2009-05-14 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
THIS IS PRECURSOR OF THE REBORN BEAR. As overall markets have reached overbought culmination, the choice is: Enjoy the bear or pretend don't know. Sliding target: S&P 500 800. The 7 Wonders of Woven Stock (BG) will be first subjects for acquisition. THANK U & GOOD LUCK. Lieutenant Aimee, OC Co

Re: Bls: [ob] OPERATION CAKRABIRAWA (gombal amoh) ratu sima

2009-05-15 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA


2009-05-24 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
nd in "earth", U shall come out & return. Swimming in the bearish wedge river to its top can still yield something for good dinner before kissing June "Goodnight Goodbye" and date July to marry August. So, U choose what? Inverted Head & Shoulder or SIMPLY DOUBLE BOTT

Re: [ob] Project Wave 5 is CLOSED-Ratu SIMA dimana ya?

2009-04-22 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
BM yang baek, Pls check out my upgrades via Facebook. Facebook @ Ratu Sima My flight schedules doesn't enable me to be with OB for this time being. Thanks, indeed. Aimee

[obrolan-bandar] Fact or Fiction?

2009-03-13 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Good afternoon Indonesia & good evening NY time... I'm pre-informing U that this Monday I'm goin' to post a bit important thing. And it's goin' to be different. It's simply based on facts in the field. Please stay tune... Aimee, >From NY C updates Ratu Sima ... @facebook.com

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Fact or Fiction?

2009-03-13 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Monday Indonesia Time... Something wrong with market TERRAIN in that U should know QUICK. Temporary c/o updates @facebook.com

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Fact or Fiction?

2009-03-14 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Mintareja, Short squeeze kan sampe tgl 20 Maret. Jadi rally x ini dipicu 'kejar setoran' sampe option expiry date doang. Abis tuw, kembali ke selera asal. Cape dey. Yaa namanya short bear market rally mang gituuw... Tp nyanyian elo about SBI, obligasi kemaren mang relevan. Makanya Global MTN dah

[obrolan-bandar] MISTERI LEMBU SEKILAN

2009-03-15 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
(Selatan) bertahan : 70% (Utara) dukung bear rally. ARE U READY? Aimee, Ibu Tani C updates Ratu Sima @facebook.com

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To Mbah - Ekonomi is truly bottoming?

2009-03-19 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Misi numpang lewat, Aimee YAKIN ekonomi maupun pasar modal BELUM bottoming out. Aimee pernah kirim postingan supaya semua DIMOHON bersabar. SITUASI INI bisa terus berlangsung sampai akhir TAHUN ini. Negeri ANTAH BRANTAH perlu membenahi dulu sistem perbankan dan finansial sampai MEMULIHKAN kepercay

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Fw: Is It Time to Buy Banks?

2009-03-21 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
TOO LATE. Aimee, Ibu Tani Bercaping


2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Judul ini BUKAN salah 1 bentuk bearish pattern saja ya... DIMOHON perhatiannya, Kenyataan HARI INI, hanya sinyal KECIL untuk hari JUM'AT INI. Yang CERDAS: akan ambil keputusan tepat dan cepat. Aimee, Ibu Tani Bercaping (Penggembala Bear Rally tapi tidak pernah terbuai)


2009-03-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
The audience is STILL listening Embah TJ yang baek dan bijak, Aimee tahu ada permainan BANDAR-BANDAR MINYAK yang kurang baek di belahan dunia laen. Aimee ga mau, permainan PARA JEDI ini menipu gerak pasar modal & pasar uang. Terimakasih. Aimee, Ibu Tani Bercaping

[ob] DOW 7780 LEWAT & Amunisi Laskar Infrastruktur BEI

2009-03-27 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Hari ini Bull masih kuat walo udah OVERBOUGHT. Okay okay aja. SESUAI TARGET AIMEE, jika DOW 7780 dilewati, peluang ke 8100 cukup besar. DAN, jika Dow 8100 tembus, maka kita ucapkan WELCOME medium-termed bear rally. BESAR kemungkinan medium-termed bear rally sampe Dow 9000-an. IHSG? Baeklah. Aimee

Re: [ob] DOW 7780 LEWAT & Amunisi Laskar Infrastruktur BEI

2009-03-27 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Yang PENTING BD-BD MINYAK jangan terburu BANTING harga lagi aja... Aimee

Re: [ob] DOW 7780 LEWAT & Amunisi Laskar Infrastruktur BEI

2009-03-30 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
MR. MARKET emang masih PIG! Oil price dibanting lagi. Medium-termed bear rally belum jadi datang. SIAP-SIAP aja terjerembab. Pasang seat belt, payung, atau ngendon di bunker dulu. Aimee berharap oil price masih uptrending, eeey Jedi-Jedi Gila dah ga sabar banting lagi. Infra & persemenan cukup bagu

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Ho Kie: Controlable or Uncontrolable ?

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Embah, one of the keys to our firm leading succes is this principle: "99% work smart & 1% destiny". All the employees are trained in training camp with main mission of ingraining in mind of this principle. Love, Aimee

[obrolan-bandar] "WRATH IN THE VELVET GLOVE"

2009-02-13 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
A little reminder. After testing 7800, DJI will do over 7500 and 7000. This is subject to a few distinct factors: 1. Failure of 1 & 2 Q 2009 Financial Report. 2. Mounting number of redundancy & production cut, being led by major corporates, mainly manufacturing & electronics. 3. Bail out can

[obrolan-bandar] THE TRUTH UNVEILED

2009-02-16 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Aimee CAN'T see no more how slow & retarded the process of conspiracy clearing within SP & its alike. With how tough the market has been underway nowadays, this case MUST be tackled promptly & rightly. How national stock market CAN BE further saved if the common investors are poorly protected &

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: THE TRUTH UNVEILED

2009-02-17 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Tomorrow I'm leaving Guang Zhou and heading to Vienna, Austria. I promise you to report the current crisis development from there & share with you from some business counterparts' viewpoint. Please take care of your capital, and most importantly preserve your profit. Aimee, >From Guang Zhou

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: THE TRUTH UNVEILED

2009-02-17 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Dear Sylar_Fang, While enjoying my evening's cigar & a glass of red wine here, I'll explain a little: A great investor will only concentrate on growth stocks, of which its CANSLIM requirements are duly met. S/he will verify their fundamental real condition, such as earning growth, QonQ comparison,

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: THE TRUTH UNVEILED

2009-02-17 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Hi Embah, this noon call from a counterpart in Vienna revealed that the real market condition in East Europe is clinically dead, some affirmed. Austria is in West Europe but its economy has been one of lead. He said the debt the region owns has staggered its own GDP. That's why Dow Fut has suffe

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: THE TRUTH UNVEILED

2009-02-17 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Dear Yudizz, Comparison to that of 1930 is very close, though not identical. If you peruse the Great Depression Case, its total cap market that was swept away was revolving round 85 - 90%. Please follow on the pattern between 1929 - 1932 of Dow's. Then compare to the chart of 2008 - 2010 (at leas


2009-02-18 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Wieden, 5:30 am, 19 February 2009 Freezing cold here in Wieden, Vienna! People in Eastern Europe predict that the Eastern Eurozone Line is to suffer from regional economic debacle in bigger magnitude than that of East Asia in 1997/1998. Total Eastern Europe's current indebtedness is nearing 2

[obrolan-bandar] A Snap Punchliner

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Wall Street: Dear Citigroup, no worry be happy... things will be just fine. Gov: Yeah yeah we will nationalize U, baby citi. Citigroup: No need lah yaauw! We can convert our valuable preferred shares into common equity. Aimee & sane community: Wk wk wk wk... if investors won't purchase your cla

Re: [obrolan-bandar] A Snap Punchliner

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Bro Aria, It's ALL about money. No matter how significant people regard him as a Super Human-like thing on this planet. I just DON'T think so. Market reactions are always negating his every new decision in his new occupancy. Why? Nationalizing its 1 or 2 banks WILL trigger tens, hundreds, and ev

Re: [obrolan-bandar] A Snap Punchliner

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
People, Let's chat on this. 1. The current greening in Europe is NOT REBOUND. It's just a premature sentiment over reaction towards Citigroup's plan to convert its so-called 'preferred shares' into 'common equity'. Please read the news. 2. This plan is 'nihilism' given the fact that even with the

Re: [obrolan-bandar] A Snap Punchliner

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Dear Yuta, U sound smart. I believe U're. 1. I'm just a newbie around the corner. As a side-activity, we co-own one of leading foreign financial institutions across the world. Sometimes, when I am in good mood, travel around the world to see the reality of market condition. In my freetime I write

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: A Snap Punchliner...ADU ARGUMEN yg sehat...

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Okay, Embah. Noted. I respect you in person. As I'm still in my 20s, I will post in a little bit Slank language. Bahassa Perdana ney... Jadi lo semua gw harap sabar, super duper sabar sama kondisi market yang lagi berjalan. Secara fundamental big picturenya juga masey bearish abis. Gw masey di Du

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] LTLS Bagi Dividen

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Om BT, Yang bener ney? Rupiah mo 9.000 - 10.000? Yg gw liat beda Om. Malah keknya mo ke 13.000 - 15.000 dlm jangka menengah. Uncle Sam aja jor-joran ney jual bond, buat palagi kalo kaga buat dongkrak dollar dulu. Mending jangan terlalu berharap penguatan rupiah dulu. Buat nahan rupiah tuh modalnya

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: A Snap Punchliner...ADU ARGUMEN yg sehat...

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Ha ha... Cuman di market BEI trus terang ajah kita masey 'wait & see' abis. Gmn lagi di sini gw andelin komo, energi ma sejenis-sejenis 'moge-mogean'. Tapi secara minyak lagi kaga jelas, gw belum mo masuk krn gw lihat saatnya belum pas ajah. Kan kita orang ngetung dengan cermat antara risk ama rew

Re: next pgas Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Fw: ANTM (TP Rp1,275) - CLSA: The gold argument

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Kan akhir Quarter 1 di akhir Maret Bro. Jadi dihitung dari sekarang ajah. Kan Lapkeu-nya! Love, Aimee


2009-02-24 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
y is the gift you can take advantage of. Please set precise entry & exit points while perusing fundamental terrains. Forgive me if it may create inconvenience in you. Please promise me to take good care of yourselves and families. Love your capital and utmostly preserve your profit. Love, Ratu Sima (Aimee) The United Kingdom of Kalingga, Java


2009-02-26 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
t challenge U as your statement is OBVIOUS & to a great deal match ours. Only if U would share your 'sweetness & bitterness' with me, I would deeply appreciate it. And even if U mind doing it, It's just no problem. I can take care of my own... And I'll be waiting for yo

[obrolan-bandar] RATU SIMA 1 ON 1 VS BRAHMA KUMBARA

2009-02-26 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Mr. BK, U haven't replied my question yet. I'll change the game, Man! U want me to set my bet first? With the current terrains, our calculation of 700 - 900 may take up to Quarter 4 of this 2009. Throw your bet, Man. I'm here all for U now. Show your bet? Ratu Sima, The

[obrolan-bandar] Re: FAT BOY PART 2 (Alert for Little Ratu Sima)

2009-02-26 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Noted, Sir. Clear enough. I don't need your 'alert precaution'. I can take care of my own. Thanks so much for the message. Appreciated. This is my official message for all. "If we want to win the war, WE HAVE TO WIN THE BATTLES." RATU SIMA, KALINGGA

Re: [obrolan-bandar] TEORI KONSPIRASI OB from THE BIG BOZZ TEAM.

2009-02-28 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Fifi, Very good commentaries. Personally I really appreciate it. Btw, you don't need to worry because even market is bearish, people are still getting married & hiring bridal fashion. So your business is still going to be 'bullish' regardless of bearish, sideways, or bullish. Once, we tried your b


2009-02-28 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Dizz, Example: 1. Stock pick list = BU*I. 2. Bottom = 50. 3. Return = headache, backache, neck-ache, nausea, vertigo, tremor, cold sweat, hypertension, co*k engorgement, and so on. 4. Timeframe = depend on mood. Clear? (Kwk wk wk wk.) The market is still going on Dude. Take it easy! Love,

Re: zBls: [obrolan-bandar] NYANGKUT: The hidden truth

2009-02-28 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
2 thumbs up! Love, Newbie Aimee (Very very nubie loh)


2009-03-01 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Lieutenant Aimee speaking... I am, Lieutenant Aimee, leading a newly faction movement, namely CAKRABIRAWA OPERATION. CAKRABIRAWA OPERATION is led by middle ranked-army officers. Mission briefing: This is how it starts. Batch 1 Brigade Falling Wedge : march JCI to line 1230s. Batch 2 B

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI Technical

2009-03-04 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Memindahkan penumpang ke tanah??? Kwk wk wk wk wk... You're gonna stay forever young Embah for a great sense of humor!!! Kwk wk wk. Yudizz doncha cry lah yauww... Aimee


2009-03-05 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Brigade Falling Wedge : March JCI to line 1.273, then 1.235. Brigade Head & Shoulder : Build demarcation line to welcome Brigade Falling Wedge in 1.140. Brigade Inverted Cup & Handle : Congratulations for passing Lord Dow to Hanging Rope 6.666 and now 6.594. Period under this means 'COMA' for a


2009-03-05 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Embah, Bukan tidak mengikuti Main Index as U said, tapi BELUM. Emerging markets berpola pikir "Ketahanan pasar nasional kita secara fundamental masih kuat." Aimee opposes bahwa ini 'decoupling process'. Seperti sejarah membuktikan berulang kali, kepercayaan akan "ketahanan" ini akan terbukti salah

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Wave 5 is running

2009-03-11 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Reminding: Be extra cautious on stocks that have gone 'North'. We're still in 'Bearish' Mode. Anticipate 'Bullish Trap' at the 1st Chance. Weigh rationally between positive & negative correction... Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Wave 5 is running

2009-03-11 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Jolind, SAAT INI, pasar sudah sangat oversold. Kalo ingin melikuidasi posisi short, SILAKAN. Saya juga ancang-ancang ngambil posisi LONG, salah satunya ANTM. TAPI PERLU DIGARISBAWAHI, ini tidak berarti 'bullish' mode. Pelajari dulu apakah rasio koreksi positif dan negative commensurate, kalo tida

Re: [ob] hujan turun lagi..

2009-06-10 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
RD, please U don't worry. It is NOT going to be even significant. Instead, eye on AALI, BUMI, and INCO. Mau duit gak? Aimee

Re: [ob] Re: The next den BEI ? to Pak OEN

2009-06-12 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
. Demikian selingan iklan, jauh2 hari pemberitahuan ini udah dilakukan dan harap maklum. Lanjutkan! Detail trading portfolio = Facebook - Ratu Sima

Re: [ob] EROPA DAH IJO IJO NEH - kog kita makin parah merah nya

2009-06-18 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Tidak akan melewati 1950. Good luck! Ratu Sima, Kalingga

Re: [ob] EROPA DAH IJO IJO NEH - kog kita makin parah merah nya

2009-06-18 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
SEDIKIT PSY WAR YAA... biar seru. Kalo panik, turun lewat 1950 pasti dah buang gede. Emotional Quotient adalah kuncinya. Di lapak Aimee dilarang membuang di bawah 1950. Jangan terlalu di bawa hati. Akan ada saat lagi balikin CUAN. Segera menyusul kok. Tetap semangat! Ratu Sima, The United Kingdom

Re: [ob] MBAH, P. OEN : COMMENT PLS....

2009-06-18 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
jangan yah, KURANG etis begitu. Tapi selalu ada silver liningnya kok. Turun paling kencang tentunya akan membawa berkah naik paling kencang. Tinggal nunggu closing DOW nanti malam. Banyak barang bagus terdiskon murah. Ingat, Oil naek lagi kan. (Proses Oil Contango tetep berlanjut) Good luck! Ratu

Re: [ob] IHSG - Closing

2009-06-19 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
NYANGKUT APA OM... Candle penutupan hari ini manis kok, tinggal U mo berangkat ke 2200, apa nyanyi2 sendiri? Coba aja tarik garis support ke blkg. Simple.com Aimee

Re: [ob] IHSG - Closing

2009-06-19 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Ini R7 napa takut ama BCSA (Bilateral Currency Swap Agreement)?BCSA ma Jepang, rencananya mo distreamline dr IDR - USD - YEN menjadi IDR - YEN. Artinya, nggak perlu pusying-pusying mikirin fluktuasi USD yg rada sableng. Ane bocorin jumlah real BCSA senilai IDR 150 T. Berarti justru baik pengaruhnya

Re: [ob] Mental makin kuat

2009-06-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
To the point: Kesimpulan sementara hari ini: 1850 sudah di depan mata. Goood luck! Aimee

Re: [ob] Mental makin kuat

2009-06-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Anda, kalau bisa menyapu bersih hingga ke akar2nya, grup ini akan menjadi fundamentally idola di bursa lokal. Jangan main2 dgn *financial reengineering*. Selalu ada jalan yg lebih baik. Ratu Sima, The United Kingdom of Kalingga.

[obrolan-bandar] ATOMIC FALLACY

2008-10-07 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Is it the sign of reversal trend? It is NOT! Bush and the to-be Obama's administration are facing Trilogy of Disentanglements. The trilogy to cure revolves around: 1. Acute Default Bad Credit Chain Reaction 2. Failure to respond the complicacy with mis-investing bearing bankruptcy 3. Sluggishn

[obrolan-bandar] TOTAL RECALL

2008-10-24 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Afternoon Om, Tante, Eyang... This is Aimee. To avoid confusion over the BIG PICTURE, I'll say some short comment. The stock market will still GO DOWN & DOWN. The total market cap. in the US doesn't even compare the total mounting credit, financial, and housing accumulation. Maybe U'd be surpris

[obrolan-bandar] TOTAL RECALL (PART 2)

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
To continue my last week's sentence: "And when it fails..." PLAIN. Please never be diillusioned with 'soon rebound'. This Thursday & Friday is CRITICAL COORDINATE. As THEIR GDP is downstairing... (and the momentum) Redundancy is soaring... Bankruptcy is piling... Bank & financial industry is 'on

[obrolan-bandar] TERRAIN MAPPING (Temporary)

2008-10-28 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Dunno bout U people, 30% of ammunition is being spent to momentarily bubble TODAY's index. We are slapping the TRIO, wolve Infra, & few Komo. SPEED & GUT INSTINCT: pls mode ON. YOUR IMPRECISION IN SWAYING YOUR MOVEMENT rules Ur own Lady Luck. Remember : TODAY. GAMSA HAMNIDA, Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] BISAKAN FM ASING KABUR ??.... Re: DOW - Chart -

2008-10-29 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Please BE REAL Gentlemen, Your wandering thinking will ONLY give yourselves confusion. There's a proverb: CONFUSION leads to MASTURBATION. It isn't THAT complicated, though. Bottoming, rebounding, outflow, asset liquidation WHATSOEVER it is... won't happen on a stand-alone basis by JKSE. All conf

[obrolan-bandar] ANGRY STOMACH

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Afternoon, Those who've been able to sway the swords today, congratulations... U deserve it. Next agenda: as the rate momentum is JUST another TINY MARK IN THE BLOOD OCEAN. It for sure solely guarantees that FRIDAY SLAUGHTER is overnight before the red eyes. People, while the promised land is stil

[obrolan-bandar] BIBULOUS CHARDONNAY

2008-11-03 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
People, CONGRATULATIONS... Nonetheless, as always there will be two sides to every story. “The luckiest state of those who are aware & cautious supersedes the luckiest state of those who are oblivious” As I spotter the terrain, current acclivity still remains irregularity. Perhaps 20-30% : 1

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Obsesi

2008-11-03 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Market movement is THERE for a reason. LET IT BE. Current in-scenario ball is TLKM & its allies. Its Minister of Buffer's function is OUTDATED. Pls play safe. Aimee


2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Dunno what’s popping in your head… Me: ALL OF THEM. Clearly, all agri & CPOs are the FUTURE STOCKS. Apart from BAKRIE, UNSP remains A BEAUTIFUL BRIDE for every investor. Production capacity runs well. Export goes smoothly. So as AALI, the management is tight. Human Capital Investment is co

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Capital Flow update ---> Posting $2000

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Next TARGET is 1500 - 1600. NOT TOO LATE to join the bandwagon. One platoon was & still deployed AALI, LSIP, SGRO, UNSP, JSMR, SMCB, & SMGR. The special forces team, TRIO MACAN (INCO, PTBA, TINS/ANTM), has been under serious final briefing before its release concomitant with Obama pre-stage. Last

[obrolan-bandar] FRONTIER COMMAND

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Well well… This is NOT ENOUGH. Bearing in mind the EUPHORIA in the Promised Land. Following the ecstatic moment of truth and the market prevalence in EUROPE. We have drawn The CONCLUSION: The rally will be EXTENDED for another interval. Taste more some low hanging fruits… Converging with (

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: MENTAL ---> pak Oentoeng

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Seems the soldiers have been OUT OF BREATH. The spark did not IGNITE ANYTHING. Testing 1350 is VERY LIKELY, KOH BUDI. The big picture is STILL BEARISH, though. On 15 November there will be High Summit Meeting. Back to the PROBLEM: CREDIT! Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: MENTAL ---> pak Oentoeng

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Hallo! Clearly... (by this noon) The market prefers SOS, Om. It means people believe in the real value. People in the US & Europe are critical and logical. Euphoria Obama doesn't guarantee economic recovery. Lots of variables need to be created. My previous post explained that SOS effect WILL defi

Re: [obrolan-bandar] BI rate 9,50; Mohon Pencerahan Suhu2 OB

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Pls MIND GAMES won't work NOTHING... Or U are SIMPLY BROKE BROKE? And I see PTBA is potentially reaching low 3000... Ratu Sima, The United Kingdom of KALINGGA.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] PTBA 3rb??? (To Ratu Shima)

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Simple Om... If index proves true going down, added by the sentiment of BUMI & its sicking sting, FOR A WHILE, coal will be affected. (Not too mention the falling commodities in years ahead) Someone is REALLY ABOVE THE LAW. Trust me, it's scenario is Extremely Dirty. The good news is if U' re in

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BI rate 9,50; Mohon Pencerahan Suhu2 OB

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Waah, Letkol Oentoeng not aware... Pls don't COUP 'DE TAT BUMI first, kaaay? If U say 1000, the Colonial WILL not soon BUY BUMI. That's WHY, my feeder 1500 is to 'honeymoon' the Colonial then DO ATTACK COMMAND. Finally all THE KAY PANG can cheer significant BENEFIT. Weew, turn RAW again. So, ever

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA 3rb??? (To Ratu Shima)

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Yaaah, Om... The thread is PTBA. How can U divert to world stock market? I guarantee until 2010 30-40% of coal supply demand will increase. But NOW, circumstances are enableing it to reach the lowest. Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: bear ?? bull ??

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
U are not listening to me, REI. Don't limit yourself with bull or bear warrior! Only idiots do. It's the most idiot thing I've ever found in my life. Look at THE BIG PICTURE. Letkol Oentoeng predicted 1250. And our battalion have bet it worse: WELCOME 1100. This is PRE-OCCURENCE. Nb: I don't att

Re: [obrolan-bandar] bear ?? bull ??

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Om... Why should codify BULL or BEAR??? You'd be capee... Only idiot group classifies it into 2 separate parts. I believe until the midst of November bearish trend will go on, and see the summit's result. (1st track of Obama) Tomorrow, I think Westerling will return. How soon U can prove it 1250,

900.. too much expectation Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BEI 9xx - I Don't Care Anymore - (Let's Sing It Once More)

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
WHAT are U talking about Gentlemen? Today's transaction is only at 10 Bs. Then look at the high remaining offer about 240 Bs / 600 Thou lots. With even blind-folded eyes, U can figure it out where it is leading. Take X-tra Cautious Care care. Aimee, The United Kingdom of Kalingga

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: buat Bung DE

2008-11-20 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
I buy it, Dean Eargober. Not only U will do 'bellydancing'. I can cut your 'tiny ball' if U prove true. Aimee, The United Kingdom of Kalingga


2008-11-30 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
ge ahead. At least the intellectual pretty minister and the calm governor have been really working hard on this. And KPK, chase for more! I will contribute to deploy Kalingga's Special Unit Forces (KSUF) if you need some back up to restore the corruption in your republic. And IDX….. GBU, Indonesia. Amen. RATU SIMA, THE UNITED KINGDOM OF KALINGGA, JAVA. F-Off Disclaimer!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] buat Ratu SIMA : United Kingdom of Kalingga

2008-12-03 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
the value of currency is quickly drying during crisis. Save your family, children, and your future. With my deep respect and passion, RATU SIMA, THE UNITED KINGDOM OF KALINGGA, JAVA

Re: [obrolan-bandar] lets gets rock n roll with santa clause.

2008-12-05 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Oil May Fall Below $25 Next Year, Merrill Lynch Says

2008-12-05 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
line is done on step-by-step basis as the global economy is deteriorating. Most people think it as downturning of global market diminishing demand, but it doesn't solely stand on that logic. Oil $25, Dow , S & P 500 666. AMITABHA RATU SIMA, THE UNITED KINGDOM OF KALINGGA, JAVA

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Are we in Wave 3 ?

2008-12-10 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Aimee helps... DJI is in counter rally wave 4, Embah. It may sustain temporary uptrending up to 10.500. And please rest-assured that wave 5 hasn't come yet. Still away. It will happen after March and Aimee is convinced to bring it down up to as I have posted. The credit problem in Indonesia h


2008-12-25 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
en be swallowed as well. Message Aimee? Please everybody do your homework, the old adage still goes: Bull makes money, bear makes money, AND the pigs get slaughtered. Happy new year 2009... At the end of the day, what goes down will finally emerge. RATU SIMA, THE UNITED KINGDOM OF KALINGGA

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Good Bye BEI......IHSG 1780 --> TUTUP REKENING !!!.....

2008-10-06 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Dear Guys, Been a while. I've got nothing more to say but this year is "The Chosen Nightmare". With all due respect: It is strongly recommended to back off for your ultimate survival. The worst scenario is happening coz the light in the end of the tunnel is already off. This resembles "The Dar

[obrolan-bandar] Re: newbie mo belajar saham???

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
wheew, newbie newbie... means new, then buy... n sell n profit... no loss... profit profit but 'sometimes' chest menyempit... abis index 'sleep'... uuuh... aimee

[obrolan-bandar] Re: newbie mo belajar saham???

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Mr. Kang Ocoy... Weird name but mommy says it's a queen in Kalingga Kingdom of Java... Are you married or single? Your article's so sweet and log sometimes. Bet you make a nice sweet father and husband to your wife and kids, if any... Guess you're a PHD. For newbies, why not start with fe

Re: Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] PENTING ...Re: newbie mo belajar saham???

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Mr. Arnold, BES will support BEI with about 24 companies. Unluckily, not all of them are good-performing companies. Some are good, like Bukaka, PT. Though not huge but it's good enough to support ISX and surely JKSE. Hmmm... lovely. Love, Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: newbie mo belajar saham???

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Mr. Jacky, It's different between playing Nikkei & HS Index and playing stocks. There's a lot to learn so that you can make precise decision. Different stock different attitude. Depends on the issuer and market maker. Also trend and timing. If you wanna be successful, it's like when you build a ho

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Charisma Kang Ocoy

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Mr. CC, Who is Elaine? Excuse me, I've just been joining for 1 month and not know all of people here. I've just graduated from college and spend my time investing. My Papa told me to learn from here coz he's too busy in a company. Can you tell me who elaine is and who is pedagang kentang. So w

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Charisma Kang Ocoy

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Hiks hiks... Most men can't understand women's feeling. Mr. CC, by saying that do you realize that you've hurt me for doubting me? Please appreciate women, will you... Which ANTM or BUMI reaches 6000 first? Oil price increases, cost of mining company increases. Economy slows down, demand for commo

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Fwd: Fw: Oil Price May Drop `Sharply' on Lower Demand in 2008, {01}

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Think so, Mr Dean... My lecturer told us in college told me during recession or depression, agregate demand decreases. Including those of mining, energy, and others. It happened in Britain during Keynesian Period. Or in US during Hoover n early Roosevelt in 1930s until post-world war II. Uhm, the

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: newbie mo belajar saham???

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
OMG, 21? I am 22. Cancel for love. Shy dong, then better be little brother. Hi hi hi... Btw, people are talking over which ANTM n BUMI is better. Both are definitively good. The question is which between ANTM n BUMI will reach 6000 first? Who replies? I'll hold ANTM. KMIIW Love, Aimee

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Charisma Kang Ocoy

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik Ratu Sima
Cleopatra's Cat... what's does it look like. Cleopatra is so beautiful. Why Mr. CC prefers to be her cat, not her husband? Emmm, index is sleeping tight. If it's dreaming monster, it can fall from bed which means 'drop'. If it's dreaming bird, it can fly away to the sky. No body's making stern

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Charisma Kang Ocoy

2007-11-23 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Mr. TA, so smart. Or the question is which both of them will get down 4000 first? Hi hi... Then I'd average down from 4200, 4175, 4150 then go hanging out with my ex-college friends. When 5000 sells and TP. Wheew... Market is sleeping soundly. Can't guess. But ANTM breaks 4675, then 5000. Hmmm.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] HIDUP ANTM....ANTM.....PASTI Rp. 5000

2007-11-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Excuse Om, Tante, Eyang... Uhm, today or tomorrow ANTM I believe can reach 4900 or 5000. Not only its products are diversified, but earnings have been smooth. Growth is EXCELLENT. And regional is that green. What to wait? Nothing. Riding my horse in JKSE horseracetrack. Heyah heyah. KMIIW.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Basic Stock Valuation Worksheet - Have Fun with It!

2007-11-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Ups, no emotion. Market is good. Why not focus on trading or going with rally? U can do that this noon, Mr. Kang Ocoy. Ting tong ting tong. Let's rally in marathon before oil >100 and windowdressing. And a... which is first reaching 6000: ANTM or BUMI? I still vote for ANTM! KMIIW Love, Aim

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Basic Stock Valuation Worksheet - Have Fun with It!

2007-11-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Yup Mr. T, My portfolio between both = 4 : 1. In addition, Ical's stocks are moody, sometimes. I focus on ANTM, TINS, & PTBA. YO YO Love, Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Antm & Bumi kejar2-

2007-11-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Uhm, I match ANTM with TINS, not BUMI. Just anticipating schedule of EGMS, devidend sharing, & stock split Somebody has real schedule. SS maybe January. Seems so. Meanwhile price in LME rises... Love, Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: HIDUP ANTM....ANTM.....PASTI Rp. 5000

2007-11-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Sssst... Om, no need so loud. Om Ical is also maintaning pride lah. Look at how round 2 will knock. Knock in or knock out? The winner always comes at last dong??? Love, Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Basic Stock Valuation Worksheet - Have Fun with It!

2007-11-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Hi Om, We target MEDC back to 6000. It's been a bit problematic with Exxon, Texas Oil, bla bla bla... I don't care. I want 5600 to 6000. Hopefully... PS: Hi Koh BZ. Go with the flow...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] No doubt, BUMI will will reach the 5000 line first

2007-11-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Hmmm, my intuition says BUMI will close by 4950 - 5050. If so, no big deal. The question is which between ANTM & BUMI will 6000 first, not 5000 first. End of December is still long way loh. Love, Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Basic Stock Valuation Worksheet - Have Fun with It!

2007-11-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Om TA, 7000? EOY? EOY I think both 5500 - 6000 first lah. No need so hurry. Little by little what matter is 'cuan'. Train passengers kan should drop, if no 'overloaded' loh... Btw, TINS will do some corp action. Only time... Love, Aimee

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Basic Stock Valuation Worksheet - Have Fun with It!

2007-11-25 Terurut Topik RATU SIMA
Mr. Kang Ocoy, 1. About Crude Oil passes by US 100, I don't think so. Why? Coz this level of psychology (US 99) has been gamed smoothly by US and AS. They have reached their target. Until King of US & AS finish their reign, I'm not sure price will up more than US 100. Pls remember that Kingdom of

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