular parts, which will happen with proteins ( https://github.com/openbabel/openbabel/issues/1639). Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2017-10-16 15:27 GMT+02:00

Re: [Open Babel] Help with generation of atom names in mol2 format

2018-01-19 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
ue will be ignored, but you can name the residue to whatever you want via res.SetName('BLAH') Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl 2018-01-18 23:57 GMT+01:00 Antonio Jesus Banegas Luna < ajbane...@alu.ucam.edu>: > Hello all, > > I&#

Re: [Open Babel] Adding hydrogens before docking

2018-11-03 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
Hi, This is highly dependent on docking software. Autodock Vina requires only polar hydrogens, but others will differ. Best, Maciek sob., 3 lis 2018, 11:28: Noel O'Boyle napisał(a): > You need to add all hydrogens. I have never understood why those options > are provided. > > On Thu, 1 Nov 20

Re: [Open Babel] Access OBElementTable from C# binding OBDotNet.dll

2019-11-10 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
openbabel namespace, so you need to import it as follows: > from openbabel import openbabel Pozdrawiam, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl niedz., 10 lis 2019 o 15:23 Yang, Chengxi napisał(a): > Hi Openbabel Team, > > I noticed that you have removed t

Re: [Open Babel] Converting pdbqt to sdf

2021-03-11 Thread Maciek Wójcikowski
, | Best regards, Maciek Wójcikowski mac...@wojcikowski.pl czw., 11 mar 2021 o 09:46 Eduardo Mayo napisał(a): > Hi OpenBabels users, > Nice to join the community. > I would like to convert pdbqt file to sdf file without using openbabel > itself. I mean why should my project has another dep