Re: [Open Babel] Fingerprints

2013-02-14 Thread Chris Morley
On 14/02/2013 08:49, Saulė G. wrote: > Dear Sir or Madam, > I am using your products for a fast search of molecule in > DB//Crystallography Open Database ( ) . > I am using fingerprints and i really need to know > what means each bit. Is this information anywhere or

[Open Babel] Fingerprints

2013-02-14 Thread Saulė G .
Dear Sir or Madam, I am using your products for a fast search of molecule in DB* *Crystallography Open Database ( ) . I am using fingerprints and i really need to know what means each bit. Is this information anywhere or could you tell me this? Looking forward to yo

Re: [Open Babel] fingerprints

2012-05-14 Thread Björn Grüning
Am Sonntag, den 13.05.2012, 20:34 -0700 schrieb sandeep: > hello evryone, > > How FP4 and MACCS fingerprints differ from each other ? The underlying substructures are different. Please see: Kind regards, Bjoern > -- > View this message in

[Open Babel] fingerprints

2012-05-13 Thread sandeep
hello evryone, How FP4 and MACCS fingerprints differ from each other ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at -

Re: [Open Babel] Fingerprints & plugin loading system

2011-12-05 Thread Jérôme Pansanel
Hi, The code instantiates a Conversion object before searching for Fingerprint types. Adding an extra OBConversion instantiation did not change anything. I have also used 'strace' to follow the problem and I did not find any error (the openbabel libraries are correctly loaded). Any hints on how

Re: [Open Babel] Fingerprints & plugin loading system

2011-11-17 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
On Nov 17, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Andrew Dalke wrote: > # In Open Babel 2.3.0, OBConversion() must be called before trying to > # find any plugin. This was not needed in earlier releases. > ob.OBConversion() There's a patch under discussion that would eliminate this for 2.4. Basically, we switched f

Re: [Open Babel] Fingerprints & plugin loading system

2011-11-17 Thread Andrew Dalke
Hi Jérôme, > It seems that the fingerprints are not loading like before. I had a similar problem with OB 2.3 support in chemfp. Here's the comment from the code: # In Open Babel 2.3.0, OBConversion() must be called before trying to # find any plugin. This was not needed in earlier releases. ob

[Open Babel] Fingerprints & plugin loading system

2011-11-17 Thread Jérôme Pansanel
Hi, I'm currently working on Mychem, and in particular, the support of Open Babel 2.3.0. It seems that the fingerprints are not loading like before. Here is a code example: [...] string instring(molecule); string fpType(type); istringstream inStream(instring); char *fpStruct = NULL; uns

[Open Babel] Fingerprints

2009-10-28 Thread Vinay M
Hi Everyone,                   In fingerprinting babel -L fingerprints I found patterns.txt and SMARTS_intelligand.txt,Could you please let me the command to be used to eliminate the undesired functional groups like halides or aldehydes. ThanksVinay _