We are making good progress on our open source Java implementation of
OAuth2, as a part of RESThub (http://resthub.org) framework.
Source code and unit tests :
Documentation : http://bitbucket.org/ilabs/resthub/wiki/Security
We have
We are in support, and have implemented display
- cmort
On Aug 25, 2010, at 1:40 PM, "Marius Scurtescu" wrote:
> David,
> Here is some feedback I received internally from Greg Robbins:
> "Having "display" as an extension is useful, though considering the
> trend towards tablet devices lik
Here is some feedback I received internally from Greg Robbins:
"Having "display" as an extension is useful, though considering the
trend towards tablet devices like the iPad, "touch" and "popup" seem
orthogonal rather than mutually exclusive.
It would also be nice if the client could indi
Again, sorry for the slow reply.
On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Thomas Hardjono wrote:
>> First, concern was expressed that restricting the assertion to only
>> allow for a single element was too limiting.
>> The restriction basically limits the ability of a single assertion to
>> be issued fo
On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Thomas Hardjono wrote:
> Apologies for the late comments (below).
And apologies for my late reply.
> > What about the two bullets on AuthnStatement?
> >
> > o If the assertion issuer authenticated the subject, the assertion
> > SHOULD contain a single
The client should be capable of redirecting the user agent to the authorization
server, so the client has to be an HTTP server.
The authorization server then also redirects the user agent back to the client.
I agree that the description needs clarification. Especially the text "...and
I think that the meaning here is that the client can handle the HTTP
redirect back from the authorization server. Not that the authorization
server is making a HTTP request directly to it. Agreed that it could be
clarified. :)
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Stuebner, Christian (extern) <
I have a question regarding draft -10, section 1.4.1 - web server flow:
"The web server profile is suitable for clients capable of interacting
with the end-user's user-agent (typically a web browser) and capable
of receiving incoming requests from the authorization server (capable
of a