Re: [OAUTH-WG] [Ace] Questions about OAuth and DTLS

2016-02-04 Thread Michael Richardson
in > RFC7250. Just because I had to look it up... 4279 - Pre-Shared Key Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security 7250 - Using Raw Public Keys in Transport Layer Security I thought perhaps it was some more specific mechanism... -- Michael Richardson , Sandelman Software

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [Ace] Questions about OAuth and DTLS

2016-02-08 Thread Michael Richardson
Ludwig Seitz wrote: > On 02/04/2016 03:31 PM, Michael Richardson wrote: >> >> Ludwig Seitz wrote: > Assuming we are using (D)TLS to >> secure the connection between C and RS, > assuming further that we are >> using proof-of-possession toke

Re: [OAUTH-WG] We appear to still be litigating OAuth, oops

2021-02-24 Thread Michael Richardson
Doesn't that go against all of the authentication security precepts that Google and others have been telling us? (*) - yes there are limited abilities to do this within gmail. But, it does not extend throughout the ecosystem. -- Michael Richardson. o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )

[OAUTH-WG] .well-known/jwks.json and constrained-voucher and RFC7517

2022-07-12 Thread Michael Richardson
cturer could have a CA trust anchor, and #1 and #2 might be provided via subordinate CAs, and only #3 needs to be transfered. (#1 is an EE certificate) draft-richardson-anima-masa-considerations actually discusses some of the options here. -- Michael Richardson. o O ( IPv6 IøT consult

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [COSE] .well-known/jwks.json and constrained-voucher and RFC7517

2022-07-13 Thread Michael Richardson
containing end points with semantics that we control/define. We already have /.well-known/brski, with IANA rules, so we should do it there. I'm sorry if this sounded like crying wolf :-) -- Michael Richardson. o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting ) Sandelman Software Works Inc, O

[OAUTH-WG] Re: [ID-align] Re: Fwd: Internet Terminology Glossary

2024-06-13 Thread Michael Richardson
o be an RFC; many wiki have the ability to reference a term at a specific date. ps: thank you for championing this, it's way overdue. -- Michael Richardson. o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting ) Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

[OAUTH-WG] Re: [ID-align] Re: Re: Re: Fwd: Internet Terminology Glossary

2024-06-15 Thread Michael Richardson
tion gets a higher status. In general, I think about the many (often vastly different) definitions that one can see in, for instance, the urban dictionary (.com). -- Michael Richardson. o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting ) Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide signature.asc