I'm trying to get Pybel (OpenBabel 2.3.2) to export to PNG format in
Centos 6.5.
As I understood from the the docs, I just need to install Cairo; the
packages for Centos are cairo and cairo-devel. I also installed libpng
and libpng-devel.
This is the compilation command and (relevant) outp
em corrected so that your original code will work
> unchanged.
> Regards,
> Noel
Thank you, Noel, replacing pybel.py fixed the issue.
Carolina Román Salgado
Put Bad Developers to Shame
2014 11:54 AM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
> It's a bug in the Pybel release. Change the line in "draw" to
> formatok = obconversion.SetOutFormat("_png2")
> - Noel
> On 2 April 2014 16:44, Carolina Román-Salgado
> <mailto:carolina.roman.salg...
I'm trying to get Pybel (OpenBabel 2.3.2) to export to PNG format in
Centos 6.5.
As I understood from the the docs, I just need to install Cairo; the
packages for Centos are cairo and cairo-devel. I also installed libpng
and libpng-devel.
This is the compilation command and (relevant) outp