On 14/02/2013 08:49, SaulÄ— G. wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> I am using your products for a fast search of molecule in
> DB//Crystallography Open Database ( http://www.crystallography.net/ ) .
> I am using fingerprints and i really need to know
> what means each bit. Is this information anywhere or
You didn't say what Linux distribution this is. In any case, you need
to contact the maintainer of the package in the Linux distribution or
file a bug at the distribution's website. We just write the software;
someone else added it to Linux.
In answer to the second question, yes.
- Noel
On 14 Fe
I installed openbabel 2.3.2 in linux system 64bit using $ apt -get install
openbabel, it got installed. But when i am using it in command line to
convert the file formats, i am able to use only babel and not able to use
If i am typing $ obabel -H ,
i am getting the following on the
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am using your products for a fast search of molecule in DB* *Crystallography
Open Database ( http://www.crystallography.net/ ) . I am using fingerprints
and i really need to know
what means each bit. Is this information anywhere or could you tell me this?
Looking forward to yo