I have a question regarding draft -10, section 1.4.1 - web server flow:

   "The web server profile is suitable for clients capable of interacting
   with the end-user's user-agent (typically a web browser) and capable
   of receiving incoming requests from the authorization server (capable
   of acting as an HTTP server)."

Neither figure 4 nor the sequence description below mention "receiving incoming 
requests" again. 
At which point is the client required to receive incoming calls? Authorization 
code retrieval? Access token retrieval? Which interface should be used to tell 
the AS which URI is to be called?

In my opinion the "native application" flow covers mechanisms that could also 
be applied to the web server flow (e.g. custom URI scheme, providing a 
redirection URI pointing to a server-hosted resource, etc). I'm looking forward 
to draft -11 to see what happens to the client profiles.

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