
I'm trying to get Pybel (OpenBabel 2.3.2) to export to PNG format in 
Centos 6.5.

As I understood from the the docs, I just need to install Cairo; the 
packages for Centos are cairo and cairo-devel. I also installed libpng 
and libpng-devel.

This is the compilation command and (relevant) output:

[yo@mol build]$ cmake ../openbabel-2.3.2 -DPYTHON_BINDINGS=ON 

-- Using included inchi library.
-- Could NOT find wxWidgets  (missing:  wxWidgets_FOUND)
-- Cairo found. PNG output will be supported.
-- Attempting to build the GUI
--    wxWidgets not found => GUI will not be built
-- Python bindings will be compiled
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/yo/openbabel_compilation/build

It says "Cairo found. PNG output will be supported.". Indeed, I get a 
png if I run:

/usr/local/bin/obabel -:"CC(=O)Cl" -O mymol.png -xO smi

But when I try to run my code using pybel

[yo@mol MDB]$ python get_data.py

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "get_data.py", line 30, in name_to_img
     pybel.readstring('smi', str(v_name)).draw(show=False, 
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/pybel.py", line 502, in draw
     raise ImportError(errormessage)
ImportError: PNG output format not found. You should compile Open Babel 
with PNG support. See installation instructions for more information.

I can export to PNG using a script sample for Cairo and using obabel 
directly, so in this point I don't even understand the error from pybel. 
How do I get PNG support or at least understand where the problem is?

Thank you


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