
I'm currently working on Mychem, and in particular, the support of Open
Babel 2.3.0. It seems that the fingerprints are not loading like before.
Here is a code example:

  string instring(molecule);
  string fpType(type);
  istringstream inStream(instring);
  char *fpStruct = NULL;
  unsigned long int fpSize = 0;
  unsigned long int *ulintptr = NULL;
  int *intptr = NULL;

  OBConversion conv;
  OBMol mol;

  if (conv.SetInFormat(MOLECULE_TYPE)) {
    conv.Read(&mol, &inStream);
    OBFingerprint *pFingerPrint = new OBFingerprint::OBFingerprint();
    pFingerPrint = OBFingerprint::FindFingerprint(fpType.c_str());
    if (!pFingerPrint) {
      return NULL;

    pFingerPrint->GetFingerprint(&mol, fp);

It returns always null (beacause pFingerPrint == NULL). Using the
following hack at the beginning of the file does not change anything:
#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
  // macro to implement static OBPlugin::PluginMapType& Map()

But if I add the following include :
#include "finger2.cpp"

It works fine.

Any hints or suggestions about this issue ?



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